From: Wade Smith (
Date: Fri 13 Dec 2002 - 15:28:21 GMT
These are excerpts from the work of Jack Sarfatti. He commands a
bit more respect than Sheldrake, certainly. He is also
impenetrable by laymen. He's also a fascinating character,
mentioned in Wilson's Illuminati series several times. One of
He is not listed as one of the participants in the Quantum
Physics/Consciousness conference I forwarded info about earlier.
I wonder why not.
Like others ;-), he uses a tri-level system.
- Wade
What is the Soul?
"Soul" is a quaint term for the Level 3 post-quantum
spontaneously sentient field of what Henry Stapp calls
"experiential qualities" "e". Bohm's theory has all of this in
latent form ready for a metamorphosis of human understanding.
I have, in the spirit of humble grace, been given a universal
theory of sentience at Level 3, which fulfills Einstein's
principle of relativity first conceived by him at Level 1.
Sentience is the warping of Bohm's Level 2 field of non-material
quantum information by Level 1 matter-geometry, just as Level 1
universal gravity is the warping of Level 1 geometry by Level 1
matter as shown by Einstein in 1915. This is a theory for ALL
minds human and otherwise.
Mind is non-material i.e. not Level 1, but it is still physical.
Post-modern physics has a much broader notion of "physical" than
what you learned as a child. Remember Saint Paul "when I was a
child, I thought as a child" on the tinkling of Bell's theorem
"through the looking glass darkly".:-)
Properties of post-quantum sentient fields (thanks to Ken Jenkens):
"Appreciation of beauty and ecstasy
Sense of humor
Original creativity and imagination
Love and commitment
Conscious choice
Appreciation of enchantment-
Appreciation of the unknown
Self transcendence - that which must ever surpass itself".
Yes, all of these are properties of Level 3 spontaneously
sentient post-quantum fields of mental information. Shannon's
theory of Level 1 classical information is for matter, Bohm's
new theory of Level 2 quantum information is prerequisite for
mind. Mind is the two way dialogue or exchange between Level 1
Shannon information and Level 2 Bohm information.
First the term "behavior". I understand "behavior" as strictly
classical Level 1 matter in motion in ordinary space. For a
complex system this corresponds to the motion of the Level 1
material "system point" along the "Bohm worldline" (Stapp's
term) on the Level 2 Bohm quantum information field "landscape"
in the configuration space of the Bohm worldline. I mean
"landscape" as in Murray Gell-Mann's "The Quark and the Jaguar",
and Stuart Kauffman's "At Home in the Universe". Mathematically,
it is the gradient flow perpendicular to the equipotential
contour lines on the hypersurface formed by Bohm's Level 2 non
material, but physical, quantum information potential Q in the
classical Level 1 configuration space of the material Bohm
worldline representing the relevant collective degrees of
freedom (Frohlich modes?) of the momentary material brain
Now as to the ultimate cause of the time symmetry breaking,
Dimitri Nanopoulos argues that the Level 3 post-quantum
self-organizing loop, formally like the objective reduction "OR"
"friction" term in the GRW model, does it. This is good because
in my theory it is this term that also generates experiential
qualities "e" so that the subjectively experienced flow of time
from past to future is an integral part of consciousness.
However, this is not the final word on this mystery.
"We concluded that the one-way flow of time that we observe in
our world is attributable, in part, to the existence of all the
other matter in the universe." Wheeler.
Does isolating electrons in hydrophobic cages inside
microtubules upset the one-way flow of time in the brain?
Remember Level 2 is the one-way influence of quantum information
on its Level 1 material beable. Time also flows one-way here.
Not so for Level 3 where experiment shows an advanced Wigner
action of mind on matter from the future backward in time
together with a retarded Wigner reaction experience of willing
our free choice in the ordinary way from the past forward in
The advanced Wigner action of future intent is the "future Level
2 cause" of "past Level 1 brain behavior" in Libet's data. This
is half of the Level 3 spontaneously sentient self-organizing
feedback-control loop between Level 2 mind information and Level
1 brain matter. The other half that closes John Archibald
Wheeler's "self excited" sentient circuit is the retarded Wigner
reaction "e" (Stapp's experiential quality). This is our
subjective experience that we freely willed our conscious choice
forward in time! This is the operational meaning of my equation
Advanced Wigner action + Retarded Wigner reaction = 0 (1a)
This explains normal everyday morally responsible conscious
choices which are experienced forward in time, but according to
Libet (and Penrose) involve a backward in time influence. My
post-quantum theory explains this very well.
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