Call for papers: MASHO

From: Rosaria Conte (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 10:13:39 BST


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    Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 11:13:39 +0200
    To:,, Robert Elliott Smith <>, "Kearney, Paul" <>, Phillip Greenway <>, Cristiano Castelfranchi <>, Gerard Weisbuch <>, Torsten Eymann <>, Andy Wright <>
    From: (Rosaria Conte)
    Subject: Call for papers: MASHO
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    >From: Gabriela Lindemann <>
    >Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 10:19:11 +0200 (MET DST)
    >Subject: Call for papers: MASHO
    >X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
    > !Please, accept our apologies for multiple posting!
    > !Adress for submissions:!
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Workshop on
    > - MASHO -
    > (
    > To be held at the
    > 14th European Conference on
    > Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2000)
    > August 20th-25th, 2000
    > Berlin, Germany
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Important Dates
    > Deadline for arrival of submissions: 7 April 2000
    > Notification of acceptance: 10 May 2000
    > Revised camera-ready due: 12 June 2000
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > The workshop "Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organizations"
    > is a one-day event that will be held at the occasion of ECAI-2000
    > in Berlin, Germany. This workshop aims to present first results in the
    > very new field of Socionics. It is concerned with the structure and
    > behaviour of hybrid and artificial agent societies. Agent oriented
    > approaches are to be used in the modelling of the distributed hybrid
    > and artificial organizations as well as in the description self-organi-
    > zation and emergence of social characteristics. The workshop shall
    > bring together both researchers in DAI, related fields and Sociology.
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Introduction
    > In developing agents and multi-agent systems computer scientists have
    > used sociological terms like negotiation, interaction, contracts,
    > agreement, organization, cohesion, social order, and collaboration.
    > Meanwhile an interdisciplinary area called "Socionics" is in the
    > beginning to establish itself. In the last years researchers in
    > Artificial Intelligence, Sociology, Evolution Theory and Self-Organizing
    > Principles have shown interest in answers to questions like:
    > * What have human and artificial societies in common?
    > * How do we deal with the offer of interaction with artificial agents
    > and artificial multi-agent communities?
    > * What can the DAI community do to get acceptance from "conventional"
    > users?
    > * What are the main difficulties in designing hybrid societies?
    > * What are the effects of growing involvement of artificial societies
    > in social life?
    > * Where are the "walls" to handle artificial worlds?
    > * How can we overcome the existing difficulties in using agent systems?
    > The workshop will consider organizational models by exploiting agent
    > technology for the simulation and evaluation of organizational
    > behaviour. Specific aspects of organizational structures,
    > for example, the different (sub)groups that can be distinguished within
    > an organization, the different roles in a group, and interaction between
    > roles, shall be investigated with respect to the involvement of
    > artificial partners. An organizational structure provides coordination
    > of the different individual actor and agent behaviours. An interesting
    > relation is the relation between an organization structure
    > specification, the dynamics of individual human and agents behaviour
    > (behavioural specification), and the emerging dynamics for the community
    > as a whole.
    > The workshop aims to exchange ideas on different aspects of agent-
    > oriented approaches in connection to organizational knowledge,
    > structures and behaviour.
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Topics
    > * modelling of artificial and hybrid organizations
    > * agent behaviour in organizational structures
    > * commitment, responsibility and obligations in artificial and hybrid
    > societies
    > * semantics of the dynamics of organizational models
    > * requirements of agents in artificial and hybrid societies
    > * organizational roles
    > * adaptive organization models
    > * simulation of artificial and hybrid societies
    > * self organizing systems and emergent organization
    > * applications
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Submission Procedure
    > Those wishing to participate in the workshop should submit an original
    > research paper of up to 10 pages maximum to the address below.
    > Electronic submission in PostScript (Unix-compatible)is recommended,
    > but three single-sided hard copies are also accepted.
    > The proceedings will be distributed at the workshop. Based on selected
    > workshop papers, we plan to edit a special issue of an AI journal.
    > Attendance will be limited to 40 participants. Attendees at the workshop
    > must also register for the main ECAI-2000 conference.
    > Submit to:
    > (electronic submissions preferred!)
    > or send three paper copies of the paper to:
    > Gabriela Lindemann
    > Humboldt University Berlin
    > Department of Computer Science
    > Rudower Chaussee 25
    > D-10099 Berlin, Germany
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Organization
    > Catholijn M. Jonker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    > Ioan A.Letia, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Co-chair)
    > Gabriela Lindemann, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (Co-chair)
    > Thomas Uthmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Information on ECAI-2000:
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Programme Committee
    > Mihai Barbuceanu, University of Toronto, Canada
    > Cristiano Castelfranchi, National Research Council, Italy
    > Rosaria Conte, National Research Council, Italy
    > Keith S Decker, University of Delaware, USA
    > Yves Demazeau, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
    > Peter Dittrich, University of Dortmund, Germany
    > Jacques Ferber, Universite Montpellier II, France
    > Klaus Fischer, DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany
    > Christian Freksa, University of Hamburg, Germany
    > Serge Galam, Universite Paris 6, France
    > Catholijn M Jonker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    > Victor R Lesser, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
    > Ioan Alfred Letia, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    > Gabriela Lindemann, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
    > Daniel Moldt, University of Hamburg, Germany
    > Scott Moss, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
    > Jean-Pierre Muller, Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland
    > Sascha Ossowski, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
    > Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
    > Sorin Solomon, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
    > Dietrich Stauffer, University of Cologne, Germany
    > Jan Treur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    > Thomas Uthmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Contact
    > Gabriela Lindemann
    > Humboldt University Berlin
    > Department of Computer Science
    > Rudower Chaussee 25
    > D-10099 Berlin, Germany
    > Tel: + 49 +30 2093 3170
    > Fax: + 49 +30 2093 3168
    > e-mail:
    >----- End Included Message -----

    Rosaria Conte

    National Research Council, Institute of Psychology, V.LE Marx 15, 00137 Roma.
    Division "AI, Cognitive and Interaction Modelling"
    PSS (Project on Social Simulation) - voice:+39+06+86090210;fax:+39+06+824737
    email: -

    University of Siena - Communication Sciences - "Social Psychology"

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