RE: FW: England humour

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 14:35:44 BST

  • Next message: Lawrence DeBivort: "RE: FW: England humour"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: FW: England humour
    Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:35:44 +0100 
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            Hi Philip,

            <There must be some sociological reason for
    > people taking up arms like that since they are prevalent all
    > over the globe. Perhaps it's an expression
    > of our natural lust for (tribal) warfare (survival of the
    > fittest, the `it's either him or me' attitude) when we're
    > lacking it now through modern-day society's inhibiting action
    > (law, ethics, social control, etc.)
    > It's seems to be our biological drive for animosity
    > still calling the cards. Jerks from tucked away,
    > long `forgotten' vestiges of brutal ancestry? >
            I vaguely remember Richard Wright in 'The Moral Animal' talking
    about this kind of thing as one of the big problems for evolutionary
    psychology. Through kin selection it's reasonably straightforward to
    understand aggression towards non-family, and there's always reciprocal
    alturism to explain nice behaviour to non-family, but the capacity of humans
    to unite as units like fans of the same football team, or as part of an
    ideological "nation" ( in other words one that is more a construction than
    being rooted in distinct ethnic/religious/geographical origins, so nations
    like America or Australia I suppose; although all nations are ideological in
    one sense or another- Anderson's Imagined Community), doesn't seem to fit
    into a simple e.p. explanation.

            A gap here for memes to exploit? Genes drive kin selection, Memes
    drive (some aspects/kinds of) nationalism?


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