apologies from the mouthy englishman

From: Vincent Campbell (v.p.campbell@stir.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 15:47:29 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re: Mirror neurons"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <v.p.campbell@stir.ac.uk>
    To: "'memetics@mmu.ac.uk'" <memetics@mmu.ac.uk>
    Subject:  apologies from the mouthy englishman
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    A preliminary analysis of all posts since I joined the list reveals some
    personally embarrassing facts.

    I joined on 28/04/00, and have counted all posts up to about 1pm UK time
    today (all those I still have, as I don't recall deliberately deleting any,
    but I may have deleted some by accident):

    In that time, 82 people contributed 2706 posts (mean of 33 per person) BUT
    the top 8 most prolific posters accounted for 67% of those posts!

    The culprits, in reverse order, are:-

    Derek Gatherer with 102 posts
    Kenneth van Oost with 159 posts
    Chris Lofting with 165 posts
    Joe Dees with 188 posts
    Robin Faichney with 235 posts
    Chuck Palson with 242 posts (good going since he hasn't posted since June of
    last year!)
    Wade Smith with 286 posts, and.....

    I'm deeply ashamed and embarassed to say that topping the tree by far is....

    Me with 438 posts (some 16% of all the posts in the last, what, 10 months or

    I humbly and deeply apologise, and promise not to speak again until spoken
    to (apart from this post obviously), and then only when I've got something
    useful to contribute (that should cut the posts down a bit).

    As more displacement activity away from the work I should be doing, I may
    undertake a date and path analysis, to see the dynamics of the list.

    Vincent "promising to be quiet in future" Campbell

    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    see: http://www.cpm.mmu.ac.uk/jom-emit

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