RE: Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 13:45:26 BST

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging
    Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 13:45:26 +0100 
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    IIRC wasn't the scientific answer something to do with the porous nature of
    marble. I believe in the UK, one scientist demonstrated this on a statue of
    Queen Victoria, showing it too would absorb milk, appearing to magically
    'drink' it.

    I just wondered if it hit the US, coz there's quite a big ex-pat Hindu
    community in the UK.


    > ----------
    > From: Wade T.Smith
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Monday, May 7, 2001 5:45 pm
    > To: memetics list
    > Subject: RE: Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging
    > On 05/07/01 11:14, Vincent Campbell said this-
    > >(one of interest to me
    > >is the Hindu, Ganesh milk-drinking statues, "miracle" that went round the
    > >world about 5or 6 years ago- did that hit the US?).
    > It was discussed at some length on the skeptic list I am on, mostly
    > because we wanted to get a debunker into one of these sites.
    > There was a hindu skeptic who did get in, as I recall, only to find
    > nothing out of the prosaic, which was of course expected. But don't quote
    > me on this....
    > - Wade
    > ===============================================================
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    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
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