RE: Study shows brain can learn without really trying

From: salice (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 14:27:20 GMT

  • Next message: Ryan, Angela: "RE: Study shows brain can learn without really trying"

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    Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 14:27:20 +0000
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    Subject: RE: Study shows brain can learn without really trying
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    > I think their line was more like that weird sensation you get (this may be a
    > delusion I don't know) of being able to play a computer game better whilst
    > having a conversation with someone else, and concentrating more on the
    > conversation. I have found, on occasion, that I"ve managed to get high
    > scores whilst talking to someone about something entirely unrelated to the
    > game I'm playing (you can tell I work hard at my job can't you!).

    Just the same for me!

    > It's probably just a self delusion though, as most pro sports people talk
    > about getting into the zone, where they get a kind of tunnel vision, not
    > hearing the crowd etc. etc.

    I think it depends on priority. Winning at a computer game is not
    really that important, so (that's my stupid little theory) when you
    talk with someone while playing the playing task (like multitasking
    with advanced OS's) get's the right priority. While when you're a
    sport pro, it's really important to give your best and use all your
    training knowledge and so on.

    I guess this is quite an idiotic theory, but it often shows true.
    When you try to concentrate hard on something useless you'll just
    perform badly IMHO.

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