From: Van oost Kenneth (
Date: Tue 13 Jan 2004 - 19:49:06 GMT
----- Original Message -----
> To give an example from a few years ago (1999 I think), the Brixton
> bomber- the lone nut who set off three nail bombs in london locations
> targeting asian, black, and homosexual communities, initially confused the
> security services, and the media. I recall an early news report in a
> serious newspaper after the first bomb that must of mentioned about at
> half a dozen possible suspect groups that might have done it- including
> Serbs upset about the kosovan war, right wing groups in the UK, islamic
> fundamentalists, and various organised crime groups from around the world.
>> Yes, this is right, the greatest thread for such agencies are the loners,
individuals like the shoe- bomber, anyway he tried....even in the US this
is recognized as a major security problem. IIRC, a month ago the FBI
arrested a couple, having there home stacked with chemicals and other
stuff to blast a whole town away.
Crime grouops have their own specific " methods ", loners are far more
difficult to pin point and to track them down.
> Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that there are discourses around
> issues that dominate the way people structure events, issues and their
> of being understood, addressed and resolved which are shaping the way
> threats post 9/11 are being represented and interpreted, and those
> discourses (or memeplexes, perhaps) stem from the cold war.
<< Not only that have been changed since 9 / 11, but the way people
must structure events must indulge a new anthropology of violence and
thus of cruelty, like Susan Sontag argues.
" How do you call a victim which has become active, ( suicide- pilots );
cowardly or heroic !? How do we deal with such discursive complexity !?
The American call for all kinds of image- censorship and European
cynism about photographin ' the world are both defence- mechanisms
for the paradoxes of the new kind of violence. "
What I am trying to say is that the people of today hasn 't a clear response
to the kind of violence committed by those Islamitic crime groups.
An action demands an instant reaction ,but we ain 't up to it, yet !
We must getting " used "......if I may use this expression.
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