Re: Fw: future language

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 04:48:33 BST

  • Next message: Grant Callaghan: "Re: Scientology cult pays $8,674,643 to ex-member to end 22-year legal battle."

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: Fw: future language
    Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 23:48:33 -0400
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    >From: <>
    >Subject: Re: Fw: future language
    >Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 22:40:11 EDT
    >In a message dated 5/10/2002 7:02:24 PM Central Daylight Time,
    >Scott Chase <> writes:
    > > When I think of what "white power" groups stand for "racism" probably
    > > the bill, though bigotry or prejudice could be better words if one
    > > terms of racial lines being blurry and artificial. Nonetheless the hate
    > > groups stand for "white supremacy" which is based on the mythos of a
    > > race" and as far as that goes they are indeed racist groups.
    > >
    > > If one were to review the history of civil rights in the "deep south"
    > > United States they would probably think that, at least in this case,
    > > "racism" applies however artificial racial constructs are. The racists
    > > setting the defining lines, so they are racist, whether "race" *per se*
    > > actually exists.
    >Good point, Scott.
    >Similarly, people can be considered as Satanists regardless whether
    >or not a Satan really exists.
    >The book chapter "Evolutionary Contagion in Mental Software"
    >that I announced previously has some material on the
    >evolutionary contagion of racist ideologies, including "white
    >supremacy," "Aryan supremacy," and anti-Semitism. Shortly
    >after I announced the chapter to the memetics list, my
    >computer receiving blank emails every minute for several
    >hours (an email bomb.)
    If the file sizes were large (like around 150-200K) it may have been that
    nasty and extremely annoying worm that starts with a "kl" and ends with a
    "z" that's been making its rounds.
    >I don't know if it was from the Aryan
    >Supremacist, the Enraged Academic, or just a computer
    >executing a self-replicating mistake. Luckily, email bombs
    >are not as dangerous as snail mail bombs!
    Just extremely annoying.

    I suppose the recent lull in traffic on this list over the past week (for
    whatever odd reason) has kept discussion of the "smiley face" mail bomb guy
    from getting into full swing. That stuff is really scary. E-mail problems
    are just a mere nuisance by comparison. E-mail worms and viruses aren't as
    deadly as snail mail anthrax spores and pipe bombs.

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