Re: this list & gene/meme

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 16:43:02 GMT

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    I would rephrase the sentiments about the eureka (or whatever) moment where bits of
    an idea coalesce as similar to the (hypothesised) import of an ecosystem (I'm a
    biologist so give me a bit of licence to go for the oldest cliches) bit by bit. There
    comes a critical point where it could be said to be a connected component, and
    functional in its own right. This would be true of the parts of a metabolism - there
    comes a point here the metabolism could be said to be competent, and further
    additions serve only to shore up the functional skeleton. c.f. Kauffman's coadapted
    complexes, or Maynard Smith and Szathmary's hypercycles.

    There's another sort of eureka too, where you finally boil out what is generic to a
    class of objects by comparison - a sort of averaging, like what you get if you
    overload a neural net.

    All in all though, this stuff about meaning and reality leads to the 'how do I know
    there is anything' dead end. Logical deduction doesn't always work too well. I do
    love that feeling though, when an infinite regress flashes through your mind (from
    foolish thoughts like "what is 'outside' the universe?" or "why the hell is there
    anything at all?").


     Chris Taylor ( »people»chris

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