The barren Desolate Wasteland Of Superdeterminism

From: Steve Drew (
Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 23:29:05 GMT

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    From: "Steve Drew" <>
    Subject: The barren Desolate Wasteland Of Superdeterminism
    Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 23:29:05 +0000
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    Philp wrote
    (in resoect of of QM versus God not playing dice)
    A few people are willing to accept the former alternative though and the
    few I know are all physicists including myself. Perhaps there are a few
    people on the list without proper schooling in physics but `brave'
    to share the QM-blues too. The ramifications of
    determinism runs deep, really deep in human perception and worldviews.
    The world as we perceive it seems to obey deterministic classical causal
    laws everywhere we look. This is the rightful basis of our intuition.
    But it doesn't apply to the non-visible QM world where things are a
    different. In the microcosmos observables like position and momentum
    lose their sharp edges and literally become blurry, indeterminate,
    and causality breaks down.

    I did Degree level physics, and agree with you on the QM front, though maybe
    i don't count due to training. I would rather have QM than god - iv'e read
    the bible. On another note, an earlier posting of mine i mentioned thta i
    could not see the connection between QM and a non deterministic universe
    that is sometime used to prove non determinism. Unless i'm very much
    mistaken, if any part of the universe is probabalistic, then the universe
    must be probablistic (or am i just rehashing the many worlds theory?).


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