Re: Hidden women

Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 21:10:57 BST

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    On 17 Apr 2001, at 19:36, Wade T.Smith wrote:

    > Hi daniella -
    > >We happen to have weaker voices, and
    > >therefore in a competition for "self assertion" we are likely to
    > >loose.
    > But, they are shriller voices, you see, so it is very hard indeed to
    > actually _listen_ to them for any protracted spell of time.
    > (Unless they are not, you understand, and it is all we can do to tear
    > ourselves away....)
    > It ain't wise to move the sexes away in societal or cultural ways, the
    > red tent notwithstanding. Beyond biological roles (still not totally
    > grasped, and always, until perhaps recently or perhaps some uncertain
    > tomorrow, societally constrained), aggressive capacities could easily
    > be similar- women prisoners are a high growth segment in US correction
    > facilities- and the pressures of poverty and access are both being
    > equalized across communities and businesses and politics.
    > I once read an interesting monograph about the evolution of human
    > forms, and how, in the female, with her reduction of the suborbital
    > ridge of the skull, appears to be more advanced (for lack of another
    > term) in development. Ever since that time, I've always peered with
    > some alarming intensity upon the brow of a woman at first meeting,
    > with somewhat an equal degree of uneasiness about her apprehension of
    > my own rather lumpy brows....
    I tend to peer intensely about a foot and a quarter lower.
    > - Wade
    > ===============================================================
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    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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