Diffusionism & Memetics

From: Vincent Campbell (v.p.campbell@stir.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 13:35:34 GMT

  • Next message: Gatherer, D. (Derek): "RE: Diffusionism & Memetics"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <v.p.campbell@stir.ac.uk>
    To: "'memetics@mmu.ac.uk'" <memetics@mmu.ac.uk>
    Subject: Diffusionism & Memetics
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    Hi everyone,

    In the course of some non-memetic research I've recently come across the
    once popular anthropological concept of 'diffusion', described by some as
    the spread of a cultural item from its place of origin to other places, or
    as the process by which discrete culture traits are transferred from one
    society to another.

    Sounds remarkably similar to some versions of the memetics idea, to me.

    This may have been discussed before, if so apologies, if not any views?


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