From: Scott Chase (
Date: Mon 09 May 2005 - 11:24:50 GMT
--- Kate Distin <> wrote:
> Scott - your comments about mental disorders that
> focus on body-image
> kicked off some trains of thought for me.
> First, some second-hand experience of anorexia: at
> my girls' boarding
> school in the 1980s there was for a couple of years
> a *hugely*
> disproportionate number of girls who developed the
> condition. It was a
> real problem in my year group in particular: of 38
> girls at least 5
> became anorexic, two to the extent of being
> hospitalised. I know for a
> fact that one of these girls became anorexic within
> weeks of it being
> obvious that her best friend had gone down that
> path. It really felt
> like an epidemic - we had psychiatric nurses in to
> talk to us, lots of
> focus on it, and still they kept dropping like
> flies, and not just in
> our year group. Utterly bizarre, in retrospect,
> though at the time we
> just accepted it as part of life (some people get
> glandular fever,
> others become anorexic . . .).
> Now it is well-known that anorexia and related
> disorders
> disproportionately affect girls - about 10:1
> compared with boys. What
> has become interesting to me lately is a parallel
> statistic about a
> disorder that affects more boys than girls, at that
> same 10:1 ratio -
> and that's autism. The work that makes me think
> this may not be just a
> coincidence has been done by Simon Baron-Cohen, of
> Cambridge
> University's Autism Research Centre. He's suggested
> an "extreme male
> brain" theory of autism: that there's a male type of
> brain and a female
> type (he emphasises that not all men have the
> typically male brain and
> not all women the typically female one), and that
> autism is a sort of
> extreme version of that male-type brain. What I've
> wondered is whether
> anorexia and similar self-harming disorders could
> have their basis in an
> extreme version of the female-type brain.
> Obviously this is just speculative but it would
> suggest a biological
> basis to the disorder: perhaps one that could be
> triggered by the right
> cultural input, but would provide a reason why some
> girls succumbed to
> it and others didn't, even given the same cultural
> input. The
> biological basis to the human brain is after all a
> crucial part of the
> memetic environment.
Not sure autism is comparable to anorexia. It seems
from preliminary reading that when comparing boys and
girls it would be best to look at the body image
disorders of anorexia versus "bigorexia". Both could
be based in part on preoccupation with the way we
look. I've skimmed some studies that look at stuff
like how different factors impact perception of body
image and body change strategies. Parents (vertical
transmission), peers (horizontal transmission), and
media (horizontal or oblique? transmission) have been
explored. The studies I've briefly skimmed use survey
methods that seem questionable to me, in that I'm not
sure if the researchers are measuring what they think
or are able to get rid of enough self-reporting bias
to actually make their results valid. Research
participants might answer the way they think they
should given what their perceptions of research
parameters are. How can this be accounted for in a
survey method. Some survey methods might be better
than others. Still though, given limiting factors, the
research is interesting and it's amazing that such
effort has been made to counteract what has been said
to be a neglect of body image issue in males (versus)
females. It's becoming a cottage industry perhaps.
In a strange synchronicity, there was a 1994 movie on
HBO (kinda like an afterschool special type thing)
starring Ben Affleck about a football player concerned
with his size and performance who gets involved with
some heavy steroid usage and starts getting violent
and has side effects besides "roid rage" like losing
hair, a shoulder injury and bloody noses. I've read in
the news about problems of steroid use in boys and how
school districts might randomly test athletes. With
athletes, it might not be just "body image" per se,
but also peerformance issues that are driving the
steroid use.
At least with some of the survey methods I've read
about, it looks like the bread and butter of memetics
(horizontal versus vertical transmission) is being
addressed. Can't say I've read enough to evaluate the
differences between parents, peers and media in
imparting body image ideals or ways of changing one's
features to match the image, but it's interesting to
say the least. I'll be reading the _Adonis Complex_
book pretty soon. I'm really interested in reading
first hand what the authors have to say about GI Joe.
I'm *a priori* a little skeptical about focusing on an
action figure, but hey maybe there's a point to be
made. Did Barbie affect girls that much over the
years? If not a cause of body image skewing, GI Joe
could be taken as an index of change in societal body
image ideals, given GI Joe has significantly changed
his physique over the years. The take home message
might be that males are just as susceptible to body
image skewing as females, but towards a different
ideal and with different strategies to achieve this
But body image is a visual thing, which for memetics
would take us away from the recent list focus on
linguistics. Yes words and their relation to concepts
about body image might play a role, but looking at
images of fit and trim females or buff males is kinda
non-linguistic. We could look at the changes in body
image word usage or we could look at the changes in
image ideals over time. One measure would be
linguistic and the other visual. These respective
shifts over time might be processed differently by the
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