FW: Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.Ba

From: Chris Lofting (ddiamond@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 08:13:31 BST

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "FW: Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.Bb"

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    From: "Chris Lofting" <ddiamond@ozemail.com.au>
    To: "Memetics" <memetics@mmu.ac.uk>
    Subject: FW: Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.Ba
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    Sent on Wed but too big so split into 2.Ba and 2.Bb....

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Chris Lofting [mailto:ddiamond@ozemail.com.au]
    Sent: Wednesday, 5 July 2000 6:48
    To: memetics@mmu.ac.uk
    Subject: RE: Cons and Facades - Welcome to My Nightmare Part 2.B

    hmmm..no questions...okay, to continue:

    Given that the human brain seems to utilise a method of information
    aquisition and information dissemination that favours the use of sets of
    meanings derived from recursive dichotomisation, let us look a little closer
    at this method together with a number of disciplines that, based on what has
    been said so far, should reflect the method in their structure and

    At the fundamental level, with some refinement to enable a suitable degree
    of differentiation, we have eight 'states' that serve as windows onto a
    continuum of 'meaning'. These windows are large enough to enable the 'clear'
    identification of patterns of meaning and small enough such that each
    pattern is qualitatively identical with the other patterns and as such does
    not dominate.

    There is however one bias and that is the bias imposed by the brain's bias
    to 1:many processing (discussed below)

    Thus in the original distinctions we have:

    expansive blend (whole)
    expansive bond (Static relationships)
    expansive bound (parts)
    expansive bind (dynamic relationships)
    contractive bind
    contractive bound
    contractive bond
    contractive blend

    (note I have used the expand/contract dichotomy to capture the dynamics of
    positive/negative elements, this is favoured as the e/c terms have a
    dynamics about them that is not clear when using the more static expression
    'positive/negative' and I wish to emphasise some dynamics in the above list
    later. Also note that the positive/negative emphasis presented is centered,
    text bias, thus the negative 'end' has a positive element but this 'resides'
    in the CONTEXT, not the text which is seen as more 'negative')

    The positive 'end' is the expansive end and that has a bias to the 'one'
    especially in the distinction of expansive blending. The other members of
    the set of expansives are not as positive in that they all require an
    increasing exposure to context in their descriptions. Thus the pure
    expansion of blending, where the 'one' just spreads out, does not require
    the 'one' to be aware of the context, there is present a very strong 'push',
    a drive, that is so singleminded that all else is not even recognised as
    being in any way 'meaningful' or else is seen as secondary, inferior etc the
    drive is to assert a context, or the 'self' and so no real distinction
    between ME and NOT ME but an emphasis on asserting identity.

    The negative sides, in the form of contracting, capture the identification,
    or re-identification, of something by what it IS NOT. This side works with
    harmonics and so context where particulars in the context are used to 'shine
    light' on the text, the context is seen as positive when compared to the
    text that is interpreted as 'in the dark' and so 'faint' at best. This bias
    to harmonics introduces us to the 'many' in that any harmonic (or set of)
    can be used to re-identify or assert some aspect of the fundamental. (When
    refined further this all ties into NOT ME, aka OTHERS).

    Overall there is an imposition of a bias onto the basic eight states of
    meaning where at one 'pole', the positive pole, there is strong intensity,
    an EXPLICIT feeling of 'one', whereas at the other 'pole' there is a diffuse
    feeling of 'many'. However this diffuse feeling has an IMPLICIT sense of
    oneness in that all of the harmonics, when summed, make the 'one'. This
    implicitness ties us to the experience of intuition where the summing of
    harmonics (in the form of particular feelings gained from past experiences
    as well as some hard-wiring) allows us to have intuitions about things that
    we then 'zoom-in' on through particularisations, to come to a 'point', the
    recognition, the *identification* of something/someone.

    IN general, these states (and their more complex forms) form a set of
    meanings that are contained within the method of analysis/synthesis, i.e.
    recursive dichotomisations.

    OF note is that the fundamental state, present in the base dichotomy, is of
    the form 1/Many where 'many' is a variable. Furthermore, due to the
    discovered nature of the brain (to date) so the Many is tied to relational

    With all of what we have covered so far in mind, let us look at one
    particular discipline that is used in our species to map reality and so
    allow for predictions to be made. That discipline is Mathematics.

    I want to particularly focus on (a) the FEELINGS linked to the types of
    numbers we use and (b) the development paths within particular methods, e.g.
    that of Calculus differentiation.

    (a) Taking our four basic 'feelings', blend, bond, bound, bind, some
    interesting associations develop when we reflect on types of numbers. In
    particular the following:

    The distinction of whole numbers is mappable to the feeling of blending, of
    'onenness', of an object, something that is seemingly context-free and so
    ideal. Recall from the emails on the brain that the left hemisphere (in
    most) has a bias to the more archetypal thinking, the identification of
    particular objects and so a bias to precision, the '1', the dot, the point,
    something that is seemingly irreducable.

    When we zoom-in on this association by looking at basic characteristics of
    whole numbers we notice that we can sub-divide the numbers into (1) PRIME
    numbers and (2) COMPOSITE numbers.

    What is noteworthy here is that PRIME numbers have characteristics that
    tie-in to uniqueness, to the identification of an object, a 'one', something
    indivisable, irreducable whereas COMPOSITE numbers, on the other hand, are
    symbolically linked to the expression of a RELATIONSHIP between two or more
    primes, e.g. 2+2=4, such that the product IS divisable.

    Thus within the concept of whole numbers we find the core of the basic
    'feelings' that we are suggesting reside at the unconscious level and aid us
    by giving us a sense of meaning.

    Not only are these patterns WITHIN the types of numbers but also ACROSS the
    types. Thus the basic feelings are mappable to:

    BLEND -- whole numbers

    BOUND -- rational numbers (aka parts, form the harmonic series, the number
    of parts I can cut the whole. The bound emphasis is on a boundary that

    BOND -- irrational numbers (aka static relationships, e.g. PI, e, etc here
    we make-up relational patterns by summing groups out of the harmonic series
    as well as including other irrationals in the sums)

    BIND -- imaginary numbers (aka dynamic relationships. Used to capture such
    concepts as transitions and transformations).

    In the previous email I commented that the basic feelings are combined into
    more complex forms simply by 'mixing' the basics. Applied to these number
    'feelings', I can create a type of number that elicits a feeling of a
    dynamic context within which operates a whole e.g. composite numbers
    (imaginary + integer etc expressed in feeling as bind + blend.)

    These composites are infinite in form but the underlying set of feelings
    allows us to keep layering type on type and still retain some sense of

    What is of further interest is in the development/teaching of mathematics in
    that we always move from teaching whole to statics to parts to dynamics
    (statics in the form of geometry etc. invariant relationships) Furthermore,
    as I noted in the 'direction' of the eight states, one end is very 'one'
    oriented whilst the other is more many with an emphasis on context. In
    describing complex dynamic processes we have created types of numbers that
    have this more context-oriented emphasis, namely the use of Hamiltonians
    where the elements within the context are seen as the guiding influence on
    the text, the 'point'.

    Note that in teaching mathematics we do NOT start with complex numbers,
    there is a definite path of development but in doing so we move more and
    more for ideal, archetypal expressions to the more typal expressions, we
    move from BLEND to BIND where the latter gets into dynamic relational
    processes of object with context (both local and non-local).

    We see this general pattern at the particular, best seen in the Calculus
    where the process of differentiation takes us from the blend (the position)
    to a bind (depending in where you want to go -- velocity to acceleration to
    action); emphasis of going from a static to a dynamic. (to see the reverse
    of this where we go from bind to blend, and to see it in another discipline,
    consider the process of evolution.)

    The point here is that I can describe feelings for numbers etc based on the
    eight states (or for that matter just four) but these feelings are not
    exclusive to mathematics, they are part of our neurological/neurochemical
    functions that I suggest serve as the bedrock for all of our maps.

    Continued in 2.Bb....


    Chris Lofting

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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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