Fwd: Doubters Fault Theory Finding Earlier Puberty

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Date: Wed Feb 21 2001 - 04:33:58 GMT

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    Back to genes....

    - Wade


    Doubters Fault Theory Finding Earlier Puberty


    A widespread belief about the onset of puberty in girls is coming under
    vigorous attack, led by a group of medical specialists who say that it is
    based on flawed science and that it can have dire medical consequences.

    The belief ‹ that girls are now starting puberty as early as age 6 or 7 ‹
    began with a single study that critics say has serious problems. The
    study led some experts to suggest changes in the guidelines used by
    pediatricians in deciding whether girls whose puberty starts early need
    to be evaluated by specialists to look for medical problems that might be
    the cause.

    And it has led parents and social scientists to cast about for
    explanations. They have attributed the change to such things as plastics
    in the environment or hormones in food or the influence of explicitly
    sexual television shows on the development of girls' brains.

    But some pediatric endocrinologists are now trying to stop the bandwagon.

    "Many of us in the field of pediatric endocrinology believe that it is
    premature to conclude that the normal age of puberty is occurring
    earlier," eight of them recently wrote in the journal Pediatrics.

    The danger, they said, is that if doctors assume that girls who start
    developing at 6 or 7 are normal, they might miss serious medical problems
    like tumors or genetic disorders that can cause early puberty. Early
    puberty can also decrease a girl's ultimate height. And some young girls
    have serious psychological and social difficulties when they start
    puberty at age 6 or 7.

    In addition, some pediatric endocrinologists also worry that doctors who
    dismiss such early development as normal might not tell the girls'
    parents that there is a safe, though expensive, drug that can temporarily
    halt their daughters' sexual development.

    Already, these critics say, some parents with legitimate concerns about
    their daughters' early development are being brushed off by pediatricians
    who believe puberty in the first or second grade is normal.

    "You don't just dismiss a child in that age range," said Dr. Laura K.
    Bachrach, a pediatrics professor at the Stanford University School of
    Medicine. "I think it is potentially medically dangerous."

    Dr. Bachrach recalled a 6-year-old who had came to her clinic with pubic
    hair and severe acne. The girl, she said, "turned out to have a very
    large malignant adrenal tumor."

    The problem with the embrace of the early puberty hypothesis, skeptics
    like Dr. Bachrach say, is that the science underlying it is questionable.
    The single study, they say, does not demonstrate that puberty is starting
    earlier than in the past.

    In fact, they note, it is well documented that the age of onset of
    menstruation, the only date in the continuum of sexual development for
    which good data exist, has remained constant for half a century,
    occurring at about 12 years and 8 months in white girls and a few months
    earlier in black girls.

    Some pediatricians, however, still say that the hypothesis of early
    puberty rings true to them and that doctors who cling to old notions of
    when it should begin are harming girls who are normal, but developing at
    today's early age.

    "What's worse?" asked Dr. Paul B. Kaplowitz, a pediatric endocrinologist
    at the Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University.
    Puberty starting at age 6 or 7 and perhaps resulting in a menstrual
    period at age 10? "Or," Dr. Kaplowitz added, "going through an exhaustive
    endocrinological work-up and monthly injections at $6,000 to $10,000 a

    The issue has now reached the point of an acrid dispute among pediatric
    endocrinologists, with the experts on each side barely able to speak
    civilly about their opponents.

    "A certain amount of dissent can be refreshing," Dr. Kaplowitz said. "But
    this is not refreshing."

    The early puberty hypothesis emerged when Dr. Marcia E. Herman-Giddens,
    working as a physician's assistant in North Carolina, noticed that girls
    as young as 7 or 8 were coming in with breasts or pubic hair. Dr.
    Herman-Giddens had a hunch that puberty was starting much earlier than
    the textbooks said, and proposed a study to investigate.

    From July 1992 until September 1993, 225 pediatricians, nurses and
    physicians' assistants in 65 private practices in the United States
    assessed 17,077 girls aged 3 to 12 who came into their offices. The
    girls, they reported, were entering puberty about a year before textbooks
    said was normal. Black girls began developing breasts at an average age
    of 8.87 and pubic hair at an average age of 8.78. For white girls, the
    average ages were 9.96 years for breasts and 10.51 years for pubic hair.

    With lower average ages for the onset of puberty, the lower end of the
    normal age range was also pushed back, to age 6 for black girls and age 7
    for white girls. Many textbooks said the criteria for premature puberty,
    based on past experiences in finding girls with medical problems, were
    signs of sexual development before age 8 in blacks or whites.

    But the average age at menstruation in Dr. Herman-Giddens's study was
    about the same as the textbooks said. Dr. Herman-Giddens, an adjunct
    professor at the University of North Carolina whose degree is in public
    health, was not surprised by the results.

    "Everywhere I go," she said, "teachers, parents, everybody, says girls
    are starting to go through puberty earlier."

    In 1997, her study was published in the journal Pediatrics. And the furor

    Some pediatrics professors, like Dr. Melvin M. Grumbach of the University
    of California at San Francisco, praised the study, saying in an
    interview, "This is an incredible piece of work."

    Dr. Grumbach immediately incorporated it into a chapter he wrote on
    puberty for the 1998 edition of a major textbook, "Williams Textbook of

    Others responded with disbelief.

    "I thought the study was scientifically flawed," said Dr. Robert L.
    Rosenfield, a pediatrics professor at the University of Chicago and the
    author of a chapter on female puberty in a leading textbook, "Pediatric

    For example, Dr. Rosenfield said, the girls were not randomly selected
    but had happened to go to their pediatricians ‹ some, perhaps, because
    "their parents were a little bit worried about pubic hair or breast

    If that happened, he said, the study would have an over-representation of
    girls starting puberty early. And no matter how big the study, he added,
    once there is a skewed collection of patients the results will be

    A second problem was that the health professionals were told to look at,
    but not touch, the girls' breasts, making it hard to distinguish breast
    development from obesity, critics said. "I can tell you that I see many
    chubby girls and I can tell you that it can look like they have breast
    tissue," said Dr. Paul Saenger, a pediatric endocrinologist at Albert
    Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx.

    Finally, critics said, with no reliable studies from previous years, how
    can it be said that girls today are starting puberty earlier?

    Dr. Herman-Giddens discounted the possibility that there was an
    over-representation of girls whose parents worried about early puberty.
    And, she said, the health professionals were taught to distinguish excess
    fat from breast tissue.

    For Dr. Herman-Giddens, and many others who share her concerns, the
    findings pointed to a terrible problem.

    "There's something in our lifestyle, our environment," she said. "It's a
    serious public health issue, and I think it should be addressed."

    It did not take long, some pediatric endocrinologists said, before they
    were seeing distraught parents whose doctors had reassured them that it
    was normal for their 6-year- olds to start sexual development.

    "A patient I saw shortly after the paper had been seen by a family
    practitioner," said Dr. Ora H. Pescovitz, a pediatrics professor at the
    Indiana University School of Medicine. "She was 7 years old."

    The child's doctor had read the paper by Dr. Herman-Giddens and thought
    it was "normal for a child that age to have puberty and he did not refer
    her," Dr. Pescovitz said.

    The girl had a type of brain tumor that caused her early puberty.

    One mother in Short Hills, N.J., questioned her pediatrician when her
    5-year-old daughter developed oily hair and body odor. But the mother
    said that the doctor kept saying there was nothing to worry about.

    Two years later, Dr. Maria I. New, chairman of the pediatrics department
    at Cornell University's Weill Medical College, found that the child had a
    genetic disorder, nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which,
    left untreated, stops bone growth and can cause acne, baldness and

    "She lost approximately four inches of adult height," the mother said.

    In 1999, the debate was inflamed by an article in Pediatrics, by Dr.
    Kaplowitz and Dr. Sharon E. Oberfield, a pediatric endocrinologist at the
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and approved by a
    committee of the pediatric endocrine society. Based on Dr.
    Herman-Giddens's data, they said, the guidelines for assessing puberty
    should be changed. Now, they said, with few exceptions, the only girls
    who need to be evaluated for early puberty are black girls under age 6
    and white girls under age 7 who are developing breasts or pubic hair.

    Dr. Kaplowitz said the old guidelines encouraged an over-medicalization
    of normal development. Parents of healthy girls are being told to give
    their child extensive medical tests and drugs to temporarily halt
    puberty, he said.

    He said he worried that the old guidelines labeled too many girls as

    "If we were to use the previous guidelines, about 8 percent of white
    girls and 26 percent of blacks would be considered to have precocious
    puberty," Dr. Kaplowitz said.

    Others pointed out that those estimates assumed that Dr. Herman-
    Giddens's figures were correct ‹ and they question her data. Medical
    abnormalities are not the only issue, they emphasize, saying that girls
    may be unprepared for puberty at such early ages.

    "Put yourself in the position of a first grader who is developing breasts
    or pubic hair," Dr. Saenger said. "It's not normal."

    Increasingly distressed, a group of eight experts, including Dr. Saenger,
    Dr. Bachrach, Dr. Pescovitz and Dr. Rosenfield, wrote a letter, published
    in Pediatrics last September, saying that girls should be evaluated "when
    breast or pubic hair appear before 8 or 9 years of age respectively,
    regardless of race."

    "If you have a 6-year-old girl, which I have in my practice, and she's
    got breast development and she's growing pubic and axillary hair, she
    will menstruate," Dr. Bachrach said. "She will have a shortened growing
    time. And the other implication is psychosocial distress. These girls
    look older but psychologically they are still 6 years old or 7 years old
    and they are not ready for it."

    Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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