RE:Cons and Facades

Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 11:34:31 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: Cons and Facades"

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    Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:34:31 BST
    Subject: RE:Cons and Facades
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    To see the potential scientific harm of proliferating facades and cons,
    let's do a thought experiment. Suppose a bunch of people had shown up with
    various theories called "memetics" at around the same time as Memestein's
    work. Perhaps it was just easier to cook up a con than to do the hard work
    of developing a completely honest theory, so more people took up con
    artistry than real memetics. Perhaps it would be fed by a prevailing
    cultural or sub-cultural notion that an effective con was just as brilliant
    if not more so than the product of hard work. Suppose that the fake
    theories were expressed in very impressive-sounding jargon, but that most
    did little more than paraphrase Newtdawkian memetics--the products of meager
    work slickly promoted. Suppose too that various fantastic and alluring
    claims were included, such as assertions that one could seduce at a billion
    women per second.

    How much attention would Memestein have received if he were outnumbered by
    the charlatans, who were far smoother and more aggressive as
    self-promoters? What if Memestein persisted in working much harder on
    physics than on self-promotion gimmicks? What if the con artists protected
    their interests by deflecting attention from serious theory? How many
    friends would Memestein have made if he dared criticize the con artists?
    Would he then have been seen as an ogre? Would he have been labeled a "con
    artist" himself? How would his theories have fared when the con artists
    went on the offensive and portrayed Memestein's work as silly, preposterous,
    disingenuous babble? How might he have defended his theories from
    assertions that they were "retarding the progress of memetics"?

    These are all meant as rhetorical questions rather than descriptions of the
    state of affairs in any existing discipline (except of course memetics). But the principles involved
    might be worth considering in order to see how much amusement could result
    from such a silly thought contagion (? surely 'experiment' - Ed.).

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