Re: objections to "memes"

From: Robert Logan (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 22:17:30 GMT

  • Next message: Joe E. Dees: "Re: objections to "memes""

    Received: by id WAA03664 (8.6.9/5.3[ref] for from; Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:19:02 GMT
    Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 17:17:30 -0500
    From: Robert Logan <>
    Subject: Re: objections to "memes"
    In-Reply-To: <00032117001101.00976@faichney>
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    On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Robin Faichney wrote:

    > On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Robert Logan wrote:
    > <snip>
    > >For me quarks might or
    > >might not exist but using them in a model helped to explain many of the
    > >regularities of high energy scattering. All we know for sure is that SU(3)
    > >symmetry holds and that one can explain that in terms of quarks.
    > I guess we can say we know for sure that patterns of human behaviour replicate
    > or are replicated via imitation. Can we say that one can explain that in terms
    > of memes? Or can we only restate it using memetic terminology? (Exactly which
    > memetic terminology would depend on whether you think memes are in brains or
    > behaviour or both, but the explanation/restatement dichotomy remains in any
    > case. Doesn't it?)

    Memes are not in the brain or in the behaviour - they re a theoretical
    construct to describe how human behaviour is replicated. Science is not
    about finding absolute truth but about creating models that describe the
    things we observe, making predictions and testing them. PLease see my
    paper Science as a Language, the Non-Probativity Theorem and the Complementarity
    of Complexity and Predictability which can be found at

    I have excerpted a small part of it for you as it best presents my
    thinking on this subject. The full paper is available at the Web address
    above. I invite interested memebers of this list to read my paper and
    comment. Thank you - Bob Logan

    Science as a Language, the Non-Probativity Theorem and the Complementarity
    of Complexity and Predictability

    by Robert K. Logan, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto

    Abstract: A linguistic analysis and a formal mathematical proof is
    presented to show that science can not prove the truth of a proposition
    but can only formulate hypotheses that continually require empirical
    verification for every new domain of observation. A number of historical
    examples of how science has had to modify theories and/or approaches that
    were thought to be absolutely unshakable are presented including the shift
    in which linear dynamics is now the anomaly and non-linear dynamics the
    norm. Complexity and predictability (as in the opposite of chaos) are
    shown to have a complementarity like that of position and momentum in the
    Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The relationship of complexity and
    predictability is also similar to that of completeness and logical
    consistency within the context of Goedel's Theorem.


    The purpose of this paper is to make use of mathematical reasoning to show
    and actually prove that science can never prove the truth of any of its
    propositions or hypotheses. To establish our theorem, the Science
    Non-Probativity Theorem, we will make use of a basic axiom of the
    scientific method, namely, that for a statement or an assertion to be
    considered as a scientific statement it must be tested and testable and,
    hence, it must be falsifiable. If a proposition must be falsifiable or
    refutable to be considered by science then one can never prove it is true
    for if one did then the proposition would no longer be falsifiable, having
    been proven true, and, hence, could no longer be considered within the
    domain of science. We have therefore proven that science can not prove the
    truth of anything. Let us repeat this argument using as a formal theorem
    making use of two axioms.

    The Science Non-Probativity Theorem

    Axiom: A proposition must be falsifiable to be a scientific proposition or
    part of a scientific theory.

    Axiom: A proposition can not be proven true and be falsifiable at the same
    time. [Once proven true, a proposition can not be falsified and, hence, is
    not falsifiable.]

    Theorem: A proposition can not be proven to be true by use of science or
    the scientific method.

    Proof: If a proposition were to be proven to be true by the methods of
    science it would no longer be falsifiable. If it is no longer falsifiable
    because it has been proven true it can not be considered as a scientific
    proposition and hence could not have been proven true by science. Q.E.D.

    In the spirit of the Science Non-Probativity Theorem, we can not be
    certain that this line of reasoning is absolutely valid or true. After all
    we have just used the theorem, a syntactical element of the language of
    mathematics to establish a proposition about the language of science. Our
    theorem is not scientifically valid but as a result of mathematical
    reasoning we have created a useful probe; one that can lead to some
    interesting reflections and insights into the nature and limitation of
    science. If it helps scientists and the public, who tend to accept the
    authority of science more or less uncritically, to adopt a more humble and
    modest understanding of science, it will have served its purpose.

    All that science can do is to follow its tried and true method of
    observing, experimenting, generalizing, hypothesizing and then testing its
    hypotheses. The most that a scientist can do is to claim that for every
    experiment or test performed so far, the hypothesis that has been
    formulated explains all the observations made to date. Scientific truth is
    always equivocal and dependent on the outcome of future observations,
    discoveries and experiments. It is never absolute.

    A scientist who claims to have proven anything is being dogmatic. Every
    human being, even a scientist, has a right to their beliefs and dogmas.
    But it does not behoove a person who claims to be a rational scientist and
    who claims that science is objective and universal to be so absolute in
    their beliefs and in the value of their belief system, science. Scientists
    are not immune to dogmatic and intolerant views as Dr. George Coyne (00)
    has pointed out in his recent talk at the Humanity and the Cosmos
    Symposium at Brock University, "When the Sacred Cows of Science and
    Religion Meet".


    In this paper we have attempted to show the strengths and limitations of
    science when regarded as a language with its dual role of communication
    (description) and information processing (predictability). The
    Non-Probativity Theorem underscores a long held belief that scientific
    truth is not absolute but always subject to further testing. We have tried
    to link the limitations on predictability within the framework of the new
    physics of non-linear dynamics with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
    and Goedel's Theorem. We have suggested that the chaos and
    non-predictability of complexity theory allows a more complete and fuller
    description of nature.

    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing)

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