Re: Gene-Meme Co-evolution in Reverse?

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 13:00:31 BST

  • Next message: Philip Jonkers: "Re: Gene-Meme Co-evolution in Reverse?"

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    PJ (liberally snipped):
    > Based on the previous conjectures it follows that cultural people
    > will decrease in numbers while biological people increase in numbers.
    > As this hypothesis rests on Blackmore's, confirmation
    > of the former serves as supporting evidence for the latter too.
    > ps. Let the record show that I have no interest in supporting malevolent
    > ideologies which disrespect human life. Therefore, do not dare to suspect
    > any eugenic motives or sentiments behind me posting this,
    > I'm on an inspirational high that's all...

    Well, three generations back from me, one of my ancestors shovelled shit
    for a living; basically 90% of my family are working class as hell
    (whatever that means these days), but I'm now Dr Taylor. There's hope
    for the life of the mind yet I think. What cracks me up is reading about
    the screaming abdabs the british (inter alia) fin de siecle 'liberals'
    had about universal (for men) suffrage (let *them* vote?!). We're always
    alright in the end.

     Chris Taylor ( »people»chris

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