Date: Sun 18 May 2003 - 17:27:34 GMT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> > Deciding to drink one's thousandth beer is very different from a
> > spider following a hard-wired instinctual program to weave its
> > thousandth web; once again, one falls into the trap of implicitly
> > denying conscious self- awareness and choice at the very moment one
> > is exercising them.
> Taking all possibilities in consideration, no, that ain 't that
> different. There is nothing that excludes the possibility that
> drinking one's 1000 beer is just a hard- wired program than the
> weaving of a web. Nothing excludes the possibility that one is hard-
> wired for drinking beer, it could be just yet another construction of
> a meme. Depending upon the cognitive gestalt different people will
> perform differently, (drinking beer, wine, or smoke, drive fast, etc)
> where in the same token, spiders will weave webs and lions will hunt
> wilde- beasts.
> You seem to sweep what is human under a fundamental mistake,
> a rug that provides us being on top of nature, where we are NOT !
> Where addiction and neuroses are concerned will likely dismiss the
> possibility that mandates that those can be essential, encoded hard
> -wired within.
> If we take Wade's scheme, culture needs all of its performances
> to be maintained, therefor drinking beer and making webs are
> part of the same venue_ and in the same token, any meme, any
> performance needs as many relations as it should and can have
> to be memetically useful and continuing.
> It is IMO, not important if beer drinking is hard- wired within
> or making webs is biased on instinct or not, what seems to be
> of importance is the continuance of these performances and
> their related memetic constructs.
> Consciousness, is IMO of no major importance, the decision
> so allegedly made by you, you think, can be just yet another
> tool by which memes propagate and continue.
> The decision addresses the process of procreation of one
> particular cultural effect, drinking beer.
> Within the cultural mix it is an agency and an effect of memes
> and performances at work_ memes and performances use
> our consciousness to do their parasitic dirty- work.
> While we think it was our decision to make, we deny the
> memes their agency of " being selfish "_consciousness is
> just a working model by which memes/ performances evolve,
> ride and grant themselves within the mix.
> Regards,
> Kenneth
Sorry, Kenneth, but ALL spiders of web-weaving species produce silk,
while within the human family there are imbibers and teetotalers.
> ===============================================================
> This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
> Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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