RE: Bush's War on Terrorism, Asian Viewpoint

From: Grant Callaghan (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 01:29:53 BST

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    From: "Grant Callaghan" <>
    Subject: RE: Bush's War on Terrorism, Asian Viewpoint
    Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:29:53 -0700
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    > >
    > > Is it a case of they must be seen to be doing something or do the
    > > (and UK for that matter) authorities really believe they are
    > > fighting a war?
    > >
    > > Regards
    > >
    > > Steve
    > >
    I think they believe whatever they say not long after they say it. What we
    have in the White House now is a bunch of cold war warriors trying to relive
    the days when we "defeated the evil empire" by standing around and watching
    as it collapsed from within through mismanagement.

    Now they are engaged in a battle for they know not what and are calling it a
    war because they think that will rally the nation around them while they try
    and figure out what to do. One faction seems to want to take over the
    policing of the whole world and run it in our image and another wants to
    take the commanding heights of commerce and let the market (which we happen
    to be in nominal control of at this moment in time) sort out the
    relationships between countries. Neither faction seems to be paying much
    attention to what is happening to the world as we play our global games in
    the meantime.

    It may actually turn into a war if they're not careful but it will be
    nothing like we've ever seen before: jet planes against camel jockeys
    charging across the desert waving kalashnikovs and crying "Allah Akbar."
    The muslims have no industry, no armies to speak of, and they are trying to
    destroy what science they once had in the name of some new kind of
    creationism. It won't be a war as much as it will be a high-tech slaughter
    of innocents who think they can stop the world and get off so they can step
    back into a past that never existed.

    Anyway, that's the way things look to me at the moment but who knows what's
    just around the corner waiting for us?



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