RE: virus: Psychological Profile of Hall, Pt. II

From: Chris Lofting (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 13:27:56 GMT

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: virus: Psychological Profile of Hall"

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    Subject: RE: virus: Psychological Profile of Hall, Pt.  II
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    removal of a hemisphere etc shows the other side adapting -- which is
    emphasised in what I write in that the left/right behavioural
    characteristics are biases and there is scope for change -- especially in
    the young. Remove at a later stage and this plasticity is not so good.

    Current technology allows blind people to see but they often drift back into
    living in the dark .. they cannot see without continuous practice -- they
    have not developed the HABIT of seeing as infants can do.

    Re brain areas, I emphasise MacLean's Triune brain concept that is in
    'threes' but I think if you look carefully at the development process you
    are 'seeing' bifurcations at work. Thus the more anterior you are the more
    bifurcations, the more abstract thinking etc (even MacClean has emphasised
    the Cingulate Cortex as being another area - it is 4 layers 'deep', Limbic
    is 3, R-complex 1 and neocortex 6. Maclean has demonstrated novel behaviours
    associated with the Cingulate cortex and so a 'distinct' area.)

    The R-complex is more of a single context frame of mind, very EITHER/OR.
    There is a mechanical emphasis (if hot -- move, if cold - move). In the
    limbic system you see the first obvious bifurcation, the primitive
    hemispheres here favour general preservation of the self (left bias) vs
    preservation of the species (right bias)

    IOW the 'trunk' has developed branches, the left is 'like' the reptilian, a
    refinement of it and the right introduces FEEDBACK processes that allow for
    LEARNING. This area is more biochemical in operation and that includes more
    subtle responses to environment -- if cold, shiver, if hot, sweat. This
    shows a REFINEMENT in behaviours.

    Carry on the development and the trunk keeps going into the left bias of the
    neomammillian brain and the 'branch' keeps going into the right. But this
    development is bifurcations such that the posterior of the neocortex is more
    concrete in processing when compared to the anterior parts and at the same
    time behavioural characteristics of 'trunk' or 'branch' become even more
    entangled such that you see left/right behaviours reflects in lobes in BOTH

     Furthermore the behavioural characteristics either side of the Sylvan
    Fissure suggest another level of bifurcation, where the posterior side is
    more 'reactive' and the anterior side more 'proactive'. Get down to the
    frontal lobes and there is intense interdigitations (right-left-right-left
    etc see Goldman-Rakic's work on this) and planning etc with strong emphasis
    on dynamic processes based on the underlying oscillations (which you seem to
    have ignored in your comments -- tsk tsk Dees.)

    Overall what comes BEFORE sets the context, the GENERAL characteristics, of
    what comes AFTER but what comes AFTER can also include 'novel' forms.

    Re your book list -- read it long ago, does not change anything re
    left-right oscillations etc and the calculus of indications allows for
    symbolisms of BOTH/AND states, Necker cube oscillations etc in simple

    - Chris.
    Chris Lofting

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