Re: Ever Since Jeremy Bradley

Date: Sat 03 May 2003 - 03:40:24 GMT

  • Next message: "The Human Dialectic of Absolute Premises: Christianity and Marxism (Part I)"

    > > From: Keith Henson <>
    > >
    > > Joe Dees wrote
    > >
    > > >Hokay. I would just like to point out that the US had to play
    > > >dirty pool with friendly dictators in order to effectively contend
    > > >with the Soviet
    > bloc
    > > >in the world arena, where they were doing the same thing in spades.
    > >
    > > To point this discussion back to memes, particularly *religious
    > > memes*
    > what
    > > went on between the Soviet bloc and the rest of the world was really
    > > a religious war--against communism. I think it will eventually be
    > recognized
    > > that communism was in competition for the religious meme receptor
    > > site in human mental "space" and that the wars were a continuation
    > > of a very long series of religious wars.
    > Dug up this quote from Toynbee, *A Study of History* (abridged, 1947)
    > Part V, pp 399-400:
    > If Karl Marx had been challenged by some Victorian censor morum to
    > give his spiritual name and address, he would have described himself
    > as a disciple of the philosopher Hegel, applying the Hegelian
    > dialectic to the economic and political phenomena of his day. But the
    > elements that have made Communism an explosive force are not of
    > Hegel's creation; they bear on their face their certificate of origin
    > from the ancestral religious faith of the West-- a Christianity which,
    > three hundred years after the philosophic challenge from Descartes,
    > was still being drunk in by every Western child with its mother's milk
    > and inhaled by every Western man and woman with the air they breathed.
    > And such elements as cannot be traced to Christianity can be traced
    > to Judaism, the "fossilized" parent of Christianity which had been
    > preserved by a Jewish Diaspora and volatilized through the opening of
    > the ghettos and the emancipation of Western Jewry in the generation of
    > Marx's grandparents. Marx has taken the goddess "Historical
    > Necessity" in place of Yahweh for his deity, and the internal
    > proletariat of the Western World in place of Jewry for his chosen
    > people, and his Messianic Kingdom is conceived of as a Dictatorship of
    > the Proletariat; but the salient features of the Jewish Apocalypse
    > protrude through this threadbare disguise.
    > However, it looks as if the religious phase in the evolution of
    > Communism may prove ephemeral. The conservative national Communism of
    > Stalin seems to have decisively defeated the revolutionary oecumenical
    > Communism of Trotsky in the Russian field.
    > [endquote]
    > Without the meme, communism ran out of steam.
    > Ted
    This reminds me of a paper I posted here some time ago. I will repost it
    (in two parts).
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    > see:

    =============================================================== This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing) see:

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