Re: Study shows brain can learn without really trying

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 04:50:13 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Chase: "Re: Study shows brain can learn without really trying"

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: Study shows brain can learn without really trying
    Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 23:50:13 -0500
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    >From: Robin Faichney <>
    >Subject: Re: Study shows brain can learn without really trying
    >Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 18:47:49 +0000
    >On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 04:04:37PM -0000, Vincent Campbell wrote:
    > >
    > > I wouldn't say one's native language is imitated so much as learned.
    >Don't you think imitation plays a large part in such learning?
    I'm not sure about native language, but learning second languages can be a

    One could imitate the sounds of the words one hears when trying to learn
    pronunciation of words as one learns a second language. Rolling r's as in
    Spanish or some of the German word pronunciations might be a little awkward.
    I had trouble rolling r's in an introductory Spanish course. I wound up with
    something which probably sounded very contrived and phony to a native
    Spanish speaker.

    More generally on learning and imitation...

    I'd like to imitate the drumming style of Neil Peart from Rush, but it just
    ain't gonna happen. Maybe with years of learning and practice I might come
    close. I doubt it.

    Back in my junior high and high school days being a surfer was considered
    cool. One could act the part, wearing the right clothes, getting a tan, and
    using easily imitated slang with the proper accent like "bitchin'", "gnarly"
    and "rad". Actually walking the walk, instead of talking the talk would
    involve buying a surfboard and learning to catch a wave and standing up.
    This is a behavioral pattern not easily imitated, especially if a world
    class pro is the model you seek to emulate. Learning and skill development
    through a long process of blood, sweat, tears is required. Besides "Jaws"
    pretty much did me in for being in the ocean for extended periods.

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