Re: Darwinian Processes and Memes in Architecture

Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 21:19:08 GMT

  • Next message: Julio Varela: "Selection pressures"

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    > You think that with their article the writers will get some genetic
    > advantage !?

    Hm maybe, maybe not.

    I actually don't think that they would get any genetic advantage but
    certain genes/alleles they carry... are shared by lots of others.

    Let's see it like that. Darwian theory says that lifeforms have to
    survive in the existing environment. For us humans this
    environment is already largely human-shaped. We don't only
    survive in the environment but try to shape it in a way to make it
    easier to survive in, make others with similar genes more able to
    survive in it. This can cause conflicts when different people want
    different environments. That's what cultural evolution is based on in
    my eyes.

    > Like I said, they made some mistakes, some points do need clarification,
    > some issues raised can be applied as points of discussion upon this list,
    > but I don 't think that this was all intentional.
    > On the other hand, keeping in mind that their memes are dna- slaves, they
    > have no other way to write or even think about these things.
    > The opposite would be more surprising.....

    Sure, they were not aware of it and i'm not blaiming them for that,
    according to my view i do just the same! What i was annoyed of is
    that they make general claims. They don't say "we don't like this
    and that" but make general claims that "nobody likes this and
    that". I just think that memetics should observe tastes from an
    outside perspective without letting own tastes take over.

    It's like a biologist would claim "men don't like red haired women"
    because he doesn't like them (actually some make these kind of
    statements, maybe not based on hair color but other aspects).

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