Memetics discussion list archive (associated with Jom-EMIT)
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Starting: Sat 18 Feb 1995 - 01:28:30 GMT
Ending: Mon 19 Jun 2006 - 10:54:38 GMT
- " Directed Metation "
- " Hikikomori " / Social withdraw
- "Abstract" Memes?
- "childless couple told to have sex" meme
- "Darwin's Cathedral"
- "Explaining Language Change"
- "Ideas have a life of their own"
- "Ideas have a life of their own" (Origin of Quote?)
- "Memes" in a popular article . . . .
- "memetic realm"
- "minimum separabile" and the memetic code
- "Newage sewage"
- "Newage sewage" Part 1
- "Newage sewage" Part 2
- "news"
- "Smoking" Memes
- "unconscious" choice
- "viral marketing" on Radio 4
- 'Colorless Green Homunculi'
- 'Creationist' school has evolution debate
- 'Kidnapping' of Terminology
- 'Science' review of 'The Meme Machine'
- (culturgen) mutation
- (FROM MODERATOR) This is not a list to discuss the IRAQ War!
- (fwd) Another editorial
- (no subject)
- (part 2) Philosophy of Technology: scale and meaning; samenes s and difference
- (part 2) Philosophy of Technology: scale and meaning; sameness and difference
- (Reply to Benzon)
- (Reply to Benzon) I
- (Reply to Benzon) II
- (Sociology's problems)
- +ve or -ve curvature (was: necessity of mental memes)
- -More on morphogenetic fields
- ....and the beat goes on and on and on...
- ....and the beat goes on and on and on...)
- 10 years of "Thought Contagion"
- 1905 Aliens Act
- 2 quite interesting things in today's Nature
- 4 copies of my last message
- 66 lines about insurance against famine and war -- dpw
- <Insert SUBJECT LINE here>
- <no subject>
- >Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 16:41:26 -0500
- ?
- [2] The evolution of "evolution"
- [book review- the social life of information]
- [evol-psych] Critique of Memetics
- [evol-psych] Darwinian Poetry -- participants needed
- [evol-psych] Rationally speaking
- [evol-psych] Rock Art in Darwin's Cathedral
- [evol-psych] Success for distributed computing
- [Fwd: Announcement: Special Issue "Imitation in Natural andAr tificial Systems"]
- [Fwd: Announcement: Special Issue "Imitation in Natural andArtificial Systems"]
- [Fwd: Atran & Norenzayan/Religion's Evolutionary Landscape: BBS Call for Commentators]
- [Fwd: I love you 2.0] :-)
- [Fwd: Netdynam - Online Group Dynamics]
- [Fwd: Other: Creationism from Istanbul Uni./ TURKEY]
- [Fwd: Religion is the opiate of masses. Just say "no" to drugs]
- [Fwd: That's about it for mean, Intelligent DesignHypothesis]
- [jcs-online] Respsonse to Joe Johnson on JCS-online
- [Meme-mailer] subject line please? / cut up
- [Memes and sexuality]
- [MemeticFlowers] Message from
- [none]
- [paganwebpcola] Creative response to Phelps' hatred...
- [Psymus] Mozart Effect
- [untitled message from Ilf]
- _Religion Explained_ by Pascal Boyer
- _Religion Explained_ by Pascal Boyer (modified)
- _The_Redefinition_of_Memes:_Ascribing_Meaning_to_an_Empty__Cliché
- A 6000 level uni course in memetics
- a bibliometric analysis of memetics
- A brand new replicator in the making?
- a clash of mindsets (Ellis contra Branden)
- A Confusing Example
- A D-mode?
- A Definitopn of Terrorism by Christopher Hitchens
- A few bits (around half a megabit)
- A few days !!
- A Few Final Words (Fiction)
- A look at where consciousness lies in the brain
- A meme is...
- A memebank
- A memebank - Elvis
- a memetic experiment- an eIe opener
- a memetics book
- A misguided anthropologist
- A must read: Homeless children, demonology, spirits and memes
- A painfully honest appraisal from the horse's mouth...
- A paper on thought contagions in mass conflict
- A poem
- A Politically Incorrect T-Shirt...
- A Question for Wade
- A question of will
- A response
- A review of "The Selfish Meme"
- A Review of ' The Selfish Meme '
- A rich rivalry for wordniks
- a sample of Putin's memes
- A Seminal Text
- A shocking tail
- A Short Philosophy of History
- a study on Goth subculture
- A Tale of a Meme: ³Arabian Song
- A Tale of a Meme: ³Arabian Song²
- A Test
- A time for war.
- A useless meme for Chuck
- A Virian Thought of the Day
- Aaron Lynch
- Aaron Lynch and other matters
- Aaron Lynch?
- Abortion views and face time
- about omniscience through memetics
- Absolutist memes
- Abstractism
- Accidence and Inadvertance
- Accuracy of survey responses
- acronymious
- Action is universally based on belief...
- Adapted Mind--where memetics fits in knowledge space
- Adapted Mind--where memetics fits in knowledge space 2nd try
- Adbusters
- addendum
- Addendum to Kenneth
- addendum to mysticism etc.
- addendum to Quantum Physics/Consciousness
- Addendum: The Barren Desolate Wasteland of Superdeterminism
- Addiction
- Ads to encourage production of fuel-efficient vehicles
- Ads: The final frontier
- Advertising studies
- After girl's rescue, questions on why she didn't run away
- Ahead of TIME: The Saudis
- Aionism
- ality
- ality (cont'd)
- ality Pt. I
- ality, Pt. I
- ality, Pt. II
- All quiet on the memetic front !?
- All the better to see you with, No, not wolves, but starfish (crosspost)
- Allport & Postman's "The Psychology of Rumor" (1947)
- alt.religion.scientology
- alterations
- Altruistic Anger
- An Anglosphere Primer
- An article from
- An Essay on the Uses and Abuses of Power
- An Explanation of British Antisemitism
- An Individualistic Step
- An Informative Washington Post Story
- An interesting article
- An Interesting Article Concerning Religious Belief After 9/11
- an interesting convergence of behavior
- An interesting paper concderning a virulent contemporary meme
- An interesting paper...
- an odd addition to the axis of evil
- Analog Computers
- analog computing = useless hypothesis
- Analysis of succesful memes
- and a few I missed yesterday
- And just for fun (one of my all-time favourites)
- And Somalia too...
- and the US equivalent is even tighter
- And yet another interesting one...
- Animal Intelligence
- animal rights extremism
- animalia
- animals
- Another "Example" of the Radical Islam Memeplex
- Another book by Mark Turner
- Another Example of the Radical Islam Memeplex
- another excerpt
- Another flash point abuilding?
- Another Irreduceable Triad
- another memetic Zippy
- Another Mode of Transmission
- Another MOT?
- another new memetics book
- another new memetics paper
- another one
- Another paper integrating memes
- another reason I love Bucky
- Another small piece in the puzzle
- Another TV Expt.
- Anthony Flew #1 (from Free Inquiry magazine)
- Anthony Flew #2 (from Free Inquiry magazine)
- Anthony Stevens reflects upon the Self
- Anti-Americanism
- Anti-Americanism By Christopher Hitchens
- anti-communism
- anti-heroine, anti-hero, and villain
- Anti-Semitism and Ethnicity in Europe
- apologetics
- Apologies
- apologies from the mouthy englishman
- Apology
- Apoptosis
- Applied Memetics, a personal view
- Arafat
- Archives?
- are memes born of complex systems ?
- are memes born of complex systems?
- Are memes ideas?
- Are there any memes out there?
- arguments with the faithful
- Art deco TV
- artefacts
- Article for review
- Article linking human style intelligence to various animals
- Article, A Solipsistic View On Memetics
- Article, A Solipsistic View on Memetics - Part 1
- Article, A Solipsistic View On Memetics - Part 2
- Article, A Solipsistic View On memetics - Part 3
- Article, A Solipsistic View On Memetics - Part 4
- Article, A Solipsistic View On Memetics Part 6
- Article: Intro to Evolutionary Epidemiology of Ideas
- Artificial Brain? I'm sceptical.
- Artist v 'Scientist'
- attending to attention
- Aunger ribosomal redux (attention Chris Taylor and Derek Gatherer)
- Aunger speaks
- Aunger speaks, London 11th November
- Aunger vs. Pinker on Galton
- Aunger vs. Pinker on Galton attention attention Derek and Chris
- Aunger's ecological relationships
- Aunt Bee (Mayberry Revisited)
- Authority figures
- Awards
- Babies Names as signals of memetic change?
- Baby Not Crawling? Reason Seems to Be Less Tummy Time
- Back to basics
- Bacteria
- Bad times traits
- Bali Bombing Meme
- Baseball has been very, very good to me
- Baseball Test Case
- batting for bias
- BBS article on "A general account of selection"
- Beam me up, Scotty
- Belgian Minister Finds Not All cultures Equal
- Belief & Behavior
- Belief & Behavior--Islam, Apostasy and Blasphemy
- beliefs
- beliefs via education or vice versa
- Ben's Confusing Example
- Benzon on persona(e)
- Best place to locate the 'self' is in the brain: from the Virus List
- Between groups.
- Bi-and Tri- and Quatr- and Quintifurcation
- Bigfoot as Idea & Meme
- Bin Laden's Statement
- Bio
- Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
- Biologists and Wishful Thinking
- Biologists like memes (like memes)
- Biology and Philosophy 2004, 19(1) is interesting and free
- Biology of the father
- Biopolitics
- Birds Share 'Language' Gene with Humans
- birthdays
- Blackmore
- blackmore on the weakest link
- Blackmore's new hairstyle
- Blackmore's theory finally proven!?
- Blackmore/The "Self"
- Blaming
- Blaming America First (from Mother Jones magazine)
- Blue Peter. Was: Sources of novelty
- Blue tie
- body dysmorphic disorder ("bigorexia" or the "Adonis complex"?)
- Bones Reveal Some Truth in 'Noble Savage Myth
- Bones Reveal Some Truth in 'Noble Savage Myth'
- Bonus Points, poetic memes
- Book review: The Imitation Factor by Lee Alan Dugatkin
- book suggestion
- book/case study reference -- memes as catalytic indexical
- book/case study reference [2]-- memes as catalytic indexical
- Books . . . .
- books and papers
- Books on China
- Books please...
- Books please... (thank-you note)
- Boom! and you go to Heaven
- Born or Made?
- Bourdieu and meaning
- Bracing for Yucca Mountain's Nuclear Forever
- Brain Scan Memetics Paper
- Brain secrets of music melody
- Brain stores Memes as Form
- Brain_disease_shaped_Ravel's_Bolero
- Branding The USA
- Breath Mints: A Hot War for America's Cool Mouths
- bricks
- Brights
- Bruce Jones
- Bunsen on the Paris Hilton Sex Tape
- Bush's War on Terrorism
- Bush's War on Terrorism, Asian Viewpoint
- Busy-ness
- Call for entry to compete for the Zola Prize
- Call for papers: MASHO
- Callouses and Kings
- Camille Paglia on the Sixties mysticism and beyond
- Cancelling
- candid camera memes
- Capitalism as living system
- Cartoon meme
- Cartoon meme)
- Cartoon meme/ Final Analyses !?
- Carvings Spark Debate on Origin of Abstract Thought
- Casualty of War
- Casualty of War]
- catalytic indexical vs replicator
- cathars
- cats in a box
- causality lecture
- Cell communication
- Censorship !!
- Central Qs of memetics... Some Points/Ideas for Mr. Palson
- Central questions of memetics
- Central questions of memetics / Lawrence 1
- Central questions of memetics/ Lawrence 2
- Central questions of memetics/ Lawrence 3
- cfp - M2M
- CFP: AAAI FS 2000 "Socially Intelligent Agents - The Human in the Loop"
- CFP: Evolutionary Epistemology, Language & Culture
- CFP: Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS2003) @ AAMAS, Australia, July 2003
- CFP: special issue of JASSS on "Starting from Society"
- CFP: Special Issue of JoM-EMIT on "Computational Memetics"
- CfP: syposium on Memetic Theory in Artificial Systems and Societies (METAS)
- CFP: Workshop on Model-2-Model
- Changes after terrorist attacks
- Changes in China
- changing jobs and e-mails addresses
- changing subject a bit
- changing threads
- Changing threads/ addition
- Changing threads/ American Nationalism !?
- character assassination
- Charleton Heston sprech
- checkers
- checkers/ To Wade
- Cheney's Speech: Full Text
- Cherkin on the mnemons
- Children's names
- chimps at Blair Drummond
- Chimps taught the Three Rs...
- Chinese Statistics
- Choice and values
- Christianity Redux?
- Christinanity
- Chuck vs Richard
- Churchill quotation?
- Cichlids & Memes
- circular logic
- Civilisations as a System of Memeplexes
- Clincher?
- cliquey gits
- Clocks
- Clustered Water
- cognitive gestalt
- coins in the fountain
- common selves
- Commonalities
- Communism as a "religious" meme (renamed thread)
- Complete thoughts
- Complexity and Memetics
- Computer Meme Virus?
- Computer Used To Study Crowd Panic
- computer virus spreading rates
- conditional support for war on Iraq
- conference NYC, July
- conference, Valladolid, September
- Conflict That Takes Into Account Memetic Considerations
- confused
- Cons and Facades
- Cons and Facades - an aside on truth
- Cons and Facades - more on truth
- Cons and Facades - more on truth Pt. I
- Cons and Facades - more on truth Pt. II
- Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 1.A
- Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 1.B
- Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.A
- Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.Ba
- Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.Bb
- Cons and Facades/memetic engineering
- Conservative nightmares !!
- conspiracy theory
- contagion marketing
- contagionist reference in rugby commentary
- contagious terrorist methods
- Context
- CONTRADICTIONS IN SCIENTOLOGY [cults and reward mechanisms]
- Convergence
- Convergence + protein folding
- Cool one-liners
- Coordinated behavior among birds, fish, and insects
- Copycat Terrorism: JoM Paper
- Corner cases was Robert Aunger essay
- Corrected Erratum for technological bottlenecks and Movius line
- Correction
- Correction, it was flight 11
- Crash Contagion!
- Creationism & Intelligent Design
- Creativity in real-world cultural contexts
- Creatures / reading books
- Creatures of memetics
- Cretura vs Pleroma (Briefly)
- Criticisms of Blackmore's approach
- CTA talk
- Cui Bono Chuck?
- Cui bono, Chuck
- Cui bono, Chuck?
- Cult memes and endorphins
- Cultural change in China
- Cultural Evolution Workshop Proceedings
- Cultural fitness and the US tragedy
- Cultural Imperialism
- Cultural Imperialism as Idea & Meme
- Cultural Imperialism as Idea & Meme)
- Cultural relativism
- cultural species
- Cultural traits and vulnerability to memes
- Culturally Biased Transmission of Novel Traits
- Culture and Biology Inseperable
- culture and media
- culture and memetics
- culture as niche construction?
- Culture's effect on Genetics
- Curmudgeons cudgel
- Current memetics research.
- Current Policy on memetics: Branding the U.S. State Departmen t
- Current Policy on memetics: Branding the U.S. State Department
- Cutting off
- Dads and Cads
- Dan Sperber in Edge
- Dance craze
- Dancin' in the (9/11) Streets (with apologies to Bowie and Jagger)
- Darwin on cultural evolution
- Darwin's Cathedral
- Darwinian evolution vs memetic evolution
- Darwinian Processes and Memes in Architecture
- Darwinism and evolutionary economics
- Darwinism and evolutionary economics - a refinement
- Darwinism/ Chris Lofting
- Darwinism/ Lamarckism / Chris Lofting
- Darwinism/Lamarck -- reply to question 1
- Darwinism/Lamarck -- reply to question 2
- Darwinsm/ Lamarckism/ Chris Lofting
- data, information and knowledge
- data, information and knowledge]
- Dawkins & Convergent Evolution- the final word (?)
- Dawkins & Dennett on the Beeb
- Dawkins at "Meme Power" conference in Oxford
- Dawkins attributes mneme to Ewald Hering?
- Dawkins etc
- Dawkins in The Observer
- Dawkins in The Observer (forwarded from the Memetics List)
- Dawkins on Channel 4 tonight
- Dawkins on Channel 5 last night
- Dawkins on Darwin
- Dawkins View
- Dawkins was right all along
- Deadly memes
- Dealing With Fallacious Bizzarities
- Dean Kamen's machine: Segway aka Ginger aka It
- Debate opens anew on language and its effect on cognition
- Debunking pseudoscience: Why horoscopes really work
- Debunking pseudoscience: Why horoscopes really work...
- Dees' and Dace's war
- Defining and moving on
- definition of meme
- Definition please
- Definition, Please
- Delurk
- democratic communication
- Dennett & free will
- Dennett & memes
- Dennett article on post-modernism
- Dennett article on post-modernism/ To Lawry/ In addition
- depression and darwinism
- derivational history of the lexicon and reification of structure?
- Derrida
- Descartes' derailleur
- Design
- Determinism
- Determinism -- the brain is not enough
- Determinism is super
- Determinism)
- Determinism))
- Determinism]
- developing a new memetic/biosemiotics "science"
- Development and Evolution Book
- Did we change, or did the world change around us?
- Different words for the same thing?
- Differing TV images feed Arab, US views
- Diffusionism & Memetics
- discontinue
- discontinue - unsubscribe
- Distinguishing characteristics
- ditto
- DNA / culture ---> trivial?
- DNA Culture .... Trivia?
- DNA Culture .... Trivia? - the beat goes on...
- DNA Culture....trivia ?
- DNA Culture....trivia ?/ To Robert Grimes
- Dnosaurs and Cultures
- Do all memes die out or evolve? I think not.
- Dolphin meme?
- Dolphin philosophy
- Dolphins Show Language-Like Learning, Researchers Say
- Don't be too sure it's over yet, Keith
- don't post in html format
- draft abstract Sex, Drugs and Cults
- Drexler....the penny drops
- driving soap and tennis razors
- drug addiction as catalyctic "indexical"
- drug addiction as meme
- DS syndrome
- Durkeim's take on the categories
- Durkheim
- Durkheim (resend)
- Durkheim and the Wrong Marker
- Durkheim on historical origin versus current utility
- Durkheim redux
- Durkheim redux / To Scott
- Durkheim versus memetics
- DVD?
- e-list dynamics list info
- e-mail meme virus for someone who wanted it?
- earliest memetics paper?
- earliest memetics paper? and a question.
- Early Lunch
- Earworms
- Economic Long Waves
- Ed & Gen
- Edgar Allen Poe and the Big Bang
- Education and Genetics
- Edward Said
- eeing how the spirit moves us
- effective competition
- Egotism
- Ehrlich's _Human Natures_
- Einstein and Darwin
- electric meme bombs
- electric meme bombs (an aside)
- electric meme coins
- email address change Hans-cees
- Email virus spreads memetically
- Email virus spreads memetically; damages with autoimmune response
- Emergence - the concept, and evolution
- Emigrant culture change less than parent culture
- Emigrant culture change less than parent culture (was: Christianity Redux?)
- Emotion connected memes was Orthologs
- Emotional Expression
- Emotional Selection in Memes: The Case of Urban Legends
- Empathy
- Empathy part II
- emperors new clothes memes
- emperors old clothes
- empirical "memetics"
- Encoding
- End Of Thread
- England humour
- English: Becoming the Global Language?
- engrams
- Enough electric meme bombs already
- Environment for memes
- Environment for memes (lost sending again)
- environmentalism
- EP (memetics related) story in the Register.
- Epigenetic rules, archetypes, memes, culturgens
- errors r us
- Essays by Bernard Lewis
- Essays from Free Inquiry magazine (#1)
- Essays from Free Inquiry magazine (#2)
- Essays from Free Inquiry magazine (#4)
- eureka
- Eureka and story theory
- eureka redux
- eureka/ birthday
- EURO SPACE: A State of Mind
- Eurovision
- Eurovision !! To Derek
- Events we never saw
- Events we never saw (Y2K)
- Ever since Jeremby Bradley
- Ever Since Jeremy Bradley
- Evidence
- evolution
- Evolution at the speed of light
- Evolution of bird songs ?
- Evolution of Language
- Evolution of Languge
- Evolution of large brains (was Online Paper)
- Evolution of logic
- Evolution of Norms
- Evolution of ontogeny
- evolution of spam
- Evolution on PBS
- Evolution sans Phenotype (aka: RS revisited)
- evolutionary function of music on Radio 4 9pm tonight
- Evolutionary psychology rap
- Evolutionary Psychology, Memes and the Origin of War
- Evolutionary psychology--Azar Gat
- Example of an aggresive [sic] irrational meme
- Example of an aggresive [sic] irrational meme [sic]
- Example of an aggresive irrational meme
- Example of an Anti-chainletter chainletter
- Examples of the Radical Islamicist Memeplex
- Excerpt: Speech by the prime minister, Tony Blair, to the 2003 Labour party conference in Bournemouth
- Exerpts from the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)
- Exquisite irony
- Extinction / Meaning / Mind
- extracts from 'From sensation to cognition' M.-Marsel Mesulam
- Extreme Ironing
- eyes in cave animals drifting away?
- Faith-based memes
- Faking It: The Internet Revolution Has Nothing to Do With the Nasdaq
- Faking It: The Internet Revolution Has Nothing to Do With theNasdaq
- Familiar images ... Visionary Art
- Familiar images make false impressions
- Fandom and mice
- Fascinating
- Fashionable uses
- Feral children,
- Fewer genes than expected
- fictions, theatre, and religion....
- Field of Memes
- Figures and Statistics
- First Appearances
- first use of adjective 'memetic'
- fish
- Fisk's article
- fitness and stability
- Fitness increment hypothesis
- Fitness increment hypothesis (non-fit memes)
- Five Stages of Skill Acquisition
- Flamingoes & Tipping Points
- Flash mobs
- Follow the war/peace discussion here
- For Aaron A.
- for all of that
- For Chris Lofting
- For Joe Dees
- For Kenneth Van Oost
- For Steven Thiele Part 2
- For Steven Thiele Part 3
- for the academics amongst us
- For the Conspiracy Theory Fringe...
- For thise of you who wish to...
- for trackers of mind virii
- forthcoming book
- Forthcoming review of Aunger
- forwarded message about intellectual property
- Freddy Krueger as social contagion (some spoiler content)
- Free after 50 years of tyranny
- Freud on vehicles?
- Freud's Darwinian struggle between ideas?
- from Isaac
- FROM MODERATOR: this is not a list about Islam!
- From One With Firsthand Experience
- FROM THE memetics MODERATOR: this is not a list about Iraq
- From the Moderator of the memetics list: Warning about relevance!
- From the moderator: Decision about Joe Dees
- From the moderator: limit your posts to the memetics list
- From the moderator: My decision about Joe Dees
- From U. G. Krishnamurti
- Front Line Voices
- Fun And Games II
- Fundamentalism and beliefs
- further upon the performance model
- future language
- Future languages
- Fwd:
- Fwd: 'Commercial speech' definition debated
- Fwd: 'Creationist' school has evolution debate
- Fwd: [book review- Darwin's Ghost]
- Fwd: [COMPLEX-M] "Intelligent Design" lobby Congress against Darwinism
- Fwd: [COMPLEX-M] "Intelligent Design" lobby Congressagainst Darwinism
- Fwd: [COMPLEX-M] "Intelligent Design" lobbyCongressagainst Darwinism
- Fwd: A case for how Sept. 11 changed the world
- Fwd: A Conversation with Jonathan Weiner, author of Time, Love, Memory
- Fwd: A conversation with Riane Eisler
- Fwd: A couple's work
- Fwd: A Host with Infectious Ideas
- Fwd: A look at where consciousness lies in the brain
- Fwd: A New Brand World
- Fwd: A question of will
- Fwd: A Racy Guide to Evolution
- Fwd: a random walk with a crutch
- Fwd: A rich rivalry for wordniks
- Fwd: A.Word.A.Day--brodie
- Fwd: A.Word.A.Day--esemplastic ["enronomics"]
- Fwd: Ads: The final frontier
- Fwd: After girl's rescue, questions on why she didn't run away
- Fwd: Alien Species Often Fit In Fine, Some Scientists Contend
- Fwd: An addictive thrill
- Fwd: An addictive thrill [cures]
- Fwd: An Anti-American Boycott Is Growing in the Arab World
- Fwd: Ancient note: music as bridge between species
- Fwd: Ancient script rewrites history:
- Fwd: Arafat Disavows bin Laden
- Fwd: Artificial Intelligence Impact On Humanity To Be Explored
- Fwd: Assisted suicides driven by loss of self
- Fwd: At MIT, they can put words in our mouths
- Fwd: Australian ruling is raising worries
- Fwd: Babies' memories advance in second year, study says
- Fwd: Baboons Suggest Language Origins
- Fwd: Baby Not Crawling? Reason Seems to Be Less Tummy Time
- Fwd: Beer ad spurs Canadian pride
- Fwd: Behind the Veil: A Muslim Woman Speaks Out
- Fwd: Best place to locate the 'self' is in the brain
- Fwd: Bin Laden's Statement
- Fwd: Bio-X and Interdisciplinary Research
- Fwd: Bones Reveal Some Truth in 'Noble Savage Myth'
- Fwd: BOOK REVIEW- Man, Beast and Zombie
- FWD: Botswana comes to grips with AIDS
- Fwd: Bracing for Yucca Mountain's Nuclear Forever
- Fwd: Brain Experts Now Follow the Money
- Fwd: Brain researchers from UCLA, Johns Hopkins discover role of key protein in converting short-term memories into lifelong ones
- Fwd: Brain shows unconscious prejudices
- FWD: brain-like computers
- Fwd: Brain_disease_shaped_Ravel's_Bolero
- Fwd: Breath Mints: A Hot War for America's Cool Mouths
- Fwd: BSO bows out of 'Klinghoffer'
- Fwd: Building a better robot species
- Fwd: Business Technology: A New Breed Of Standards Makers
- Fwd: Campaign to alter Muslims' image of US falls short
- Fwd: Canada's village of screams quietly empties
- Fwd: Carvings Spark Debate on Origin of Abstract Thought
- Fwd: censorship in China (from the Berkman newsletter)
- Fwd: Charleton Heston speech
- Fwd: Chimps Learn to Make Tastier Food
- Fwd: Computer Used To Study Crowd Panic
- Fwd: Concerns raised over rising birthweights in US
- Fwd: Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Brain
- Fwd: Coors to acquire British brewer
- Fwd: Cultural evolution
- Fwd: David Riesman, Sociologist Whose 'Lonely Crowd' Became a Best Seller, Dies at 92
- Fwd: Dean Kamen's machine: Segway aka Ginger aka It
- Fwd: Debate opens anew on language and its effect on cognition
- Fwd: Debate opens anew on language and its effects on cognition
- Fwd: Did Knives and Forks Cut Murders?
- Fwd: Did language drive society or vice versa?
- Fwd: Differing TV images feed Arab, US views
- Fwd: Dolphins Show Language-Like Learning, Researchers Say
- Fwd: Don't turn your back on science
- Fwd: Doubters Fault Theory Finding Earlier Puberty
- Fwd: Edgar Allen Poe and the Big Bang
- Fwd: Edward O. Wilson- Interviewed by Paul D. Thacker
- Fwd: eeing how the spirit moves us
- Fwd: Empirical Studies Validate Prominence of Unconscious Processes
- Fwd: Eureka!
- Fwd: Evolution at work:
- Fwd: Evolution was, and is, a great notion
- Fwd: Evolutionary origin of wars
- Fwd: Faking It: The Internet Revolution Has Nothing to Do With the Nasdaq
- Fwd: Familiar images make false impressions
- Fwd: Franz Boas reassessed.
- FWD: from a folksinger
- Fwd: from Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge through Cultures and Time (pp. 232-235)
- Fwd: From The Undiscovered Mind:
- Fwd: Genetic scientists eye high-suicide families
- Fwd: Genome is not a map to the human self
- Fwd: Genome's Riddle: Few Genes, Much Complexity
- Fwd: Going ape
- Fwd: Gone Ape
- Fwd: Good Things for Maxim Writer Who Waited
- Fwd: Gut Thoughts
- Fwd: Harvard educator seeks renewal at NYU
- Fwd: Harvard's Shopping Guide
- Fwd: Hawking muses on ultimate theory of the universe
- Fwd: Herd instinct
- Fwd: Hijacking the Brain Circuits With a Nickel Slot Machine
- Fwd: Hit-song predictions get a scientific spin
- Fwd: How New York Exams Rewrite Literature (A Sequel)
- Fwd: Human or Computer? Take This Test
- Fwd: Hussein's Obsession: An Empire of Mosques
- Fwd: In Dawn of Society, Dance Was Center Stage
- Fwd: In Olympic Glare, a Quieter Mormon Mission
- Fwd: Instinctive speech diminishes us not
- Fwd: Interview with Mitch Kapor
- Fwd: It's an ad, ad, ad world
- Fwd: Jargon of war quickly crosses ideological gulf to daily usage
- Fwd: Lecture and book launch reception with Stephen Jay Gould
- Fwd: Lights out, they hope
- Fwd: Looking for clues in the world's biggest brain bank
- Fwd: Looking Inside of Learning
- Fwd: Looking into the heart of darkness
- Fwd: Making (up?) history
- Fwd: Memories are made of these
- Fwd: Memories etch sense of self
- Fwd: Memory debate focuses on hippocampal role
- Fwd: Mind’s eye in the deaf
- Fwd: MIT student's death ruled suicide
- Fwd: Monkeys Distinguish Different Languages
- Fwd: More than a trend, cellphones are a way of life
- Fwd: Morris, Lydon provide witty fun in verbal dance
- Fwd: Movie Stars Fear Inroads by Upstart Digital Actors
- Fwd: Muses' return:
- Fwd: Music on the brain
- Fwd: Near Proof for Near-Death?
- Fwd: New brain map may highlight roots of trouble
- Fwd: New windows into the brain
- Fwd: No Eyes in the Back of the Head
- Fwd: Noise and cognition
- Fwd: Now They're Singing a Different Song
- Fwd: Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging
- Fwd: Nurture 2, Nature 0
- Fwd: Nurturing Young Islamic Hearts and Hatreds
- Fwd: Olympic Balancing Act Over Symbolic Flag
- Fwd: On CBS News, Some of What You See Isn't There
- Fwd: On the Bombings - Noam Chomsky
- Fwd: Operation Clambake nobbled
- Fwd: Orangutans Said to Exhibit Hallmarks of Culture
- Fwd: Overdue book's return priceless
- Fwd: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad
- Fwd: Perception, Memory, Knowledge, Imagination and Cognition
- Fwd: Perpetual change
- Fwd: Pill to ease memory of trauma envisioned
- Fwd: Pioneers of the field
- Fwd: Plumbing the mystery of prayer with the instruments of science
- Fwd: Portrait of an Artist's Mind
- Fwd: Postcards From Planet Google
- Fwd: Predicting the Stock Market Is Child's Play
- Fwd: Professors seek meaning behind flourishing market
- Fwd: Public relations disaster for UK science
- Fwd: Quacks sentenced
- Fwd: Quarrel over cable public access aired
- Fwd: Questions about Islam and violence
- Fwd: Questions for Martin E. Marty, a Scholar of Religion
- Fwd: Radical New Views of Islam and the Origins of the Koran
- Fwd: Rael Religion?
- Fwd: reply to Kenneth
- Fwd: Report: chimps used simple tools 5 million years ago
- Fwd: Research With Drosophila Provides Clues to Enhancing Human Memory
- Fwd: Researchers Identify Brain's Moral + "eIe opener"
- Fwd: Researchers Identify Brain's Moral Center
- Fwd: review of 'Capturing the Friedmans'
- Fwd: review of Xenakis re-issue
- Fwd: Romance, in Cosmo's World, Is Translated in Many Ways
- Fwd: Romancing the molecule
- Fwd: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence
- Fwd: Saving the ethnosphere
- Fwd: Scientists Build Tiny Computer Using DNA Molecules
- Fwd: Scientists Rough Out Humanity's 50,000-Year-Old Story
- Fwd: Scientists think that animals think:
- Fwd: Scientology cult pays $8,674,643 to ex-member to end 22-year legal battle.
- Fwd: Seduction for Dummies
- Fwd: Sexual ID switch is found
- Fwd: She knows what you want
- Fwd: Shotgun wedding for evolution and culture
- Fwd: Significance of "As We May Think"
- Fwd: Skin tones and racial stereotyping
- Fwd: So Long, And Thanks for all the Fish...
- Fwd: Some fear loss of privacy as science pries into brain
- Fwd: Speak, Memory
- Fwd: Study calls for MIT to improve mental care
- Fwd: Study Finds Genetic Link Between Intelligence and Size of Some Regions of the Brain
- Fwd: Study shows brain can learn without really trying
- Fwd: Study suggests love conquered all
- Fwd: Sublime Decay
- Fwd: Survey connects graphic TV fare, child behavior
- Fwd: Tchaikovsky
- Fwd: TEACHING TECHNIQUES-- 100th Monkey Shines
- Fwd: Tests show a human side to chimps
- Fwd: The Beige Box Fades to Black
- Fwd: The direction of the English language
- Fwd: The Flack Catchers
- Fwd: The fruit formerly known as prune gets a name change and makeover
- Fwd: The Origin of Religions, From a Distinctly Darwinian View
- Fwd: The rage for destruction at libraries
- Fwd: The Real Scientific Hero of 1953
- Fwd: The Science Behind the Song Stuck in Your Head
- Fwd: The Scientist in the Crib: Minds, Brains, and How Children Learn
- Fwd: The Talk of the Book World Still Can't Sell
- Fwd: The Urge to Punish Cheats: Not Just Human, but Selfless
- Fwd: The word 'yet' hinges existential debate
- Fwd: The world of science
- Fwd: Theorists See Evolutionary Advantages In Menopause
- Fwd: Thinking Like a Chimp
- Fwd: Toggling nature's auto-erase
- Fwd: U.S. TV Shows Losing Potency Around World
- Fwd: UN court establishes rape as a war crime
- Fwd: Unexpected Evolution of a Fish Out of Water
- Fwd: Using 'Nature's Toolbox,' A DNA Computer Solves A Complex Problem
- Fwd: virus spreading
- Fwd: virus: A Virian Thought of the Day
- Fwd: Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy?
- Fwd: Werther Effect
- Fwd: Whassup, Barbie?
- Fwd: What Is a Gene, Anyway?
- Fwd: What makes emerging viruses emerge?
- Fwd: What's in a Meme?
- Fwd: What's in an Inkblot? Some Say, Not Much
- Fwd: When rage fuels world's 'lost boys'
- Fwd: When Rats Dream, It Seems, It's After a Day at the Mazes
- Fwd: Who knew genes could get mean?
- Fwd: Why can't we stop watching
- Fwd: Wilson rattles historians with 'bio-history' theories
- Fwd: With A Song In Their Heads
- Fwd: With goggles, 'split-brain' theory comes into focus
- Fwd: Witness Tells of Taliban Attack on Ancient Buddha Relics
- Fwd: Women alone see straits worsen
- Fwd: Women's Group Debates Snow Penis
- Fwd: Words From Our Sponsor: A Jeweler Commissions a Novel
- Fwd: X communication
- Fwd: Y Chromosome Depends on Itself to Survive
- Game theory
- Gatherer article in latest volume of JASSS
- Gemetica and the creation of 'gemes'.
- Gender and Nature in Contemporary NeoPaganism
- Gender bias for memes
- Gender Bias For Memes/ Memes and Sexuality
- Gene-Meme Co-evolution in Reverse?
- General pat on the back
- Genes are Memes
- Genes in Brains
- Genes leading to wars (simple model)
- Genes, Culture and Human Freedom by Kenan Malik
- Genetic Epistemology
- Genetic transmission of
- Genome is not a map to the human self
- Genome Project
- Geographic Determinism
- Geology
- Getting to sleep
- Girl power !
- give it to them, too
- Giving a presentation on memetics
- glimmer
- Gnome Project
- God gene etc
- God on the brain
- Going ape
- Going batty.
- Going on the offensive
- Good EP FAQ
- Googlewashing
- Gould would have really liked this quote (more on Durkheim)
- Grad program on memetics?
- Grad student in need of help
- grammatical expressions by chimps
- Grant's theory of Everything
- grants
- Grants theory of everything
- gravity
- Greeks (was Group selection)
- Greetings
- Group selection
- groupthink
- groupthink gauntlet: MacArthur's ill-fated drive toward th e Yalu
- groupthink gauntlet: MacArthur's ill-fated drive toward the Y alu
- groupthink gauntlet: MacArthur's ill-fated drive toward the Yalu
- Guandong Chinese, chew on this!
- Gulls Find New Way To Eat Clams
- handedness and memes
- handiness
- Happy Halloween!
- happy haloween
- Hari Seldon
- Harvard educator seeks renewal at NYU
- Has anybody read this book?
- Have you heard of this?
- Have you heard? It's in the genes...
- Have you tried to publish in sociology journals?
- HC speel on holiday
- heard
- heard but not seen
- Heard the Good News?
- Hello !?
- Hello, can anyone help?
- Hello?
- Henson on the Nazi meme
- Henson's adventures
- Here's the thing...
- Hermeneutics
- Hey Grant!
- Hey!
- Hi from Cape Town
- Hi from....
- Hi, Jack !
- Hidden women
- hidden Women, back to hiding
- Hidden women...
- Hijacking the Brain Circuits With a Nickel Slot Machine
- history repeats itself?
- Holiday !!
- Hollywood Economics: putting math to memes
- Home improvement
- Homosexual genes and memes.
- Homosexual Genes and Memes... another approach
- Homosexuality taboo-gene interaction hypothesis, etc.
- Honest Scout
- honor system virus
- Horizon or EP Theory?
- how does language happen?
- How is this to explain !?
- How is this to explain !?/ second draft, forget the first !
- how Jesus was, good
- how long is that meme in the window?
- How memes are changing genes and industry
- How to Be A Good Friend to Adults with Autism
- how to stop all this stuff on the list
- Howard's Global Brain
- Human Genome
- Human motivation
- Human Nature Review
- Humor, Left and Right
- hunt for a lewd email
- Huntington
- Hussein's Obsession: An Empire of Mosques
- Huxley, Teilhard and other matters
- Hymenoepimecis
- I find it sad yet hilarious...
- I know one when I see one
- I remember now...
- Ice Age Fashion
- Idea, habit, meme
- Ideation, Execution and Apprehension
- ignore
- Ignore Test No harm done, yet !
- ignore, just a test ( again)
- Illiad
- Image and Memes
- Imitation or transmission?
- Imitation or transmission? / Lawrence/ Memetical engineering
- Imperialism by Chrustopher Hitchens
- Important message (who was after chain e-mails?)
- In Memoriam: Columbia
- In the beginning was the bit
- in the details
- incontrovertible
- Individual - Collective / digest V1#1480
- Information
- information transfer rate among whales
- Instance of Memetic dissemination
- interesting
- interesting JASSS article
- Interesting Parallel...
- Interesting reads
- Interesting search engine
- Interesting times curse
- interesting URL
- internal memes
- Internal vs. External World
- Intrauterine gene regulation
- introducing myself
- Introduction and guidance
- Introductions
- Invitation - Meme exchange
- Invitation to participate in the 5th International Workshop on Memetic
- Iraq's Path to Sovereignty
- Is everything ok !?
- is forgetting adaptive?
- Is Freud contagious?
- is glee memetic?
- Is Information Informative !?
- Is Memetics a Science?
- Is Penny Brown missing ?
- Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study in Applied Memetics
- Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study in Applied Memetics ( Lon g Draft)
- Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study in Applied Memetics ( Lon gDraft)
- Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study in Applied Memetics ( Long Draft)
- Is the dancing over?
- Is the List Down, Or What !?
- Is there a country....?
- Is there a country...[with better weather] ?
- is there a country?
- Is there any meme left to talk about !?
- Islam and Europe
- Islam and Europe and (Shudder!) Morphic Resonance
- Islam and Europe and Joe
- Islam and Europe and the Palestinians and the Left and the anti-American Lawry
- Islam and Europe and the Palestinians and the Left and the anti-Americans and Joe
- Islam and history
- Islam and Violence
- Islam's Captive Women
- Islamic beliefs and their memetic sources
- Islamic Terrorism on Trial
- Islamism
- Israel, Jews, Muslims and Arab
- Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman™s speech to the United Nations Security Council
- Israeli and Palestinian terrorism
- it can't happen here....
- It's an ad, ad, ad world
- It's an ad, ad, ad world (does it ever end?)
- It's not just Christians & Muslims
- J.Z. Young on mnemons
- Jabbering !
- jabberwocky
- Jake's profound and shallow misunderstanding
- James W Polichak's article Memes-what are they good for?
- Japanese horror film & memetics
- Japanese Monkey Pulls Darwin 's Leg
- Japanese Univ. to set up world meme bank
- Jared Diamond's Collapse
- Jargon of war...: reviving an essential discussion
- Jeepneys
- Jerry Fodor Article
- Jewish Buddhism
- Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders: World Islamic Front Statement
- Joe
- Joe and Lawry
- Joe's anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks
- Joe's Quotes
- John Hancock "meme"
- John Maynard Smith interview
- join me
- JoM article on the radio
- JoM-EMIT new commentary and reply on de Sousa's Chess move sand the memomics...
- JoM-EMIT New paper: "The Evolutionary Ecology of Science" by Marion Blute
- Jom-emit paper: "Towards a Cognitive Memetics" by Castelfranchi
- Jom-emit paper: ...and its url is ...
- JoM-EMIT paper: An Expansion and Critique of de Sousa’s Framework ... by Steven Dowd
- JoM-EMIT Paper: Cultural Transmission and the Capacity to Approve or Disapprove of Offspring’s Behaviour by Laureano Castro and Miguel A. Toro
- JoM-EMIT's new URL:
- JoM-EMIT: new paper "Mergers & Takeovers: a memetic approach" by Vos & Kelleher
- JoM-EMIT: Special issue on Computational Memetics
- JoM-EMIT: vol. 6 issue 1 March 2002 now out
- JoM-EMIT: vol. 8 issue 1 March 2004 now out
- Juan Delius's version of neuromemetics
- Judge Jones Defines Science--and Why Intelligent Design Isn't
- Julian Huxley on biological and cultural evolution (a must see)
- Jung and Haeckel
- Jung and Haeckel and a response to JW.
- Just for the helluvit
- just information, NOT
- Just surviving in S. California?
- just testing, ignore !!
- kantian uncomfort
- Kate's book/ "recessive memes"
- Kate's book/ Compact OED- a sight for sore eyes
- Kate's book/ memetic recombination
- Kate's book/ representations
- Keeping a promise
- Keith could use some help
- Kill That Messenger! (Not!)
- Kilroy Was Here
- KM - a new meme machine creating a world culture
- Knowledge, Memes and Sensory Perception
- L5 and science fiction memes
- La memetique a-t-elle change votre vie / Has memetics changed your life =?iso-8859-1?Q?=3F ?=
- La memetique a-t-elle change votre vie / Has memetics changed your life ?
- Labels for memes
- Lamarckian?
- Lamarkism (sic) and memetics
- Lamarkism and memetics
- Language and meaning
- Language and memes
- last issue of JoM
- latent mutation
- latent mutation (oops)
- Laudable but Misguided
- Laudable but Misguided (with a word added)
- Laughing
- Laughter and Crying
- Lawrence 1 / 2 / 3
- Lawrence of Arabia and the Sykes-Picot Agreement, revisited
- le corruption
- Leadership
- Leading Semiotic Theorists and Introductory Works
- Lecture - "Image and Meaning"
- Lecture and book launch reception with Stephen Jay Gould
- Lecture/Reading by Dawkins
- LeDoux vs. Rose on Semon
- left handedness etc
- legend of Greyfriar's Bobby
- legend of Greyfriar's Bobby EP Meta
- Less genes than expected
- Lesser genes than expected
- Lethal memes, was reading a book
- Leviticus et al.
- Levity
- Levity. And Oops.
- life ain't a rock
- Light and the Big Bang
- light-switches
- lineage
- Lineage example: No War Petition
- link to Worldlink TV
- Lionek Tiger Redux
- Lionel Tiger
- List Drift
- List Drift: I second that motion
- List problems
- List test, please ignore
- listserv quirks
- Literary Evolution
- Little Dutch Boy
- Logic
- Logic (to Joe)
- Logic (to Scott)
- Logic (to Vincent)
- Logic + universal evolution
- Logic still: What survives in `survival of the fittest'?
- Logic/ stemcells
- long term memory
- Looking for a name
- Looking for a name.
- Looking for clues in the world's biggest brain bank
- Looking for Road Signs
- Looking into the heart of darkness
- Lord May on "intelligent design"
- Lorenz on the "mneme"
- Lorenz on theory of mind module?
- Losing communication Channels
- Losing your memes
- lost artifacts
- Lost comments
- lost posting
- LSE lecture on memes - meme posse?
- Lupercales
- mabs 2003
- Macguffin
- magnetic memetics
- Mahathir's Speech - link to full text
- Mainstream usage perhaps
- making data
- man the hunter
- MAP-2
- Marivaux
- Mark Mills/ replication
- Martin Gardner's commentary
- Martin Gardner's two cents
- Material World
- Math for Memes
- Mathematical tools
- Matter, Mind and Information
- Maybe make a brew for this one #1
- Maybe make a brew for this one #2
- Maybe make a brew for this one (or ignore it)
- maybe Walpiri is a language, but English isn't
- Mayr on group selection, E.O. Wilson, etc.
- MD Dawkins on quantum/mysticism convergence
- MD FYI - Palestinian reactions
- Me against a meme
- Me against the meme
- Me against the meme (1)
- Me against the meme (2)
- Me against the meme (2) A ( critical) side kick !!
- Mean Um Meaning Mean
- meaning and divining systems
- meaning in memetics
- meaning in memetics,
- meaning in memetics/humane selection
- Mechanism for wars (was transmission)
- Media and Violence
- media violence
- media violence report in Science
- mediamemetics (blurb)
- Medicine and Fitness
- Meme and evolutionary psychology
- Meme and mneme
- meme as catalytic indexical
- meme as catalytic indexical 2nd try at posting
- Meme bonding
- meme definition
- Meme definition (long ago)
- Meme definition (was: birthdays)
- Meme location
- Meme Replications ERP and Time Travel
- Meme therapy
- meme-free meme theory?
- Meme-physics
- Meme-strongholds
- Meme-supportive wetware
- memefest
- memeness
- Memes & genes
- Memes about memes
- Memes and (truth and) sexuality
- Memes and Archetypes
- memes and culture
- Memes and CUlture Wars
- memes and determinism
- Memes and Education
- Memes and Emergent Properties
- Memes and emotions
- Memes and emotions (was "character assassination")
- Memes and evolutionary psychology
- Memes and instincts
- Memes and Nanotechnology
- Memes and population size
- Memes and population size was: Memetic trapping and wars.
- memes and sexuality
- memes and sexuality/ Gender Bias for Memes
- memes and sexuality]
- memes and sexuality]]
- memes and SOP
- Memes and terrorism
- Memes and VR
- Memes and wars.
- memes andsexuality]
- memes defined operationally (from article)
- memes evolving?
- Memes For Peace
- Memes For Peace-at-any-Price
- Memes For Peace-at-any-Price, including slavery, torture and mass murder.
- Memes For Peace-at-the-price-of-murder, torture, oppression and slavery
- Memes For Peace-at-the-price-of-murder, torture, oppression and slavery (typos corrected)
- Memes For Peace-In-Our-Time (Neville Chaimberlain)
- Memes in brain
- Memes in Brains
- memes in literature
- memes in minds, or memes in media?
- memes in minds, or memes in media?]
- Memes in Nepal
- Memes in the head
- Memes inside brain
- Memes Meta-Memes and Politics 1 of 3 (1988, updates 2002)
- Memes Meta-Memes and Politics 2 of 3 (1988, updates 2002)
- Memes Meta-Memes and Politics 3 of 3
- Memes Meta-Memes and Politics 3 of 3 (1988, updates 2002)
- Memes Meta-Memes and Politics and appetites
- Memes of Ulcers and Bacteria
- Memes on BBC Radio 4
- Memes or genes?
- memes vs. genes
- memes, cause or effect ?
- Memes, Culture, People
- Memes, genes & Empire
- memes- remember them?
- Memetic as an Adjective
- Memetic competition and wars (was transmission)
- Memetic Dogma
- memetic engineering
- memetic engineering in the park
- Memetic Engineering v/s Cultural Evolution
- Memetic engineering/ Lawrence
- Memetic engineers and leaders.
- memetic error (?)
- Memetic evolution in football
- Memetic evolution re Afghanistan
- Memetic Filters?
- Memetic Influence on Evolution
- memetic inquiry !?
- Memetic invasion!
- memetic memes
- Memetic methodology
- Memetic mutations
- memetic or genetic laziness
- Memetic Paradigms
- Memetic Parasitism
- Memetic Parasitism & Flintstones
- Memetic Perspective
- Memetic publication possibilities?
- memetic simulation Perl scripts
- memetic species
- memetic species?
- Memetic transfer in non-humans
- Memetic trapping and wars.
- Memetic trapping was "Excerpts . . ."
- Memetic vulnerability: was: Faking It
- Memetic- acts !? ( Performance meme)
- Memeticists win Nobel Prize for Economics
- Memetics 100 years ago
- Memetics 101 (re)launch
- Memetics a pseudoacience?
- Memetics a pseudoscience?
- Memetics a pseudoscience?]
- Memetics and Information
- memetics and ingenuity
- memetics and knowledge
- Memetics and meteorites [Fwd]
- memetics and models of media effects
- memetics and semiotics
- Memetics archive hit by Y2K bug!
- Memetics basics
- memetics books?
- memetics comps exam list--pop culture, advertising, rhetoric & composition
- memetics course at UWF
- memetics etc
- Memetics funding
- Memetics in our time
- Memetics in Private Eye (yet again)
- memetics list archives
- memetics makes Private Eye (again!)
- memetics of the heroine
- memetics of the heroine)
- memetics reference in IT Week
- memetics reference on news
- Memetics related religious discussion
- memetics-digest V1 #1005
- memetics-digest V1 #1007
- memetics-digest V1 #1008
- memetics-digest V1 #1011
- memetics-digest V1 #1014
- memetics-digest V1 #1017
- memetics-digest V1 #1020
- memetics-digest V1 #1023
- memetics-digest V1 #1031
- memetics-digest V1 #1033
- memetics-digest V1 #1045
- memetics-digest V1 #1049
- memetics-digest V1 #1122
- memetics-digest V1 #1177
- memetics-digest V1 #118
- memetics-digest V1 #119
- memetics-digest V1 #1215
- memetics-digest V1 #1219
- memetics-digest V1 #1275
- memetics-digest V1 #1280
- memetics-digest V1 #1287
- memetics-digest V1 #1294
- memetics-digest V1 #1296
- memetics-digest V1 #1297
- memetics-digest V1 #1298
- memetics-digest V1 #1299
- memetics-digest V1 #130
- memetics-digest V1 #1300
- memetics-digest V1 #1301
- memetics-digest V1 #1302
- memetics-digest V1 #1303
- memetics-digest V1 #1304
- memetics-digest V1 #1305
- memetics-digest V1 #1306
- memetics-digest V1 #1307
- memetics-digest V1 #1309
- memetics-digest V1 #1312
- memetics-digest V1 #1313
- memetics-digest V1 #1314
- memetics-digest V1 #1315
- memetics-digest V1 #1316
- memetics-digest V1 #1317
- memetics-digest V1 #1318
- memetics-digest V1 #1319
- memetics-digest V1 #1319 - are memes alive?
- memetics-digest V1 #1320
- memetics-digest V1 #1321
- memetics-digest V1 #1322
- memetics-digest V1 #1323
- memetics-digest V1 #1324
- memetics-digest V1 #1325
- memetics-digest V1 #1326
- memetics-digest V1 #1327
- memetics-digest V1 #1328
- memetics-digest V1 #1329
- memetics-digest V1 #1330
- memetics-digest V1 #1333
- memetics-digest V1 #1335
- memetics-digest V1 #1337
- memetics-digest V1 #1338
- memetics-digest V1 #1339
- memetics-digest V1 #1340
- memetics-digest V1 #1347
- memetics-digest V1 #1348
- memetics-digest V1 #1350
- memetics-digest V1 #1369
- memetics-digest V1 #1370
- memetics-digest V1 #1378
- memetics-digest V1 #1386
- memetics-digest V1 #1394
- memetics-digest V1 #1398
- memetics-digest V1 #1399
- memetics-digest V1 #1406
- memetics-digest V1 #1462
- memetics-digest V1 #1463
- memetics-digest V1 #1464
- memetics-digest V1 #1468
- memetics-digest V1 #1474
- memetics-digest V1 #1480
- memetics-digest V1 #1505
- memetics-digest V1 #1525
- memetics-digest V1 #1527
- memetics-digest V1 #1552
- memetics-digest V1 #1588
- memetics-digest V1 #165
- memetics-digest V1 #168
- memetics-digest V1 #174
- memetics-digest V1 #230
- memetics-digest V1 #254
- memetics-digest V1 #259
- memetics-digest V1 #261
- memetics-digest V1 #262
- memetics-digest V1 #413
- memetics-digest V1 #454
- memetics-digest V1 #553
- memetics-digest V1 #636
- memetics-digest V1 #662
- memetics-digest V1 #667
- memetics-digest V1 #686
- memetics-digest V1 #688
- memetics-digest V1 #703
- memetics-digest V1 #734
- memetics-digest V1 #877
- memetics-digest V1 #880
- memetics-digest V1 #914
- memetics-digest V1 #916
- memetics-digest V1 #952
- memetics-digest V1 #992
- memetics-digest V1 #994
- memetics-digest V1# 118
- Memetics/Evolutionary psychology reversal
- memetics/memics/mimetics
- memetics/memics/mimetics)
- memetics/memics/mimetics: a response to Bruce's challenge
- MemeticsFlowers.Org and mailing list
- Memewatch
- Memories are made of these
- Memories etch sense of self
- Memory
- Memory again
- Memory, Knowledge, Imagination and Cognition
- Menomics ( 1)
- Menomics ( 2)
- Menomics ( 3)
- Menomics ( 4)
- Menomics ( 5)
- Menomics ( 6)
- Menomics (7)
- Menomics (8 and end)
- menstrual synchrony
- Message for Michael Lissack
- Message From Sue Blackmore on her Hair
- message layer cake: FFT of Sampling = Repetition, Graphics Needed, Origin of Universe ...
- Meta comment (was: transmission)
- Meta-memes?
- metaphors, science, religion
- mimetics and memetics
- mind
- Mind Viruses and Potential Hosts
- Mind vs. matter
- Mini case study of memetic mutation
- ministries of truth lie about
- Miroslav Hill responds
- Miroslav Hill responds (correction)
- Mirror neurons
- mirror neurons & memes?
- Missing messages?
- missing posts
- misunderstanding
- Misunderstood Cichlids
- MIT research reports rats dream of mazes
- Model employee vs. psychopath
- Modeling Rumors: The No Plane Pentagon French Hoax Case
- Modes of transmission
- modularity and phrenology (was a Bigfoot thread)
- Money
- Money as meme...
- monkey man hysteria
- Monkeys stone herdsman in Kenya
- Monkeys?
- Mooning
- Mooning (yawn....)
- morality and memes
- more cats
- more circular logic
- More Fun And Games
- more how
- more memetics references on Channel 4 news
- More monkey business!
- more on animal 'languages'
- more on bigorexia
- more on Coleridge and Xanadu
- more on Jung, galvanometers and word association
- more on language
- more on morphogenetic fields
- more on Piaget and a note on Semon
- More on what memes are made of
- more on yaupon or *Ilex vomitoria*
- More Progress understanding Hox genes
- More speculations on a post-Saddam Iraq
- More than a trend, cellphones are a way of life
- More thoughts on memes and evolutionary psychology
- More Thoughts on South- American Man
- more transmitting
- Morphic fields
- Morphic memes
- Morphogenetic fields
- Morphogenetic fields and memes
- Morphogenetic Fields.htm
- Morphogenic Fields
- Morris, Lydon provide witty fun in verbal dance
- Movie Stars Fear Inroads by Upstart Digital Actors
- moving along
- MR Evidence
- Muller's Ratchet
- Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS2003) @ AAMAS, Australia,July 2003
- Multiple-minimum
- Music !!
- musical grammar
- Mutant swarms and copying fidelity
- Mutation and Selection
- Mutation in an evolutionary hypothesis
- My entry 's
- My entry 's ( second trial )
- my favourite articles by Dennett
- my homepage has been re-designed
- my phd
- My posts
- mysticism
- mysticism etc
- Mysticism etc.
- Myths and Memes: Distinction?
- Narrative and meme transfer
- Narrative from Edward O. for Jeremy B.
- Nazion
- Nazislam
- Nazislam (2)
- nebbish
- neccesity of mental memes
- necesity of mental memes
- Necessary vs Useful
- necessity of mental memes
- Net signs
- Neuroeconomics
- Neuromarketing
- Neuronal competition
- never determinism
- never wanting to grow up
- new article
- new article (another quick point)
- New article on memes
- new book
- new book- anyone seen it?
- New Bugs Are Found
- New evidence for we have a wrong view on our culture !?
- new Gary Cziko book
- New Issue: Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission 3(2)
- New JoM paper
- New JoM-EMIT paper: "Inferring Potential Memetic Structure..." by Carter Butts and Christin Hilgeman
- New JoM-EMIT paper: "The Inherent Instability of Memetic Systems" by Derek Gatherer
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Competing Meme Analysis by David Dirlam
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Cultural evolution of "guiding behaviour" ... by Gianluca Baldassarre
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Darwinian Processes and Memes in Architecture by Salingaros and Mikiten
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Evolution of Language and Science Studied by ... by Ekstig
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Gatherer - "The Spread of Irrational Behaviours by Contagion ..."
- New JoM-EMIT paper: John Gottsch - Mutation, Selection, and Vertical Transmission of Theistic Memes in Religious Canons
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Modelling the effects of memetic taboos ... by Derek Gatherer
- New JoM-EMIT paper: Syntactic Structure in Birdsong by William Majoros
- New JoM-EMIT paper: The Redefinition of Memes: ... by Michael Lissack
- New JoM-EMIT review: Boyd - extended review of the Meme MAchine
- new line: what's the point?
- New Memes Book
- New Memes Book (third try)
- New memetic absorber online!
- new memetics article
- new memetics book
- new memetics book?
- new memetics paper
- new memetics piece
- new paper by Andreea Deciu Ritivoi
- new paper by John Wilkins
- new paper by Yang, Ping and Henz
- New Paper: "Replicating Sonorities: Towards a Memetics of Music" by Steven Jan
- New Paper: Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study... by Paul Marsden
- New papers: Mathematical Models for Memetics by Jeremy Kendel and Kevin Laland etc.
- new review of memetics/sociobiology/EP
- New Scientist
- New Scientist article on memetics
- New Scientist on memory
- New Scientist this week
- New subject: I need help on memes, morality, and abortion.
- new Sue Blackmore article
- New uses for old artifacts
- Nigerian Con Meme
- nightmare jabber
- nightmare jabber (Sameness)
- NLP & memes
- No More Fanaticism as Usual by Salman Rushdie
- no new mails
- No Subject (Memes/War)
- noise
- non fit memes
- non human imitation
- Nonverbal Communication
- noogenetics vs. memetics
- noogenetics vs. memetics II (Huxley on artifacts, socifacts and mentifacts)
- Nordic countries (was: Is there a country....?)
- Norplant as social engineering device?
- Nostradamus contagion?
- Not about embedded POVs
- Now They're Singing a Different Song
- Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging
- Nurture Assumption: was- Memetic vulnerability
- Obesity epidemic
- Obesity epidemic)
- Object lesson in email bloat
- Object lesson in email bloat (Modified by John Wilkins)
- objections to "memes"
- objections to memes
- objective/subjective inversion
- OK, Durkheim may not have been a spandrelist
- old paper, but unnoticed (on this list)
- Olduwan toolmakers
- On killing Hitler (to prevent holocaust)
- On Second Thought...
- On the Bombings - Noam Chomsky
- On the origin of .... war
- on-going, personal spamming
- One man's opinion
- One more note on my paper...
- One more time
- One risen from the dead !!
- Online Book on Contagion
- Online Paper: "Ideas are Not Replicators but Minds Are" by L iane Gabora
- Online Paper: "Ideas are Not Replicators but Minds Are" by Liane Gabora
- only homo sapiens
- Ontology
- Ooops! Is Pravda for real?
- Oppose War on Iraq -- Send letter-to-the-editor
- Opposition groups plan post-Saddam Iraq
- Or the oversight of the instant response?
- orangutan culture
- Origin of Depression
- Origin of memes
- Origin of Religion
- Origin of Religion (bounce, resend)
- Orthologs was RS
- Orwell
- Other roots of memetics
- Our human selves
- Our human selves + To fly or not to fly?
- Our media jihadis
- P & U
- Panic in Khartoum: Foreigners Shake Hands, Make Penises Disappear
- paper by Bulik and Allison on anorexia
- paper by Maxwell and Reuveny on resources and conflict
- Paper relevant to memes
- Paper: Ideas are Not Replicators but Interrelated Networks of them Are
- papers from ESSA conference
- Parallel extinction risk and global distribution of languages and species
- Paranoid Schizophrenia and Memetics
- Part One --- Outline -- A-C revision two
- Part One --- Outline -- A-F revision one.
- pasted from a.r.s
- Pax Americana Imperium
- PBS evolution series
- PC meme/s
- Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad
- Perception
- perception vs reality
- Perception, Memory, Knowledge, Imagination and Cognition
- performance
- Performance vs. Mind
- Performances
- Perpetual change
- Perseverance of a minority community
- pet peeves
- pet peeves - memetic books
- Petition against 'religious cleansing'
- phenotypic plasticity and ontogeny
- Philips Definition
- Philosophy of Technology
- Philosophy of Technology: scale and meaning; sameness and dif ference part 1
- Philosophy of Technology: scale and meaning; sameness and difference part 1
- philosophy web site
- Philosophy-of-Information invitation
- phlegmatics r us
- phonosemantics
- Phonosemantics and More parallels in the genome (and elsewhere)
- Phonosemantics and parallels in the genome (and elsewhere)
- Photons before the matter-energy
- Photons before the matter-energy decoupling 300,000 yrs
- phrase of the day, well, so far....
- physics
- Piaget and Alternative Explanations (crosspost)
- Piaget on phenocopies
- Piaget on the phenocopy
- Pierce
- pinkness
- Play it again Sam
- playing at suicide
- Please allow me to introduce myself...
- Plotkin's new book
- pls direct me to a memetics list <eom
- pls direct me to a memetics list <eom>
- pls direct me to a memetics list <eom> >
- plugs
- Plumbing the mystery of prayer with the instruments of scienc e
- ply to Grant
- ply to Grant: corporate behavior
- ply to Grant: Lawrence of Arabia
- ply to Grant: Lawrence of Arabia and the Middle East
- PM Chrétien on memetic change
- Point of Memetic Saturation
- Point of memetic saturation/ Chris Lofting
- Pointer to a pointer
- points
- Polichak on memetics
- politically insane
- Poll of British Muslims
- Popularity !!
- Post-Saddam Iraq?
- Postmortem on L5 (part 1)
- Postmortem on L5 (part 2)
- Power punches...
- Practical applications of memetics? - Part 1
- Practical Memetics
- pranks
- Precision of replication
- precison of replication
- Predicting the Stock Market Is Child's Play
- Preference falsification
- presentation
- presentation)
- Primate Rights
- priming
- Prions
- Problems!!
- Professors seek meaning behind flourishing market
- Progress understanding Hox genes
- Progress was Meme definition
- Proof
- Props
- Proto Scientific Meme
- psychohistory
- psychohistory?
- pub discussions
- Purists/ Fundamentalists
- Purists/ Fundamentalists_ To Derek
- Purported mystical "knowledge"
- Pursuit of Happiness and Genetic Fitness
- Pursuit of Watches and Necklace Fitness
- Putting the method to the madness
- Q to douglas wilson
- Qauntum questions !
- Quantum Physiics meets the Qubit
- Quantum questions !
- Quantum Sociology
- Question
- question about memes
- Question: traffic down the drain?
- Questions for Martin E. Marty, a Scholar of Religion
- quite amusing memetics article
- quote of the day
- quotes that can
- Raining Dogs and Cats
- raisons for breakfast
- Rapid gene shifts was Defining the word "replicator"
- Rare original memetics document found
- Ray's Interest
- Re Grammar
- RE Meme as catalytic indexical
- Re Re Grammar
- Re relationships among memetics, semiotics, and Kuhnian view of s cience?
- Re(2): It's an ad, ad, ad world
- Re-Jabbering
- Re-more on Animal 'Languages'
- Re; Memes and Emergent Properties
- reading a book
- realist-rationalist quad
- Really, really???
- Recent releases
- recent stuff in the print literature
- recently seen
- Recognition at last?
- Recursive def. of the meme
- Red, tooth and claw (was media and violence)
- Reet Petite
- Reference
- reflections on media and culture
- refutations
- Regarding MEMRI
- Relationism !?_ As an comment to L. Gabora 's worldview- concept
- relationships among memetics, semiotics, and Kuhnian view of science?
- Religion and evidence
- Religion and evidence/ for Kate
- Religion and evidence]
- Religion and narcissism
- Religion Explained
- Religion Explained, as if....
- religion, libraries, and memes
- religion/spirituality
- Religious Thought and Lamarckism
- religious viruses
- Remarkable,after the Flash Mobs, now power to the Disobbedienti !!
- Replicator article
- Replicator article--
- Replicators in chain messages
- Replies !
- reply to Benzon
- Reply to Grant
- reply to Kenneth
- reply to nurturing young Islamic hearts and hatreds
- reply to Wade
- Report: chimps used simple tools 5 million years ago
- Request for Examples of "Applied Memetics"
- Request for your thoughts on cutting edge ideas
- Research in memetics
- research seminar paper- any recommendations?
- Research With Drosophila Provides Clues to Enhancing Human Memory
- Researcher finds sites of brain activated by romance
- Researchers Identify Brain's Moral Center
- resource depletion and conflict/war
- Responses to "Hello, can anyone help?"
- Rethinking the concept of intelligence
- retransmit
- Review
- review in SciAm of The Ape and the Sushi Master
- Review of "The Selfish Meme" part II
- Review of "The Selfish Meme" part II (1)
- Review of "The Selfish Meme" part II (2)
- Review of "The Selfish Meme" part II (3)
- review of new Damasio book
- review of The Meme Machine
- Review of The Selfish Meme
- Reviewers
- rewards/attention
- RFC: Philosophy of Technology
- Richard Dawkins' Design for a Faith-Based Missile
- Richard Dawkins- Time to Stand Up
- Right by nature / About freedom, progress and solidarity
- ring vs. ringu/ books vs. movies
- RIP- Stephen Jay Gould
- Robert Aunger essay
- Robert Aunger's THE ELECTRIC MEME
- Robert Wright and Daniel Dennett discussion
- Robin's essay
- rock art
- Roger Ebert
- Roger Scruton Weighs In
- Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger
- Rogue Males/moral prescriptions
- RS
- RS - Mathematical representations
- RS pickey
- RS string
- Rumour Machine
- Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence
- Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence: Israel and Palestine
- Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence: Israel andPalestine
- Rumsfeld Says..
- Rumsfeld Says...
- Rumsfeld Says....
- Rushdie, Belief & Behavior
- RV theory
- RV theory redux
- S-curves in cultural evolution
- Said and Orientalism
- Salman and Ibn
- Santa Fe
- Santa in all his Coca Cola regalia
- Saturday's Eurovision results
- Saudi Billionaire Osama Bin Laden is another CIA creature
- Saudi marital asymmetry?
- saudi spinning
- Saving the ethnosphere
- Saving the ethnosphere (part I)
- Saving the ethnosphere (part II)
- Scale-Free networks and memes
- schooltime trivia
- Schrumpeter
- SciAm article- The Semantic Web
- Science and Mechanism
- Science as Idea & Meme
- Science as Idea & Meme (cont'd)
- Science fiction roots of memetics (was Words and memes)
- Science friction
- Scientists think that animals think:
- Scientology
- Scientology 1/2
- Scientology 1/4
- Scientology 1st half
- Scientology 2/2
- Scientology 2/4
- Scientology 3/4
- Scientology 4/4
- Scientology cult pays $8,674,643 to ex-member to end 22-year legal battle.
- Security Mums ! What !? Paranoid !!
- Selection - Evolution
- Selection of scientific theories - metascientific experiment
- Selection pressures
- Self-Acquisition
- Self-defense
- Self-similarity in the taxonomic classification of human languages
- Selfish meme?
- Selfish memes ?
- Selfish memes?
- Selfish, but able to do good !?
- selfsame is always the selfsame
- selfsameness
- Sells Like Teen Spirit
- semiotics
- Sensory and sensibility
- Sensory and sensibility and a big question
- Sept. Issue of "Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission"
- Serious concern
- Serious concern/ addition
- Serious concern/ addition 2
- Seth Godin book online
- settings
- sex and the single meme
- sex crimes
- sex crimes [1]
- sex crimes [2]
- Sex is Good for You
- sexual selection and memes
- Sexy memes
- Shaggy Dog vs. Psychic Dog
- Shakers
- Shalizi review in progress
- Shaving
- She knows what you want
- Sheldrake an Empiricist? Naah...
- Sheldrake and Goodwin info
- Sheldrake on senescence and cell death
- shotgun wedding for evol. and cult.
- Shotgun wedding for evolution and culture
- shotgun wedding of evol. and cult.
- Should memetics embrace Sheldrake?
- Show me yours
- Siberian kid
- sidents
- Significance of "As We May Think"
- Silent memes
- Silent memes)
- Silent Memes, something of interest !?
- simple and transient-state memes
- Simple neural models
- simulation of social evolution of pre-Pueblo people
- Sin
- Since Jeremy Bradley once again interjected his noxious and bogus opinion concerning a taboo list subject...
- Singing to myself
- Singularity (was +ve or -ve curvature)
- size filter?
- slangular memesis
- sleep tight-meme curio
- Sleeping Dragon Becomes Crouching Tiger
- Smart Mobs
- Snowcrash (SPOILER) - just read it and don't read this post if you haven't yet
- Snowcrash (SPOILER) - just read it and don't read this post if you haven't yet (fwd)
- social epistemology
- Social facts and snowball effect
- Social Norms and Memetics
- Social psychology
- Social Reproduction
- Solidarity with US disaster victims
- Solipsism reference
- solipsistic view on memetics
- some computed reading levels of book portions
- Some interesting academic political essays
- Some Light relief
- Some more interesting sites
- Some of Dace's Peace-Loving and Jew-Respecting Memes
- Some questions
- Some Saudi Schools Teach Students to Hate the U.S., Love Osama
- Something for the gender discussion.
- Something I heard !
- Something I shouldn 't be doing, but it is to nice to let go.....
- Something Of Interest !?
- song learning in humpback whales
- Song of Myself
- sorrow for anger
- Sorry
- Sorry about the disruption, normal service is now resumed!
- Sorry Memetics list has been down but should be working again...
- Soul and Self
- Sound familiar?
- Sound symbolism and language
- Sources of novelty (was Dar v mem evol)
- South American Water-Boiling
- spacetime?
- Spam names pattern change
- Spam names pattern change -just another Trojan
- speaking of books - how about Gould's?
- speaking of science fiction
- Species and food
- Species concepts
- speed seduction on tv (uk)
- Spoiled Reward-Pathway Hypothesis
- Spoiled reward-pathway hypothesis II (learning-machines)
- spooks & proxies
- Stability R Us
- stable cleaning
- Stages of processing in face perception: an MEG study
- stammbaum der menschen
- Standard definition
- state of memes
- Statistical Thought in the Social Sciences
- Staying tipsy
- Steele
- Stephen Jay Gould
- stepping outside the system
- Stereotypes
- Stereotypes !!
- Stewart tes
- Stewart test
- Sticky Memes
- Sticky memes I
- Sticky Memes II
- Sticky Memes/ to Chris
- stop the press! memes on tv!
- stored mental entities
- stored mental entities (and Mayr on memes)
- story-telling
- storyboards
- Strange Thing
- Strawman
- Struck by Lightning
- Structure and Religion
- Study calls for MIT to improve mental care
- Study shows brain can learn without really trying
- Study suggests love conquered all
- stuff from the horse
- Subject not found
- Subject: Meme Replications ERP and Time Travel
- Subliminal advertising
- Sue Blackmore (and other luminaries)
- Sue Blackmore (and other luminaries) - Dennett
- Sue Blackmore lecture Wednesday 5.15pm London
- Sue Blackmore talk, London 12th February.
- Sue Blackmore's new book
- suicide
- Suicide - not Cui Bono but who puts up with it
- Suicide pacts in Japan
- Sun Tzu
- Suo yang (Koro): The Genital Retraction Syndrome
- Survey connects graphic TV fare, child behavior
- SUSPECT SPAM (exim-4.30.conf) -
- Sustainable memes versus selfish ones
- SV: Hello?
- SV: Robert Aunger essay
- SV: SV: Hello?
- synaptic selves and Etch-A-Sketches
- synesthesia, audition and the WHAT/WHERE (for Derek)
- Systematics and Memetics:Towards a Memetic Species
- taboo
- taboos
- Taking out Saddam
- Talk of the Nation about middle east
- taxi drivers' hippocampi
- Taxonomy and speciation
- Teach your children well...
- technological bottlenecks and Movius line (was Memes and population size)
- Technology vs. culture
- Technology/culture/memetics
- Ted
- Ted's anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks
- Teleology
- teleology and language
- Teleology etc.
- Teleportation and memes
- Tell
- Tell (with a slight addition)
- Terms specific to the field of Memetics
- Terror and Anti-Terror Strategy: Successes and Failures All Around
- terror linked to freedom instead of poverty?
- Terrorism Spawned by Hate and the Tolerating of Hate
- test
- Test (yawn............)
- Test - please disregard
- test ignore please
- Test message, please ignore...
- Test message...
- test ping
- test please ignore
- test, don 't open it
- test, ignore !!
- test, ignore please !!
- Test. Ignore.
- test/ ignore
- testing
- testing 1,2,3..
- Testpage
- Tests and measurement
- Tests show a human side to chimps
- Thank you Wendy
- Thank you Wendy)
- Thanks !!
- Thanks for the great response so far!
- thanx to TJ Olney
- The "logic" meme
- the "minx" meme
- The "why" meme(s)
- The 1st chicken or the 1st egg
- The Alex Studies : Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of G rey Parrots
- The Alex Studies : Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots
- The anti-American obsession by Jean-Francois Revel
- The Appearance if Aaron Aggasi
- The Assumption of Omniscience by the True Believer
- The Barren Desolate Wasteland of Superdeterminism
- The Baseball Test Case
- The Baseball Test Case Diversion
- The capture of Eric Drexler's nanotechnology memes.
- The cat's meow vs. man's appetite
- the class system
- the conscious universe
- the conscious universe)
- the conscious universe: subjectivity/objectivity of beliefs
- the cultural market place
- The Culture War Against Kids
- The Darwin Awards as evidence of memes?
- The deadly Force of the Left- Hand
- The Demise of a Lineage
- The Demise of a Meaning... maybe a thread
- The Demise of a Meme
- The Digital Future of Cyberjournalism?
- the earth revolves around the sun
- The Electric Meme
- The evolution of
- The evolution of "evolution"
- The Evolution of Consciousness
- The Evolution of Intelligence (new book)
- The evolution of the novel
- The Experiment
- The Expt
- The Flack Catchers
- the fuel crisis meme
- The Gnostic Revolution, Pt. I
- The Gnostic Revolution, Pt. II
- The Guardian on Information
- The Guru mutation
- the hook
- The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises, Pt. 1
- The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises, Pt. II
- The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises, Pt. III
- The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises: Christianity and Marxism (Part I)
- The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises: Christianity and Marxism (Part II)
- The inaugural issue of Cognitive Science Online...
- The Industrial Evolution
- The influence of memes on genetic evolution
- The Intellectual Origins Of America-Bashing
- The Intellectual Origins Of America-Bashing By Lee Harris
- The Interview With God
- The ISIS site
- The ISIS site and Joe's other sources
- The issues of Israel and Palestine, terrorism
- The Latest Info
- The legion of memes
- The legion of memes-ESI
- The Liberal Quandary Over Iraq
- The lies go on...
- the linguistic big bang
- The Man in the White Suit
- The meme making process
- The Meme of Wearing Hijab Among Female Moslem
- the meme/brain problem
- The Memetic Stance
- The memetic war within the US government
- The memetics list is working again...
- the messenger
- The Mission Statement of ISIS
- The monster is US
- The Myth of the Holy Cow
- The Myth That Poverty Breeds Terrorism
- the names of symbols are only opinions....
- The necessity of mental memes
- the neural Aunger
- the New Athens Aircraft company
- The Next Step
- The Nigerian Miss World Beauty Pageant Riots
- The Oldest Memes?
- The Ontogenesis of the Gurwitschian Perceptual Structure Part I
- The Ontogenesis of the Gurwitschian Perceptual Structure Part II
- The Ontogenesis of the Gurwitschian Perceptual Structure Part III
- The Origin of Religions, From a Distinctly Darwinian View
- The pace of change
- The Passion of the Christopher
- the performance model
- The Plot to Kill Darwin (I.D. & the D.I.)
- The Presidency Wars
- The problem with the belief that one is enlightened
- The Real Weapon
- The Redefinition of Memes: Ascribing Meaning to an Empty Cliché
- The religion meme
- the religious meme
- The Roots of the Muslim Fundamentalist Terror Meme
- the secular web t-shirt slogan
- The selfish gene meme
- the slopes of Vesuvius
- The spectrum of cult memes
- The spectrum of cult memes/ addition 2
- The spectrum of cult memes/ addition 3
- The Status of Memetics as a Science
- The Status of Memetics as a Science (another long post)
- The Status of Memetics as a Science (long post!)
- The Status of Memetics as a Science (species dominance)
- The Symbolic Species
- the tent
- The terrorism meme
- The terrorism meme (test)
- The Text of Bush's UN Speech
- The Text of Dubya's Terrorism Speech Tonight
- The Tipping Point
- The Tipping Point, perspective
- The Unbreachable Barrier
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
- The Urge to Punish Cheats: Not Just Human, but Selfless
- The US-UN memetic war
- the usefullness of belief
- the very model
- the warwick conference
- The word 'yet' hinges existential debate
- The year in ideas
- Theorists See Evolutionary Advantages In Menopause
- There is never pure perception or pure action
- There may be some disruption to memetics next week ...
- There will be a man
- Thesis: Memes are DNA-Slaves
- This is a "digest?"
- This is interesting
- This is your brain on God
- this list
- this list & gene/meme
- This list's problems
- this little meme went to market...
- Thought manipulation and human nature
- Thoughts and Perceptions
- Thoughts on the South- American Man
- Thousands of languages are facing extinction
- Three Scientists and Their Gods
- Three Scientists and thier Gods
- throwing tomatoes
- time
- Time article and letter to editor
- Time to lower the boom (was: Dawkins View)
- tip o' the hat to Wilkins
- Tipping Point author in town
- To be or not to be: memetics a science?
- To Chris Lofting
- To Grant
- To Grant - a man of many assumptions
- To Grant re Susan Blackmore letter
- To Kenneth Van Oost
- To Lawry
- To Richard Brodie
- To Robin, Applied Memetics
- To Robin, Applied Memetics, was: Memetic Parasitism
- To Scott
- To Scott Chase
- To see is to categorize
- To Vincent
- To Wade
- Toggling nature's auto-erase
- Top 'o the mornin' to you
- Total Altruism Is A Myth
- Toward a discussion of Israel, Palestine and memetics
- Toward a discussion of Israel, Palestine and memtics
- Toward a new US-World dialogue
- Toward a solution: Israel and Palestine
- Tracking down the truth...
- tracking the HIV/AIDS controversy
- Transformism
- transmission
- transmission (and reception)
- Transmission and Replication
- Transmission of Electromechanical Signals
- Transmission of memes?
- Transmission, baseball and arguments about intentionality
- transmittance
- Transplanted meme discussion (1)
- Transplanted meme discussion (2)
- Tranzis
- triune brain recapitulated
- troop and KKK; an urban legend I actually remember
- Troubles with E-mail to memetic list (again)
- Truth and survival
- Truth Serum
- tumbleweeds?
- Turkey !
- Turkey (renamed)
- TV- entertainment promotes non-democratic feelings
- two data points for illusion and mimicry
- Two early meme papers of historical interest (1a)
- Two early meme papers of historical interest (1b)
- Two early meme papers of historical interest (2a)
- Two early meme papers of historical interest (2b)
- Two financial thought contagion papers now online
- Typical progress
- U.S. TV Shows Losing Potency Around World
- UCSD vs. MIT on Frames in semantics
- under it all
- understanding
- Units, Events, and Dynamics in the Evolutionary Epidemiology of Ideas
- urge to strangle
- urge to strangle II
- urgent warning
- US Tagedy
- US Tragedy
- USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal cul ture
- USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal culture
- Usanian definition
- useless example #400
- useless example #401
- useless examples #307
- Useless memes
- Useless memes and material consequences
- Uses for artifacts and memes (fwd)
- Using the subject line
- Value-Free Science
- Vanderbilt neuroscientists identify 'oops center' in the brain
- Vatican lashes Feminism
- venue
- venue examples
- Verbal memeticism
- Video Captures Sept. 11 Horror in Raw Replay
- Viral Memory
- viral message on my dollar bill?
- Virulent Offshoots and Others
- Virus !!!
- virus map
- Virus of the Mind paperback
- Virus or meme?
- virus warning
- virus: Dawkins: Why Prince Charles is so wrong
- virus: dear ma . . .
- virus: Evolutionary Psychology chat tonight 2100h CST
- virus: examples needed
- virus: From Mouth to Mind
- virus: Joe Dees = death of the CoV
- virus: Laying down the law
- virus: Morality and Religion (crossposted from the Virus List)
- virus: Psychological Profile of Hall
- virus: Psychological Profile of Hall, Pt. I
- virus: Psychological Profile of Hall, Pt. II
- virus: Revising Relativity (crossposted from the Virus List)
- virus: Scientists Study Brain Changes Over Time
- virus: the arational moment
- virus: Throwing Einstein for a Loop (Crossposted from the Virus List)
- virus: virus warning
- virus: When babies 'see'
- Volunteer article reviewers?
- Wade admits he's a prankster
- Wade's fragmentation problem
- Wade's hammer
- Wade's last week's phrase of the day...
- Wade's performance model
- Wade's so-called "performance model"
- War Gods?
- wards
- Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy?
- Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and Palesti ne.
- Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy? Israel and Palestine.
- Was Sherlock Holmes a real person or a literary character? Yes.
- was: the conscious universe
- Watches & Necklaces
- Watt's meme
- We, the Traitors
- Web page
- Webpage
- website correction
- Well, I signed it...
- Whacking on memetics
- Wham, bam, epigram
- What about this?
- What Arafat's second-in-command has to say about the Intifadeh
- What are memes made of?
- What are memes made of?)
- what comes in....
- What determines choice?
- What does the mind/brain know?
- What happened to the journal of memetics?
- What I Learned at the Jihad
- what if...?
- What is "useful"; what is "survival"
- what is a meme?
- What is it good for?
- What is Meaning
- What is MEG?
- What IT is...
- What makes a meme become succesful?
- What Meaning Means
- What Meaning Means)
- what price freedom
- What the Onion has to say about these terrorist individuals
- what we don't let in
- What's happening?
- What's in an Inkblot? Some Say, Not Much
- What/who selects memes?
- When Devils Walk The Earth
- When rage fuels world's 'lost boys'
- When the government starts tracking down collaborators
- Where's meme?
- Where, physically, are memes when they are not being performed?
- which is apparently also in paperback
- Who holds the leash?
- Who invented number 12 ?
- Who is Mark Turner
- Who knew genes could get mean?
- Who knew genes could get mean? Explication.
- Who Runs MEMRI? For Lawry.
- Who's right Pinker, Dawkins or Brodie?
- Why a broken heart hurts so much
- Why are human babies kid-napped?
- Why are human brains bigger?
- Why crash hijacked planes after we already *gave* them perfectly good rocket launchers?
- Why crash hijacked planes after we already *gave* them rocket launchers?
- Why Europe
- Why Europe is so Contrary
- Why Europe is so Contrary ( joe 1)
- Why Europe is so Contrary (joe 2)
- why indexicals?
- Why memeoids?
- Why Memes Propagate - Answers to key questions about Meme structure, internal causation and functionality.
- Why People are so Contrary
- Why?
- Wild Minds
- Wild Minds by Marc Hauser - excerpts
- Wildebeest !!
- Wildebeest!!!
- Wilkins on combinatorial novelty
- Wilkins on the meme:engram relation
- Wilson on memes
- Wilson on memes (fun example)
- Wimsatt on memes at the Uni Pittsburgh
- Win/win
- Witness Tells of Taliban Attack on Ancient Buddha Relics
- Woman sentenced to Death by Stoning!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!
- Women's Group Debates Snow Penis
- Word-use spikes
- Word-use spikes (for Bryan)
- Words and memes
- Words and memes--Cattle Killing
- Words and memes: criteria for acceptance of new belief or
- Words and memes: criteria for acceptance of new belief or m eme
- Words and memes: criteria for acceptance of new belief or mem e
- Words and memes: criteria for acceptance of new belief or meme
- Words and memes: Memes and religion/cults
- Words From Our Sponsor: A Jeweler Commissions a Novel
- World Language Losses at a Glance
- World opinion survey
- World Series
- WorldWatch Institute :- Worldstability
- Wrestling With Islam by David Warren
- writing from here to there
- Xanadu meme, a case study
- Xanadu meme, a case study (Ted Nelson)
- YA definition
- Yates -death penalty and insanity
- Yawning
- Yes, but will there still be memes?
- yet another new memetics book? apparently not -- but Law meme?
- You'll love this (I think)
- Your Contact Info
- your mail
- Your Quotes on Israpundit
- Zen Buddhism and Existential Phenomenology (Pt. I)
- Zen Buddhism and Existential Phenomenology (Pt. II)
- ‘playing at suicide
Last message date: Mon 19 Jun 2006 - 10:54:38 GMT
Archived on: Mon 19 Jun 2006 - 10:56:02 GMT
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