Date: Tue 10 Dec 2002 - 17:49:11 GMT
> At 12:29 AM 10/12/02 -0600, you wrote:
> >> At 08:11 AM 9/12/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >> Snip........Alfred wrote:
> >> >And, of course, it's not just the left that supports
> >> >'s drug addicts, too. commercials have shown, by
> >> >association, that drugs are sold by dealers who get their drugs
> >> >from people who finance terrorists. associative equation:
> >> >drugs=supports terrorism.
> >> >
> >> Jeremy:
> >> Correct me here if I am wrong here but hasn't the CIA been shown to
> >> be one of the biggest importers of drugs into the US? And didn't
> >> they run drugs out of Cambodia to finance terrorism, train
> >> terrorists and supply arms for right-wing insurgents who even
> >> murdered US citizens in South America? Jeremy
> >>
> >More than that; there is testimony that they used CIA planes to bring
> > cocaine into the US so its sale would multiply available covert US
> >funds to arm the contras. In my opinion, Iran-Contra was as
> >dangerous to the US democracy as Watergate ever was; in one case, we
> >had a sitting president of one major party bugging the other major
> >party's campaign headquarters, and in the other, we had a shadow
> >government operating for the sole purpose of pursuing a presidential
> >policy that had expressly been forbidden by Congress. Both happened
> >during Republican administrations; lying about a Democratic
> >presidential-intern blowjob tryst or two pales into pastels by
> >comparison.
> This is my understanding too Joe. I have heard that England (opium
> introduced to China) and USAnia are the two all-time biggest
> drug-runners of all time. As a long time casual pot smoker it makes me
> madder than hell that they are the two most anti-drug nations. It is
> hypocritical in the extreme. They talk of harm minimisation, ie the
> avoidance of a few thousand deaths of consenting junkies in the West,
> but ignore the millions who will die violently, or from HIV, as a
> result of the 'war on drugs'. IMO they are just trying to keep the
> price up and siphon off cash from an artificially created social
> underbelly. Still keepin the niggers down in the good ol USofA. Jeremy
But nigger is no longer is defined by complexion; it is defined by class
status and behavior.
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