RE: pls direct me to a memetics list <eom>

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 11:11:34 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: Memetic Influence on Evolution"

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    Subject: RE: pls direct me to a memetics list <eom>
    Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 11:11:34 +0100
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    ooh, bitchy!

    I think you'll find that long serving people on this list are inherently
    engaged with memetics questions, even if the term itself isn't routinely
    used. Part of the reason for this is the persistent definitional dispute
    over what memes are, and the longer you're on this list, the more these
    arguments go round and round in circles. More productive, IMHO, is the
    discussion of a range of events/issues/ideas which might enable application
    of memetic ideas, and recently that's actually what's been going on.

    If you're unable to see this, then perhaps you haven't completed your
    required training young padawan...

    Besides, in a virtual community like this one, it would be impossible not to
    come to discuss the events of Sep 11th, and other events in some shape or


    > ----------
    > From: Tom Potocki
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 5:21 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: pls direct me to a memetics list <eom>
    > can anyone direct me to a list where people
    > ***actually*** discuss memetics? (i am starting to
    > suspect this isnt the place).
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    =============================================================== This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing) see:

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