RE: hunt for a lewd email

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 16:29:54 GMT

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: RE: hunt for a lewd email
    Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 16:29:54 -0000 
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    Hi everyone!

    Belated Happy New Year!

    With several of you interested in chain letters and what not, here's
    something a friend sent me. It's an anti-chain letter chain letter, which
    includes the majority of the major elements of many e-mail chain letters.
    It's quite long, so I don't know if the memetics major-domo will let it

    You may have seen it before, but I think it does offer some unwitting
    insight into the meta-structure of the chain letter that makes such a thing


    Here it is, and be warned, it is rather... acerbic:-

    > Hello, my name is Basmati Pilau. I am suffering from rare and deadly
    > diseases, poor scores on final exams, extreme virginity, fear of being
    > kidnapped and executed by anal electrocution, and guilt for not forwarding
    > out 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually
    > believe that if you send them on, then that poor fucking 6 year old girl
    > in
    > Arkansas with a breast on her forehead will be able to raise enough money
    > to
    > have it removed before her redneck parents sell her off to the traveling
    > freak show.
    > Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and everyone
    > you send his email to $1000? How stupid are you? Ooooh, looky here! If I
    > scroll down this page and make a wish, I'll get laid by every Playboy
    > Bunny
    > in the magazine! What a bunch of fucking bullshit.
    > So basically, this message is a big FUCK YOU to all the people out there
    > who
    > have nothing better to do than to send me stupid chain mail forwards.
    > Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my apartment and
    > me in my sleep for not continuing the chain which was started by Ceaser in
    5 A.D. and was brought to > this country by midget pilgrims on the Mayflower
    > and if it makes it to the year 2000, it'll be in the Guinness Book of
    > Records for longest continuous streak of blatant stupidity.
    > Fuck them!
    > If you're going to forward something, at least send me something mildly
    > fucking amusing. I've seen all the 'send this to 50 of your closest
    > friends, and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will somehow
    receive a
    > Nickel from some omniscient being forwards about 90 times. I don't fucking
    > care. Show a little intelligence and think about what you're actually
    > contributing to by sending out forwards. Chances are it's your own
    > unpopularity.
    > Chain Letter Type 1:
    > (scroll down)
    > Make a wish!!!
    > Keep Scrolling
    > No, really, go on and make one!!!
    > Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!!
    > Wish something else!!!
    > Not that, you pervert!!
    > STOP!!!!
    > Wasn't that fun? :)
    > Hope you made a great wish :)
    > Now, to make you feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of all, if you
    > don't send this to 5096 people in the next 5 seconds, you will be raped by
    > mad goat and thrown off a high building into a pile of manure.
    > It's true! Because, THIS letter isn't like those fake ones, THIS one is
    > TRUE!! Really!!! Here's how it goes:
    > *Send this to 1 person: One person will be pissed off at you for sending
    > them a stupid chain letter.
    > *Send this to 2-5 people: 2-5 people will be pissed off at you for sending
    > them a stupid chain letter.
    > *Send this to 5-10 people: 5-10 people will be pissed off at you for
    > sending them a stupid chain letter, and may form a plot on your life.
    > *Send this to 10-20 people: 10-20 people will be pissed off at you for
    > sending them a stupid chain letter and will napalm your house. Thanks!!!!
    > Good Luck!!!
    > Chain Letter Type 2
    > Hello, and thank you for reading this letter. You see, there is a starving
    > little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no arms, no legs, no
    > parents, and no goats. This little boy's life could be saved, because for
    > time you pass this on, a dollar will be donated to the Little Starving
    > Armless Goatless Boy from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund.
    > Oh, and remember, we have absolutely no way of counting the emails sent
    > and this is all a complete load of bullshit. So go on, reach out. Send
    this to
    > 5 people in the next 47 seconds.
    > Oh, and a reminder - if you accidentally send this to 4 or 6 people, you
    > will die instantly.
    > Thanks again!!
    > Chain Letter Type 3
    > Hi there!! This chain letter has been in existence since 1897. This is
    > absolutely incredible because there was no email then and probably not as
    > many sad pricks with nothing better to do.
    > So this is how it works... Pass this on to 15,067 people in the next 7
    > minutes or something horrible will happen to you like:
    > *Bizarre Horror Story #1
    > Miranda Pinsley was walking home from school on Saturday. She had recently
    > received this letter and ignored it. She then tripped in a crack in the
    > sidewalk, fell into the sewer, was gushed down a drainpipe in a flood of
    > poopie, and went flying out over a waterfall. Not only did she smell
    > nasty, she died. This Could Happen To You!!!
    > *Bizarre Horror Story #2
    > Dexter Bip, a 13 year old boy, got a chain letter in his mail and ignored
    > it. Later that day, he was hit by a car and so was his boyfriend (hey,
    > some people swing that way). They both died and went to hell and were
    cursed to
    > eat adorable kittens every day for eternity.
    > This Could Happen To You Too!!! Remember, you could end up just like
    > Pinsley and Bip. Just send this letter to all of your loser friends, and
    > everything will be okay.
    > Chain Letter Type 4
    > As if you care, here is a poem that I wrote.
    > Send it to all your friends.
    > FRIENDS:
    > A friend is someone who is always at your side.
    > A friend is someone who likes you even though you stink of shit, and your
    > breath smells like you've been eating catfood.
    > A friend is someone who likes you even though you're as ugly as a hat full
    > of assholes.
    > A friend is someone who cleans up for you after you've soiled yourself.
    > A friend is someone who stays with you all night while you cry about your
    > sad, sad life.
    > A friend is someone who pretends they like you when they really think you
    > should be raped by mad goats, then thrown to vicious dogs.
    > A friend is someone who scrubs your toilet, vacuums and then gets the
    > check and leaves and doesn't speak much, sorry that's the
    > lady.
    > A friend is NOT someone who sends you chain letters because he wants his
    > wish of being rich to come true.
    > Now pass this on! If you don't, you'll never have sex ever again!
    > The point being? If you get some chain letter that's threatening to leave
    > you shagless or luckless for the rest of your life, delete it. If it's
    > funny, send it on. Don't piss people off by making them feel guilty about
    > a leper in Botswana with no teeth, who's been tied to a dead elephant for
    > years, whose only savior is the 5 cents per letter he'll receive if you
    forward this mail,
    > otherwise you'll end up like Miranda. Right?
    > Now forward this to everyone that you know otherwise you'll find all your
    > pants missing tomorrow morning.

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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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