RE: ply to Grant

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 16:35:10 GMT

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: ply to Grant"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: ply to Grant
    Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:35:10 -0000
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            <Vincent, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the quote in
    line one
    > above is mine. But even if it was, what difference does a single word
    > make
    > in a long conversation? No one here is writing these snippets for
    > publication -- I don't think. A lot of what is written is carelessly
    > tossed around on the spur of the moment. Your objection to the use of
    > "we" that may include you is duely noted and will be avoided by me in the
    > future. Does that solve the problem for you? I can't even remember what
    > we were talking about when the incident occurred and it doesn't seem worth
    > the
    > effort of tracing it back to its beginnings.>
            It wasn't that long ago, and we were talking about the "great"
    innnovators and cultural change, based on your initial claim that those
    innovators determined the cultures that followed in the wake of new
    technologies. When I challenged this assertion you used the phrase 'we see
    if differently' implying the you had the support of others. When I asked
    exactly who you meant by 'we' you said, rather confusingly, you meant you
    and I. Such things are particularly relevant if you're going to offer
    appeals to authority to support your views, even in a discursive, non-peer
    reviewed environment like this list. Still, I don't want to come across as
    a pedant ('too late!' the gallery cries!) so if you don't want your just-so
    stories about the wonders of global capitalism to be challenged, then we can
    agree to drop the subject.


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