From: Scott Chase (
Date: Mon 09 May 2005 - 16:57:46 GMT
--- Kate Distin <> wrote:
> Derek Gatherer wrote:
> > At 12:24 09/05/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >> Not sure autism is comparable to anorexia.
> >
> >
> >
> > I think one basic difference is that a 'normal'
> person can suddenly
> > become anorexic, whereas I don't know any examples
> of somebody becoming
> > autistic. Generally, people are born autistic or
> escape it. I think
> > the same is true for the milder Asperger's
> syndrome.
> Absolutely. I really wasn't trying to draw any
> parallels between the
> two conditions. Rather, I was speculating about
> whether there might be
> the sort of genetic predisposition that you mention
> below, and possibly
> explained by an "extreme female brain" (biased
> towards empathy, emotion,
> etc. and possibly when turned inwards leading to
> self-harm?) in the way
> that Baron Cohen accounts for autism by an "extreme
> male brain".
> As I said, it was very speculative and only thrown
> out in the hope that
> list members more knowledgeable in this area might
> have ideas (or indeed
> contradictory information) sparked by my thoughts.
I'm not familiar enough at present with autism or
anorexia to know the full range of issues these
coditions entail. I'm about a decade removed from
psych courses in motivation and neuropsychology that
dealt with these and other conditions. I do find the
new focus on a male "reverse anorexia" interesting and
wonder if people will look for genetic predisposing
factors (or markers?) like Derek mentions below for
anorexia. I vaguely recall doing a little research on
ADHD ages ago and looking into the genetics. I was
pondering adaptive versus neutralist positions for
existence of the genetic predisposition, if any. I was
a lot less cautious in my thinking back then. After
looking into Thom Hartmann's speculations about
attention deficit, I'm more skeptical about any old
adaptionist claim for psychiatric disorders.
Steven Rose talks a lot about ADHD in his new book and
has me wondering about not only whether its valid to
trot out genetic factors for these conditions, which
might be labels attached to varied psychological
situations that are then reified into something more
and also the number of prescriptions filled for
psychiatric disorders in general. I've seen a little
on this wrt "bigorexia" for antidepressants, but I
guess if they work they might be better than letting
the kid continue a steroids regime. I'm no foaming at
the mouth anti-pharm type, but I do think its healthy
to take a step back and critically assess psychiatric
designations and pharm marketing. We've come a long
way since the days of ECT and lobotomies, but pharms
have their drawbacks. They are important tool in many
cases and have worked wonders, but after watching the
movie "Awakenings" with Robin Williams and Bobby D, I
realize that they (eg- L-dopa) may not be the magic
bullets they're made out to be.
> Kate
> If I remember
> > rightly, Aaron Lynch used to try to make a case
> that drastic dieting was
> > a 'thought contagion' (not got chapter and verse
> on where that claim is
> > made, but I'll get it if required - it might just
> have been in a list
> > posting). I'm not sure if that also implies that
> anorexia is therefore
> > also posited as being a TC too - it might be
> possible to diet
> > drastically under social pressure without
> suffering the defect in
> > self-perception that is more or less taken to be
> necessary for anorexia.
> >
> > Current genetic studies indicate a weak
> disposition:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > so it might be that the predisposed can tumble
> over into anorexia if the
> > social conditions are correct.
> >
> >
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