Re: animals

Date: Thu 22 May 2003 - 20:12:44 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: transmission"

    > On Thursday, May 22, 2003, at 02:57 PM, Joe wrote:
    > > So, you're claiming that Wade's performance model might be
    > > sufficient to explain instinctual communication by lesser animals,
    > > but not by great apes and humans, due to the problem of multiple
    > > modes of arbitrary- and-by-common-agreement symbolicity?
    > > interesting.
    > That is interesting, although not in the way I suspect you think it
    > is.
    > Of course, the performance model does not _explain_ instinctual
    > communication, it simply accepts it, in the same way it accepts
    > breathing and hunger and pain and memory and social organization and
    > grooming rituals and protective displays- as part of the nature from
    > which we homo sapiens have formed. That animals and humans share this
    > sort of instinctual communicative abilities and that culture is made
    > up of such players, is granted, not explained. There is much to
    > explain about how culture twists and turns that memetics should let
    > behavioral cognitive science take care of itself. The performance
    > model is ready to take whatever comes from such study in stride, as
    > qualities and demands of the performer and the observer, and the ways
    > they both perceive and interact within the venue.
    > That we take all these natural responses and behaviors with us
    > everywhere we go, especially into cultural venues, is simply accepted
    > by the performance model.
    > After all, we do have humans to deal with, not animals, when we go to
    > see Macbeth.
    > - Wade
    But, and I re-repeat, the problem of dealing with multiple differing modes of communicating the selfsame meme-type is insoluble within the preformance paradigm. With instinctual and univocal behaviors, this insoluble problem does not present itself.
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    > see:

    =============================================================== This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing) see:

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