RE: Primate Rights

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 13:38:43 BST

  • Next message: Anne Hansen: "Re: Primate Rights"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: Primate Rights
    Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 13:38:43 +0100
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    The porcine rights thing was a joke (forgot the smiley).

    The point about animal experiments, it seems to me, is precisely that one of
    the things that seems inherently wrong with it is that animals aren't
    capabale of giving consent, thus making experiments illegitimate.
    Alternatively, abolishing experiments on primates because of close
    behavioural similarities seems erroneous to me, becuase where do you draw
    the line?

    As has already begun to happen, some experiment are now done on "lower"
    animals- such as that test of drugs on spiders' abilities to make webs that
    got a lot of press coverage in the UK a while back. Is this any more
    legitimate because spiders are a long way from being similar to humans in
    their behaviour?


    > ----------
    > From: Anne
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:13 pm
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: Primate Rights
    > > Thank Ann, very interesting material.
    > >
    > > I've always been both fascinated by Goodall's work (at Gombi isn't it?)
    > and
    > > concerned at the same time. Fascinated because of how lengthy
    > observations
    > > of chimp behaviour has shown some remarkable parallels with human
    > behaviour,
    > > but concerned because she has a major tendency towards anthropomorphism
    > (the
    > > chimps have 'names' etc.).
    > I"ll answer on these issues, and your following lines at a later
    > date!
    > > I've said before on this list that I don't buy other animals having
    > > cultures, though; pre-cultural behaviours, or proto-cultural behaviours
    > > perhaps, but to call these rudimentary behaviours culture I think makes
    > the
    > > term meaningless.
    > >
    > > Obviously human culture (and things like religious belief) have to have
    > some
    > > precedent as they are products of natural selection, and it would indeed
    > be
    > > strange if we didn't see behaviours approximating human behaviours in
    > other
    > > animals.
    > >
    > > Yet both quantitively and qualitatively our behaviours are distinct.
    > Apes
    > > do not spontaneously in the wild develop grammatical language the way
    > they
    > > do in the lab, and experiments have shown that pigs can use computer
    > > joysticks to perform basic tasks as well. Does that mean there should
    > be
    > > porcine rights as well?
    > Not even worth an answer...
    > > Vincent
    > I skipped the last section of the article last night, Ive posted
    > it
    > now, so you can try to comprehend what goes on in the labs!
    > Cheers Anne
    > ((The Oregon Regional Primate Research Center: Oline K. Ronnekleiv
    > is administering cocaine to pregnant mothers and unborn fetuses. He has
    > discovered that chronic cocaine use causes brain damage. (Project number:
    > 5
    > P51 RR00163 -38).
    > Miles Novy " . . . studies . . . unanesthetized chronically
    > catheterized maternal-fetal
    > preparations . . . ". He wants to know how hormone levels change during
    > pregnancy in rhesus macaques and baboons. (Project number: 5 R37
    > HDO6159 -25).
    > Washington Regional Primate Research Center: Marnix L. Bosch has
    > learned that HIV and SIV have, " . . . important biological
    > differences."
    > This was discoverd by infecting rhesus and pigtailed macaques. They were
    > infected both orally and rectally. (Project number: 2 P51 RR00166 -36).
    > Virginia M. Gunderson has recieved a Scientist Development Award
    > to " . . . gain
    > expertise. . . [and], . . . acquire the skills to attain her career
    > goals."
    > She is injecting chemicals into the brains of very young pigtailed
    > macaques
    > to try to induce seizures.
    > New England Regional Primate Research Center: Janice H. Kinsey
    > designed a database to keep records on the large population of
    > individually
    > housed monkeys. She gathered data on the amount of various behaviors such
    > as: ". . .pacing, bouncing, rocking, . . . self-biting, grasping, and
    > hair
    > pulling." She learned that 10% of the center's monkeys bite themselves.
    > [Sometimes they chew off fingers, tail tips and chew holes in their arms
    > that require veterinary care.] ( PN # 5 P51 RR00168 -36).
    > Alyssa Rulf Fountain, studying self-injurious behavior (SIB) such
    > as
    > self-biting, reports that,
    > ". . . the causes are largely unknown." ( PN # 5 P51 RR00168 -36).
    > Both of these studies above are ongoing, but as early as 1990
    > researchers had found that even a small hole between cages of individually
    > caged monkeys which allowed them to touch each other stopped most of this
    > behavior. Ms. Fountain's assertion notwithstanding, the cause of SIB has
    > been well known for years: Most non-human primates are more social than
    > humans and isolating them causes insanity. (See D. Blum, The Monkey Wars,
    > pg. 191).
    > Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center: Christopher L. Coe says
    > that, "Prior research at our laboratory has determined that stressful
    > events experienced by the pregnant female monkey can affect her fetus . .
    > ."
    > .. Now he wants to know, " . . . whether the absence of breast milk and
    > its
    > soluble immune products exacerbates the effects of prenatal disturbance."
    > PN # R01 MH41659 -12).
    > In a similar study at the Wisconsin center, researchers are scarring
    > the amygdala (a deep brain structure) of female monkeys to induce a
    > permanent state of fear. They want to know whether such stress can affect
    > a
    > baby born to such an afflicted mother.
    > Tulane Regional Primate Research Center: Margaret R. Clark is working
    > to enlarge the breeding colony of rhesus macaques. She wishes the
    > facility
    > to produce an additional 150 babies a year. She says, " . . . infants
    > will
    > be removed [from their mothers and all adult monkeys] within three days of
    > birth . . . Management practices will maximize the psychological
    > well-being
    > of the animals." ( PN # 5 P51 RR00164 -34, $103,241).
    > Gamal M. Ghoniem is implanting vascular cuffs around the neck of
    > the
    > bladder of rhesus macaques. A lead to this cuff runs out of the monkeys'
    > bodies and allows him to squeeze off the neck of the bladder while the
    > monkeys attempt to urinate. He has found that monkeys whose bladder necks
    > are most tightly closed take longer to pee than those with less
    > obstruction.
    > ( PN # 5 P51 RR00164 -36).
    > Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center: Leonard L. Howell has
    > learned
    > that monkeys trained to drink caffeine will self-administer lower doses
    > than
    > monkeys trained to receive intravenous injections. ( PN # 5 P 51
    > RR00165 -37).
    > Opendra Narayan has successfully developed a cross between SIV
    > and
    > HIV-1. He reports that this new virus he has created is, "highly
    > pathogenic in pigtailed macaques." He does not mention whether it would
    > be
    > harmful to humans. ( PN # 5 P51 RR00165 -37).
    > Margarete Tigges is sewing the eyelids shut on newborn infants. (
    > PN
    > # 5 P51 RR00165 -37).
    > California Regional Primate Research Center: David G. Amaral is
    > using
    > chemical means to permanently disconnect the amygdalas from the rest of
    > the brain in male monkeys. He wants to know whether they will still be
    > able
    > to communicate with facial expression. He says this will help us
    > understand
    > criminality and psychopathic behavior in humans. ( PN # 5 P51
    > RR00169 -36).
    > William Gilbert is ligating (tying shut) esophagi and catheterizing
    > the
    > tracheas of fetus rhesus macaques. He characterizes this as chronic
    > catheterization which means that these babies inside their mothers have
    > these tubes in them for days or months on end. ( PN # 5 RR000169 -36).
    > What these examples teach is that the federally funded primate
    > research
    > centers around the United States have little regard for or understanding
    > of
    > the animals they experiment on. Any abuse is allowed in the name of
    > Science. Studies routinely repeat experiments that have been done on
    > humans. Monkeys are disposed of as if they are broken equipment.
    > Every center has received warnings about the condition of the
    > animals'
    > housing. Every center keeps monkeys in isolation. Every center receives
    > over 10 million dollars a year. Expansion is underway around the country.
    > Every law to protect and enhance the life of these animals has been
    > heavily
    > lobbied against by the biomedical community.
    > The researchers say this work is important because we learn about
    > humans since monkeys and apes are so like us, but at the same time they
    > say
    > we should not be concerned over the torment these animals suffer because
    > they are so unlike us.
    > Biomedical researchers have made the same arguments and done similar
    > things to minorities throughout history. The research taking place at the
    > NIH Regional Primate Research Centers is just more of the same. Its root
    > cause is the bigotry that is always associated with unbridled hubris.
    > Only
    > when people speak out will it end. ))
    > > >
    > >
    > > ===============================================================
    > > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    > > see:
    > >
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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