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From: Price, Ilfryn (I.Price@shu.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 09:09:37 GMT

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: Words and memes: criteria for acceptance of new belief or meme"

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    From: "Price, Ilfryn" <I.Price@shu.ac.uk>
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    Keith accurate but dry

    >membot: A person whose entire life has become subordinated to the propagation of a meme, robotically and at any opportunity. (Such as many
    Jehovah's Witnesses, Krishnas, and Scientologists.) Due to internal competition, the most vocal and extreme membots tend to rise to top of
    their sociotype Us hierarchy. A self-destructive membot is a memeoid. (GMG)>

    For less formal use I prefer Andrew Lord's definition

    "A person who would fail the Turing Test"

    (not unknown on internet lists)

    If Price
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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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