RE: Books please...

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 15:39:35 BST

  • Next message: Philip Jonkers: "RE: FW: England humour"

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    Subject: RE: Books please...
    Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:39:35 +0100 
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            Hi TJ,

            <These are all in the science fiction category,
    > because that has kept my interest, other genres have their great
    > communicators as well. The point is that a good work of fiction by a
    > smart
    > author can have a profound effect on the way one thinks about a field.>
            I'd agree here. How about Philp K Dick? Pretty insightful sci-fi
    author for my money.

            I've just been checking Amazon for books, after Scott's suggestion
    (a used copy's on its way to me), and I came across a book, a bit too costly
    for me to get at this moment in time, but I thought I'd mention it to the
    group as it's title sounds provocative, and subject matter leads us more
    explicitly into an area that we have debated before to varying degrees.

            The book is 'Contagious Ideas: On Evolution, Culture, Archaeology,
    and Cultural Virus Theory', by Ben Sandford Cullen (2000; ISBN 1842170147).
    Anyone got it?

            Apparently the author's actually dead, and this is a collection of
    his work edited together by colleagues. It sounds like he hadn't come
    across memes, but was working on his own CVT. Whether it's like Lynch or
    Brodie, or something entirely different I don't know. The explicit link to
    archaeology- the author's field- seems very interesting.

            Vincent (wish I could come up with a nice tagline, but can't...)

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