FW: Oppose War on Iraq -- Send letter-to-the-editor

From: Aaron Agassi (agassi@erols.com)
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 15:05:13 GMT

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: Selection pressures"

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    From: "Aaron Agassi" <agassi@erols.com>
    To: <Critical-Cafe@mjmail.eeng.dcu.ie>, <memetics@mmu.ac.uk>, <crit@imaginaries.org>
    Subject: FW: Oppose War on Iraq -- Send letter-to-the-editor
    Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:05:13 -0500
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    [Note to COOP only: Take this as a story challenge...]

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aaron Agassi [mailto:agassi@erols.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:00 AM
    To: cppax@cppax.org
    Subject: RE: Oppose War on Iraq -- Send letter-to-the-editor

    What is more helpful to the war mongers than a bad argument for peace?

    If you want me to endorse any particular international political and legal
    means as a better alternative to renewed war with Iraq, then specify and
    make your case.

    But your demands for unspecified cart blanch will only help to validate the
    impression that war is the only card left to play, and that there is nothing
    left to stall for.

    I put it to you, then. Has the administration already successfully
    maneuvered the world into that position, yet again? Or have you a realistic

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: cppax@cppax.org [mailto:cppax@cppax.org]
    > Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:20 AM
    > To: cyberlobby A-D
    > Subject: Oppose War on Iraq -- Send letter-to-the-editor
    > To: CPPAX Cyberlobbyists
    > From: Eric Weltman, Organizing Director
    > The Bush administration is strongly hinting that they intend to
    > expand military action beyond Afghanistan, with Iraq being the
    > likely target.
    > Please submit a letter-to-the-editor ("LTE") to your local daily or
    > weekly newspaper. LTEs are a powerful way to influence elected
    > officials and educate the public. The LTE page is the most widely
    > read section of the newspaper!
    > The email addresses of some local newspapers are below. A
    > sample LTE is also included. Please send copies of any published
    > LTEs to CPPAX, 43 Winter Street, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02108. If
    > you have any questions, please email CPPAX, cppax@cppax.org.
    > Boston Globe: letter@globe.com
    > Boston Herald: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com
    > Boston Metro: dcaccavaro@metro-boston.com
    > Brockton Enterprise: newsroom@enterprisenews.com
    > Cape Cod Times: letters@capecodonline.com
    > Daily Hampshire Gazette: letters@gazettenet.com
    > Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: www.eagletribune.com
    > Lowell Sun: letters@lowellsun.com
    > Lynn Daily Item: lynnitem@shore.net
    > MetroWest Daily News: rholmes@cnc.com
    > Patriot-Ledger: editpage@ledger.com
    > Salem Evening News: dmarcus@ecnnews.com
    > Telegram & Gazette: letters@telegram.com
    > Bay State Banner: editorial@b-banner.com
    > Many Greater Boston weekly newspapers are owned by the
    > Community Newspaper Company, including the Cambridge
    > Chronicle, Somerville Journal, Arlington Advocate, and the Tabs.
    > These papers can be contacted by visiting the web site,
    > www.townonline.com/terms/contact.html
    > Dear Editor:
    > I urge Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry, and Representative X to
    > strongly oppose expanding military action to countries beyond
    > Afghanistan.
    > The Bush administration is strongly hinting that Iraq will be our next
    > target in the "war against terrorism." However, Iraq's economy and
    > military are already in tatters, according to former United Nations
    > weapons inspectors. Bombing Iraq will result in more innocent
    > deaths, more hostility towards the United States, and more
    > instability in the region. International political and legal means, not
    > more bombs and bullets, should be used to reduce the threat of
    > terrorism.
    > Sincerely,

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