RE: Memes and CUlture Wars

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 10:22:30 GMT

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "Memory again"

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    Subject: RE: Memes and CUlture Wars
    Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:22:30 -0000
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            Hi John,

            <If this analysis by Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson,
    > based on close interviews of 100,000 people are
    > correct, we could expect there would be three sets of
    > "memeplexes" currently competing for adherents in
    > America at the moment.>
            Two things of interest here. First, methodological- close
    interviews of 100,000 people? What did they have like 100 researchers, or
    did it take them 20 years? How close is close? Was it really interview
    based, or more like a questionnaire? (How did they get funding for such an

            Second, I think most revealing is the absence of declared ideologies
    here. What these categories display is typical of late capitalist democracy
    where in fact there aren't distinct ideological differences between people,
    but instead people are issue-oriented. So people can share pro-market
    views, but be bitterly divided over abortion say. Of course many would say
    that this end of history, third way, non-ideological era of politics is an
    illusion created by the right, and successful mainly because the left failed
    to play the propaganda game in Western nations. It is not a society of two
    of three competing memeplexes, but a one dimensional society as Marcuse
    famously said. But that's just blather, the methodological stuff is what
    I'm interested in here.


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