Re: Study shows brain can learn without really trying

Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 15:50:48 GMT

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    > Again, I'm being strict here- artefact only. (That is the
    > confine I've decided to inhabit.)

    Yes, belief is nice and gives confidence.

    > I'm listening to a meme, the radio. I'm using it. The people
    > broadcasting are using it. But, yeah, the sound it's making is
    > not a meme. It ain't an artefact I can use or mutate in any way.

    Yes, but it's still a meme. And when you sing the song back again
    you surely mutate it a bit. You say it's not a meme because it is
    not according to your theory. This shows nothing. You just say that
    you're right because you're right.

    > Cultural passage of tribal traditions, like oral history, aren't
    > memes either. We may be lucky to meme them, though, through
    > films and recordings, and ethnographic journals. But if we
    > aren't, then, when the last storyteller dies, the story is gone.
    > Unusable. Unmemetic.

    The last book with this special story can just become distinct
    as the last storyteller telling the story. And i don't know why
    a storyteller is unusable. People can listen to a storyteller just
    like they can read a book or watch a film.

    > Again, being strict. And again, so far, I can discern no logical
    > argument to sway me.
    > Interesting, as I have only disinterest in
    > this position, and am adopting it as an experiment. So far, it's
    > holding up, while the objections seem bias-ridden and
    > emotionally-tied, if not totally faith assertions or
    > non-evidentially grounded assumptions.

    I just think that to limit memes to artefacts is
    not right. Because cultural transmission also
    happens outside of books and films. And i think you see that
    like this too. IMHO memetics should consider all kinds of cultural
    transmission and limiting it to just artefacts would create problems
    when you go further, when you want to find
    out why certain styles become trends, how people select memes and so on.
    Then you're going to use arguments based on your view and all kind
    of people will disagree and it will come back to this point. So i don't know
    why you actually want to limit it to that? Is it necessary for memetics
    to become usefull? If so, please elaborate on this.

    GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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