Fwd: [book review- Darwin's Ghost]

From: Wade T.Smith (wade_smith@harvard.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 23 2000 - 19:32:27 BST

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    Darwin's machine: dumb but it works

    By John Yemma, Globe Staff, 4/23/2000

    It was both tragedy and triumph that when ''On the Origin of Species''
    was published in 1859, Charles Darwin's name became a synonym for
    evolution. Though Darwin studiously avoided mentioning humans in his
    book, religious leaders immediately saw ''Darwinism'' as a dangerous
    anti-religion, a godless belief system that removed the Creator from
    creation and made his greatest idea, man, the grandchild of mere apes.

    Over time, Darwin's ideas have endured and in most thoughtful circles
    prevailed. The Roman Catholic Church and most other mainstream religions
    have come to an accommodation with them, though a vocal minority still
    rejects evolution and propounds biblically-derived creationist theories.

    The triumph of Darwin was the brilliant way the former ministry student
    distilled and explained the mechanism of life. His thesis of descent with
    modification via natural selection clicked with people who took the time
    to consider it. So obvious was it to zoologist Thomas Henry Huxley that
    he exclaimed, ''How extremely stupid not to have thought of that.''

    But Darwin did not just cause readers to smack their heads and utter
    'duh'. He fundamentally changed the way all of us - including every
    rejectionist, whether he admits it or not - see the world. In ''Darwin's
    Ghost,'' a fascinating and witty book that tours the same intellectual
    territory as Darwin, Steve Jones, a British geneticist, shows how
    extensively Darwin's theory explains the natural world.

    Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, and a host of other scientists have
    worked this theme already. Without meaning to disparage them, Jones is by
    far the superior communicator - humane, approachable, funny. That's
    important because at heart science is still carrying on an argument with
    both the remaining skeptics of evolution as well as with those who
    persist in misapplying Darwin's theory in realms such as sociology.

    Natural selection, Jones neatly observes, is a dumb but relentless
    machine that works with the materials at hand. Most of its products do
    not last. ''Who could ever have designed a tree kangaroo?'' But ''clumsy
    as the animal may seem, it is infinitely better adapted to the most
    complex conditions of life, and plainly bears the stamp of far higher
    workmanship, than anything achieved by man.'' Which is why engineers in
    recent years have been studying natural forms to tease out design ideas.

    The more sophisticated school of creationism, of course, would see in the
    word ''workmanship'' a hint of ''intelligent design'' and thus of a deus
    in machina of natural selection. Empty logic, says Jones. Natural
    selection is the ''plodding accumulation of error.'' Given enough time to
    work through enough mistakes, anything - velociraptor, tree kangaroo,
    homo sapien - will turn up. So why get caught up in a material-world
    argument, asks Jones. ''The birth of Adam, whether real or metaphorical,
    marked the insertion into an animal body of a post-biological soul that
    leaves no fossils and needs no genes.'' The flesh, he wisely notes, is
    not a good place to hunt for the things of spirit.

    A big part of Jones's book is devoted to human, as opposed to natural,
    selection - the breeding programs and hybridization campaigns that humans
    have conducted with cattle, dogs, wheat, and 1,000 thousand more species
    for the past 13,000 years. Domesticated life forms, he says, are ''silent
    witnesses to the malleability of nature.'' That very malleability,
    combined with human technological prowess, is why we have arrived at a
    portentious moment. Though he doesn't spend much time on the subject, it
    is clear that Jones believes human cloning and increasingly bizarre forms
    of hybridization are, if not now underway somewhere, certainly imminent
    and probably dangerous.

    Jones does not wave the chicken-little banner of ''Frankenfood'' in this
    book, but here is a geneticist clearly alarmed at the dangers of genetic
    manipulation. Already, he points out, beneficial genes inserted into
    oilseed rape to promote herbicide resistance have seeped into wild
    mustards and radishes.

    The book is written with great authority and a fluid style, and it is
    refreshing not to have footnotes littering the text. But Jones fails to
    include substantial back-of-the-book chapter notes to anchor disembodied
    quotes and expand upon interesting facts. It is true that light or
    nonexistent footnotes are more the British than the American style, but
    combined with breezy writing the effect on a reader is an unnecessary
    wobbliness about facts.

    Then there's the conceit of this book - the ''Darwin's ghost'' theme. It
    is a little misleading. Happily, Jones does not walk in Darwin's
    footsteps or retrace the voyage of the Beagle. That would get old fast.
    He properly honors Darwin throughout the book, but his republication of
    Darwin's chapter summaries and recapitulation seem contrived. ''Origin''
    is readily available (even on the Net). Unannotated chunks of it do
    little good in this book.

    Where Jones is especially good is in a quick putdown of some of the
    wilder claims of sociobiology. ''Evolution is a political sofa that molds
    itself into the buttocks of the last to sit upon it,'' he notes. Marxists
    and ultra-capitalists have both seized on it at times. So, too, have
    agenda-driven scientists and journalists. In a whack at the
    all-in-our-genes school, he says, ''Sexual fidelity or promiscuity seems,
    according to taste, the natural thing to do; families are often a joy,
    and patriotism arouses some, but we do not need natural selection to tell
    us why.''

    If Darwin had a ghost - a free-floating post-biological soul - it would
    have to applaud that defense of his theory against the latest crop of

    John Yemma is a member of the Globe Staff.

    This story ran on page D3 of the Boston Globe on 4/23/2000. © Copyright
    2000 Globe Newspaper Company.

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