Re: USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal culture

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 16:02:52 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal cul ture"

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal culture
    Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:02:52 -0400
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    >From: "Scott Chase" <>
    >Subject: Re: USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal
    >Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 10:23:21 -0400
    >>From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    >>To: "memetics list" <>
    >>Subject: Re: USA Today - interview with Gugatkin and de Waal on animal
    >>Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 09:37:05 -0400
    >>On 06/08/01 09:12, Scott Chase said this-
    >> >The big problem would not be
    >> >in using the word "culture", but employing this term in a way that
    >> >anthropocentrically places humans within a charmed circle, removed from
    >> >"lowly" animals.
    >>Granted, but, that anthropocentricity is where the meaning of 'culture'
    >>_came_ from, not the realms of behaviorism or biology. (Well, 'culture'
    >>in biology means something quite different, although, yeah, the
    >>Backstreet Boys and MTV are sorts of germs, in their own way....)
    >Well, I'm grappling with this word "culture" and trying to see it in
    >different lights, thinking WAY outside the box and trying to clip the
    >pro-human biased roots. I could forgive you for mentioning behaviorism,
    >I could have done without another exposure to the "Backstreet Boys" virus
    >this early in the morning.
    >>Culture can easily become 'artistic behavior', 'social behavior', 'tribal
    >>behavior', etc, with no harm to its roots, its expression, or its
    >Maybe sticking with the baseline of "non-genetic behavioral transmission"
    >would be the better option and then working from there one might consider
    >all the possible variations on this theme, "memes" included.
    >Culture does have some deep seated human connotations when applied to
    >I dunno. I'll see what develops on this thread and go from there.
    >>Shouldn't we leave culture in its petri dish?
    >Well there's a difference between microbial populations living in cultural
    >media (maybe we should leave media to the microbiologists too?...sorry
    >Vincent) and the phenomenon of "non-genetic behavioral transmission" or the
    >more typical charmed circle of "accumulated knowledge, customs, beliefs,
    >arts, and other human products that are socially transmitted over the
    >generations" (from page 756 of the Campbell, Mitchell, and Reece's
    >Concepts & Connections_. 1997. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. New York). This
    >comes from an introductory biology text.
    My microbiology text (Brock, Madigan, Martinko, and Parker's _Biology of
    Microorganisms_. 1994. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NJ) defines culture
    in terms of a strain in a medium where the microbial population in a medium
    definition I used above comes from Tammy S Race Mc Cormick's _The Essentials
    of Microbiology_ (1995. Research and Education Association. Piscataway, NJ).
    Both books cast media in terms of nutrient solution or broth.

    I wonder how media studies defines "media".

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