RE: More Fun And Games

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 13:54:34 GMT

  • Next message: Steve Drew: "Re: Cultural traits and vulnerability to memes"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: More Fun And Games
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    Cheers for this,

    I saw a report the other day about a British faith school not teaching
    evolution as well. Given the UK government's go-ahead for loads more faith
    schools, I suspect we can expect more of this kind of thing in the UK.


    > ----------
    > From: Steve Drew
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 0:13 AM
    > To: Jom-emit
    > Subject: More Fun And Games
    > You've probably been here before with the Kansas(?) saga, but for those of
    > us not in the USA have a look at this link.
    > ge
    > wanted=print
    > This seems to be a sneaky way to put god back into creation.
    > In the Kansas saga they tried to get evolution describe as a theory that
    > required equal weight be given to the bible. If i am correct, the people
    > who
    > enacted this were thrown out once the parents found that their kids
    > biology,
    > geology etc qualifications would be worthless if this BS continued.
    > This is more subtle and deserve some attention. They do not deny Darwin or
    > geology for now, but have opted for the Intelligence By Design idea. I.E.
    > the universe is too well integrated and complex to have come about,
    > therefore it must have been designed. Though they say it doesn't have to
    > be
    > god as the designer, to my mind that is the eventual aim.
    > Sex has gone on throughout human history, obviously! without knowing it
    > was
    > contributing to human evolution. Similarly, people have released powerful
    > memes without knowing they are doing it.
    > We need to watch out for this one.
    > regards
    > Steve
    > ===============================================================
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    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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