Date: Fri 22 Nov 2002 - 05:52:34 GMT
Islamic Terrorism on Trial
Certain Western intellectuals, academics, liberals and journalists
have become witttingly and unwittingly apologists of Islam. This
is never more apparent than when they try to interpret the violent
phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, especially since the
1980s and 1990s, and a phenomenon still active and thriving in
the 21st century despite several premature announcements of its
demise. We are told that all the violence of Islamic
fundamentalism is nothing to do with religion as such, but more to
do with economic hardships, a form of protest at the existing
dictatorial regimes, a venting of justified hatred of the West, Neo-
colonialism and Imperialism, and now, Globalisation. "Islamic
ideals do not 'determine' politics in any fundamental way. Instead
religious ideals are cleverly appropriated by leaders whose
overriding goal is power."
But as Brumberg said, "This reduction of Islamic leaders to crafty
politicians or demagogues misses a key point: a leader succeeds
by inspiring the imaginations of his followers. This cannot be
done by crassly manipulating Islamic symbols, as if they were
objects with little connection to the soul of religion itself,
commodities that can be sold to gullible consumers."
Islamic fundamentalism divides the world into realms of absolute
good and absolute evil, and claims exclusive possession of divine
truth. It is the religious obligation of all Muslims to wage war,
literally, until the whole world has been brought under Islamic
rule. They oppose any kind of secularism, which, for the
fundamentalists, is responsible for the totally unacceptable ideas
of pluralism (the acceptance of the existence of many different
types of belief and practice, religious as well as nonreligious), and
radical individualism (the idea that the individual must not be
sacrificed for the sake of the community).
Tuesday, May 29, 2001. New York.
On May 29, a jury in New York found four men accused of
plotting the terrorist bombing, three years ago, of the U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, guilty. The men belonged to
the Qaeda group, which is headed by the notorious Osama bin
Laden. Al-Qaeda sees the West in general, and the U.S. in
particular, as the ultimate enemy of Islam. Influenced and inspired
by their victory over Russia in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the
leaders of Al-Qaeda aspire to a similar victory over the United
States, hoping to eventually introduce Islamic rule there.
Al-Qaeda is an umbrella organisation that shelters a wide range of
Islamist groups, including Hezbollah (Lebanon), Islamic Jihad
(Egypt), the Armed Islamic Group (Algeria), as well a whole host
of smaller units in Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, and Jordan. The groups
co-ordinate their activities through Al-Qaeda's 'Shura Council,', a
kind of board of directors that includes representatives from many
groups. These groups meet on a regular basis in Afghanistan to
review and approve proposed operations.
The trial revealed that when operations in one place are shut
down, the rest of the network continues, virtually unaffected.
Getting rid of Osama bin Laden would not accomplish much,
since the Islamist network would survive, and even expand,
"sustained by its idealogical adhesion. Islamism is the glue that
keeps these groups together, and fired up."
The court documents gave fascinating details of the groups' mode
of operations. Al-Qaeda was to a large extent financed by bin
Laden, who was also responsible for formulating its plans, goals,
and strategies. But the group also received help and
encouragement from certain states. For instance, the Sudanese
President Omar Bashir himself authorized Al-Qaeda activities in
his country and exempting it from taxes and import duties.
Moreover, the group was not brought under local law enforcement
jurisdiction. Similarly, Iran helped arrange advanced weapons and
explosives training in Lebanon.
The most worrying revelations from the trial concern the ease
with which Al-Qaeda was able to purchase materials in the West,
especially in the USA, Britain, France, Germany, Denmark,
Bosnia and Croatia. The chemicals used in the manufacture of
chemical weapons came from the Czech Republic.
Al-Qaeda has a well-oraganized network of cells in the West,
operating under cover of front-company businesses and nonprofit,
tax-deductible religious charities. It recruits among the new
Muslim immigrants in the West.
The verdict in New York may have been a victory for the rule of
law, but unfortunately it will only be a temporary respite in the
on-going war against Islamic terrorism.
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