'Science' review of 'The Meme Machine'

From: Raymond Recchia (rrecchia@mail.clarityconnect.com)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 12:35:29 GMT

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    Subject: 'Science' review of 'The Meme Machine'
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    The 'Science' review of 'The Meme Machine'

    Reposted with permission of the author

    Flying Over Uncharted Territory

    A review by David Sloan Wilson*

    The Meme Machine
    Susan Blackmore
    Oxford University Press, New York, 1999. 286 pp. $25, £18.99. ISBN

    Human culture is still a blank spot on the map of scientific
    understanding. Cultural change is often likened to an evolutionary
    process, but cultural anthropologists tend to be anti-biological, even
    anti-scientific. Theories of cultural evolution, developed primarily by
    biologists, present culture as everything from a servant of the genes to
    its own master, liberated from the laws of both biology and psychology.

    Among this varied crowd is the concept of memes, a term coined by
    Richard Dawkins in his famous book The Selfish Gene (1976). Memes are
    units of cultural transmission (or imitation). They share with genes the
    status of replicator, because both are copied across generations with
    high fidelity. Like genes, memes that evolve are "selfish," existing
    only to replicate themselves. In this view, not only are we lumbering
    robots controlled by our genes, but we are also controlled by our memes,
    which do not always agree with our genes. For example, memes might
    compel us to produce symphonies instead of babies.

    Dawkins' main point was to show that genes are not the only replicators.
    In The Meme Machine, psychologist Susan Blackmore attempts to develop
    the meme concept into a full-fledged theory of cultural evolution. Her
    book belongs to a genre that strives for both scientific importance and
    mass-audience appeal. It is published by a distinguished university
    press but has the splashy cover of a trade book, with memes that look
    like children's breakfast cereal floating between two human heads and
    lightning bolts in the background for dramatic effect. Ideally, it
    should be as revolutionary as Darwin's Origin and so readable that you
    want to take it to the beach. This genre works best when important
    scientific developments are reported to a wider audience by a gifted
    writer, who need not be involved in the actual research. Unfortunately,
    there have been no recent breakthroughs in meme research, which places
    Blackmore in an impossible position. She must achieve the breakthrough
    herself and describe it for nonspecialists--all in one book. Not
    surprisingly, she fails.

    Part of the problem stems from the replicator concept, which has led to
    some interesting insights but often merely redescribes the familiar.
    Although those selfish genes care only about replicating themselves,
    that action usually requires coordination with other genes, suggesting
    the conventional view of well-adapted organisms. Genes have "extended
    phenotypes" that reach beyond the individual organism, but how does this
    change our understanding of familiar examples such as termite mounds and
    beaver dams? In much the same way, selfish memes often turn out to be a
    convoluted way to describe the obvious. What do we gain by thinking of
    the first four notes of Beethoven's fifth symphony as a powerful meme?
    Or by saying that "Religious memes are stored, and thus given improved
    longevity, in the great religious texts"?

    More problems arise when we try to think of culture as broken into
    replicating units like genes. Unlike genes, memes do not exist in a
    physical form. It is hard to identify a unit (a problem also existing
    for genes). And memes may not even replicate with high fidelity, as the
    children's game of telephone attests. Blackmore and Dawkins (in his
    introduction) confront some of these problems, sometimes quite
    successfully, but one of the largest problems is not addressed. The
    oft-repeated accusation that natural selection is a tautology fails
    because fitness is not defined in terms of whatever evolves but in terms
    of the properties that enable organisms to survive and reproduce in
    their environments. Moths that are colored to match their background
    have a high fitness with respect to bird predation, but cryptic
    coloration may not evolve if the appropriate mutations either do not
    arise or are lost by genetic drift. The ability to define fitness
    independently of what evolves saves the concept of natural selection
    from being a tautology. For the meme concept to escape the same problem,
    we must define cultural fitness independently of what evolves. If the
    first four notes of Beethoven's fifth is a powerful meme only because it
    is common, we have achieved no insight.

    Another problem is that Blackmore addresses such large issues--our big
    brains, language, sex, altruism, religion, the concept of self--that her
    analysis becomes hopelessly superficial. In each case, huge literatures
    and complex issues are skimmed and found wanting in a few pages, paving
    the way for the new memetic approach, which is itself presented in only
    a few more pages. The effect on the reader is ultimately boring, like a
    person at a cocktail party who approaches you with a new theory for the
    fall of the Roman Empire.

    Understanding the terra incognita of culture will require hard empirical
    research informed by solid theory. It will be more like trudging through
    a rain forest than cruising overhead at 30,000 feet. Blackmore's
    enthusiasm for the meme concept is genuine and may even be justified,
    but to make progress she will need to exchange her pilot's cap for a
    pith helmet.

    *The author is in the Department of Biological Sciences, Binghamton
    University, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York
    13902-6000, USA. E-mail: dwilson@binghamton.edu

    Volume 285, Number 5425 Issue of 9 Jul 1999, p 206
    ©1999 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
    Raymond O. Recchia

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