From: Kenneth Van Oost (
Date: Sun 09 Oct 2005 - 18:03:55 GMT
----- Original Message -----
From: Dace <>
<With its dependence on accident
> in place of adaptation, neo-Darwinism is inherently implausible, and this
> why a majority of Americans think creationism ought to be taught alongside
> evolution. It's not that creationism is so great but simply that
> "evolution" is being conflated with neo-Darwinism, a theory so absurd that
> anything seems preferable.
<< No Ted, it is NOT that Darwinism is implausible that Americans think
must be a devine beginning for man! Oh! come on !
The history of the US provides the evidence for the shifting towards
religious thought, in any absolute sense ! And creatonism preferable !?
Darwinism has nothing to do with it, only America regards God as a fact,
just as
only the stupid can fail to recognize the importance of the theory_ no
matter which
side you are on ! ( Even Bush proclaims God himself told him to start the
against terrorism ! In 2005 !!!!!)
There is here a paradox. Men desires the opportunities to develop, to be
free, to be
economical independable, but they are also gregarious and require to be
The orginal American ( religious) idealism which seeked to compensate an
dissociation ( remerber why the first ' Americans' crossed the great channel
[ they
were even more progressive than the dominant form of those days] by clinging
an absolute idea, whether it was to regard the development of man or the
of other species, both were part of a devine intervention.
The issue, once again, is one of individualism, moreover, of how this
tendency works
towards further differentiation of the society. Individualism is part for
what the US stands
for, but it achieved a particular effect_ namely, American individuals stand
before their GOD, there is no insitute like priests or church to give the
all boils down to oneself !
Catholicism in Europe still brings out the collective mentality which
influences the
ways of our social intercourses. I think you lack a great deal of social
back there in the States, and frankly I don 't think the population is
strong enough to make it as pure individuals. That is why GOd is allround
has to be ! Without it, American individualism ' collapses!
The more then extented individualistic differentiation within the social
system of
the US neglects a fundamental aspect of our own nature, namely we are social
beings, we need one other to go about !
The consequence damage of lacking a kind of social cohesion went far beyond
society itself and the individuals concerned. All thought and action
suffered_ where
was no help to overcome poverty and frustration, no ways for integration or
human relations; where there were no concepts seen to explain one's wealth,
paths set alight for the continuing development of their state and of
American individuals turned upwards, asked for a devine intervention and
GOD_ furthering the tradition of their ancestors !
<< Darwin didn 't made a mistake, the misconception of how society must be;
lack of understanding what being an individual is all about and founding
cohesion within the same breath perverted American thought and action.
Nothing is easier than to undergo obsession by an idea and to use it as a
for anything else !
It is, I find, possible to talk about Darwinian inherently, although the
outlines are
open for interpretation.
People do share mutal interests, genetic driven and organisms adapt and pass
on the
adaptations to their kids. What do we inherent from our parents besides
their furniture
and the colour of your eyes !? It is not that your parents liked reggae and
Bob Marley
and you Deathmetal that there ain 't some inherently linkage. The fact we
must retain
is that both are ' alternative ' styles. Where I like Brel and my kids
Coldplay, different
you say !? No, both can seen as cultural correct for the times we were
living in and
thus representative as a plausible inherently principle.
It is a wonder that my mother liked Tiroler music and my sister finds
satisfaction in
watching Star Academy and listening to Britney Spears ! Ain 't that the same
' amu-
sant- intertainment ' tendency !? Has this been understood as a transmission
of a
trait to the offspring !? Is there a gene/ meme implicated !? Who knowns !
My dad liked James Bond, his grandson is fond of the Playstationgame Doom,
the transmission of acquired characteristics be recognized as the mechanism
My own love for the Stones isn 't something I can give to my kids. But I can
sure that they choose the music of the Stones of their own proper area.
Where I
stand for Jagger and Co, my kids appear to be open for U2 and Bono.
And with this I transmit cultural tendencies/ representatives.
Is there then no room for the elements of nurture and friends !? Yes, there
is, but
I think I do choose indirect the friends where my kids hang out with, just
I have chosen the school and the kind of education programs they will
But that only counts for just 1/4 of the resemblances between parents and
kids. The rest is all up to cultural socialisation. Parents and kids talk
about music,
TV- programs or movies while they eat together or share the same car.
The direct influence of the parents remains. Thus although individual forms
taste differ, parents and kids do fit the same cultural pattern.
Exceptions do exist, the transmission of cultural correctness is the
strongest in
households where both parents hang on the same tendencies.
And such matters can be well applied for music or for believing in a theory
about natural selection or creatonism. But the latter IS implausible, where
Darwinism, when the theory might be wrong or parts of, we can adjust.
Creatonism is radical, always Gods ways is right. A path that leads to the
Truth, up to a point where men isn 't alienated from its own being.
Where he/ she could live happy together. This story isn 't pragmatic, but
absolute. And of those stories we have enough.
And that knew Nietzsche.....way back..... allready !
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