Re: Species concepts

From: Kate Distin (
Date: Thu 12 May 2005 - 07:14:06 GMT

  • Next message: Dace: "Re: memetics-digest V1 #1552"

    Many thanks for this - and to John and Kevin for your suggestions too.

    I can see that this may take a while!


    > Kate,
    > You are treading where at least some fear to go. In many cases your
    > preferred definition will depend very much on the circumstances where
    > you need to apply it. It has been a while since I was a practising
    > evolutionary biologist studying speciation, so I haven't yet seen the
    > Wheeler & Meier book. However a Google search on it did pull in the
    > following free-to-the-web paper that discusses many of the issues:
    > Lee, M.S.Y. 2003. Species concepts and species reality: salvaging a
    > Linnaean rank. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16(2):179 -
    > 9101.2003.00520.x/full/
    > I would also certainly recommend Ernst Mayr's books on evolution and
    > systematics as a good place to start.
    > David Hull's works look at species from a philosophical point of view.
    > 1976, Are Species Really Individuals? Systematic Zoology 25:174-191
    > 1977, The Ontological Status of Species as Evolutionary Units, in
    > Foundational Problems in the Special Sciences, R. Butts and J.
    > Hintikka (eds.), Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, pp.
    > 91-102; reprinted in Philosophy and Biology, M. Ruse (ed.), New
    > York: Macmillan, 1989; and Hull (1989
    > 1987, Genealogical Actors in Ecological Plays, Biology & Philosophy
    > 2:168-203; reprinted in Hull (1989).
    > 1988, Interactors versus Vehicles, in The Role of Behavior in
    > Evolution, H. Plotkin (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 19-50;
    > reprinted in Hull (2001).
    > 1992, Biological Species: An Inductivist’s Nightmare, in How
    > Classification Works, Mary Douglas and David Hull (eds.), Edinburgh:
    > University of Edinburgh Press, pp. 42-68.
    > 1997, The Ideal Species Definition and Why We Can’t Get It, in
    > Species: The Units of Biodiversity, M.F. Claridge, H.A. Dawah, and
    > M.R. Wilson (eds.), London: Chapman Hall, pp. 357-380.
    > 1999, On the Plurality of Species: Questioning the Party Line, In
    > Species New Interdisciplinary Essays, Rob Wilson (ed.), Cambridge,
    > MA: MIT Press pp. 23-48.
    > Finally, I would recommend M.J.D. White's 1978 Modes of Speciation
    > for a different point of view from Mayr's.
    > Regards,
    > Bill Hall
    > Evolutionary Biology of Species and Organizations
    > Quoting Kate Distin <>:
    >>An appeal for advice, please: I'm wanting to learn more about
    >>concepts and don't know where to start. I've found reference to a
    >>called "species concepts and phylogenetic theory: a debate" edited
    >>Wheeler & Meier. Would that be a good place to start or could
    >>suggest something better, either online or in a book?
    >>Thank you!
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