RE: memetic engineering in the park

From: Bruce Jones (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 18:47:38 BST

  • Next message: Bruce Jones: "RE: Cons and Facades"

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    From: Bruce  Jones <>
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    Subject: RE: memetic engineering in the park
    Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 12:47:38 -0500
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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Wade T.Smith []
    > Subject: RE: memetic engineering in the park
    > On 06/13/00 12:03, Bruce Jones said this-
    > >Some combination of factors and a
    > >disruption of normal behavior patterns (memes) more than likely caused
    > this
    > >failure.
    > Ah, but it would seem to me that in the diagnosis of a failure, the meme,
    > were one intent on looking, could be found, in the isolation of the fault.
    > Analysis of failure is an often lucrative litmus.
            [BJ] OK!!

            Lets look at this as a structural failure analysis!

            1. Big party! Party atmosphere with a loss of inhibitions due to
    excess drink and a group support mentality.
            2. Inexperience or youthful exuberance! It appears that none of
    the participants were much older than 25...(assumption since those were the
    only ages mentioned)
            3. Cultural variants! This was a gathering of persons from a like
    cultural background as I understand it based on an incomplete reporting of
    the news. So the possibility of mutual support based on that culture was a
    very strong incentive.
            4. The persons attacked were NOT of the culture of the participants
    ..... again an assumption based on the sparcity of the reporting.
            5. The attacks appeared to get more violent each time. A cultural
    "harmonic" effect which usually results in self destructive behavior. Not
    "damped" by normal adjusted behavior patterns and controls.

            All-in-all, circumstantial evidence ..... not enough to base any
    form of conclusive assumption on. In otherwords..... Sometimes things
            Bruce Jones

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