RE: Phonosemantics and parallels in the genome (and elsewhere)

From: Gatherer, D. (Derek) (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 08:13:50 GMT

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "RE: DNA Culture .... Trivia?"

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    Subject: RE: Phonosemantics and parallels in the genome (and elsewhere)
    Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:13:50 +0100
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    Hello Zylogy

    Have you read:

    Jimenez-Montano et al (1996) The hypercube structure of the genetic code
    explains conservative and non-conservative aminoacid substitutions in vivo
    and in vitro. Biosystems 39, 117-125.


    Jimenez-Montano (1994) On the syntactic structure and redundancy
    distribution of the genetic code. Biosystems 32, 11-23.

    I suspect that your thoughts on genetic code structure parallel this work,
    or perhaps they do add something new, but I need to know in much more detail
    exactly what you mean.

    I'll quote some of the bits I'm unclear about:

    "The genetic code is usually represented ......." [actually, I do follow
    what you mean there regarding the usual representation]

    "But I've
    found that by tinkering with the structure of the representation, to take
    into account the actual hydrogen bonding structure at the double-helix
    base-base interface (which side has N, O, and whether the base is single or
    double-ringed), that a motivated variation in the ordering of each cube axis

    is in order."

    This is where I get lost. If I've understood correctly, you initially have
    ACTG in the same order on each of the 3 axes (??). But then how exactly do
    you 'tinker' with that? I'm afraid the bit after the comma just isn't clear
    to me.


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