Re: phenotypic plasticity and ontogeny

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 23:41:06 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re: phenotypic plasticity and ontogeny"

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: phenotypic plasticity and ontogeny
    Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 18:41:06 -0500
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    >From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    >To: "Memetics Discussion List" <>
    >Subject: Re: phenotypic plasticity and ontogeny
    >Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 00:00:47 -0500
    >Hi Mark Mills --
    >Thanks for all of that. Highly interesting.
    > >I don't think there is genetic versus memetic sex.
    >Hmmm. I don't think I was looking for a versus- more a 'how can they be
    >the same?' For me to get a gene distributed (replicated), I have to
    >produce progeny, since I ain't just talking about the continuation of my
    >single bodily life or the splitting of my cells, although, yes, in some
    >ways the technology of genetics may one day provide me with another
    >avenue. (For the sake of this definition, a sperm bank is 'sex', but
    >gene-splicing is not.) For me to get a meme distributed, I have to
    >convince someone else to 'birth' it. I have to have 'sex' with them to
    >plant the meme, and hope that the progeny will be recognizable as part of
    >my me(me). So, I'm more and more seeing the meme as a special functional
    >unit of behavior- a tool of the neural system that develops from the
    >phenotypic plastic. And I see it as a 'sexual' element (and, so far, only
    >as the 'male' element) of communication.
    >So, is it only my dirty mind?
    The part about "birthing" an idea reminds of "midwifery" or the "maieutic
    method". I'm not into playdough, so my familiarity with Socrates is not so
    good. I stumbled upon maiuesis in Nietzsche's _Birth of Tragedy_ if I'm not
    mistaken. The midwifery analogy sounds cool at face value (ie- helping
    another cope with labor pains as you coax an idea out of them). The
    fertilization before hand is a little tricky. Maybe it was immaculate

    Once born, I wonder if the idea is taken to the nursery with all the other
    newborn ideas.
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