RE: Logic

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:08:46 BST

  • Next message: Scott Chase: "Re: Memes and Archetypes"

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    Subject: RE: Logic
    Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 09:08:46 -0400
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    From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    To: "memetics list" <>
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    Hi Vincent -

    >Another basic error is to see evolution as a kind of a ladder, with
    >species fighting each other to get to the top of it, and with us on top.

    Although it is like a big pile of, uh, stuff, continually being built up,
    like a huge trash pit, upon the surface of which we all (each and all
    species of each and all things) sit.

    Or crawl. Or hunch. Or jump. Or fly....

    There's lots of stuff down under there we left behind, but it all still
    supports the mound. Like that pyramid of grains, this mound too has
    emergent functions that can be altered catastrophically.

    The only logic I've ever heard about life is that line from Jurassic Park
    - 'Life finds a way.'

    But there ain't no logic in trying to find out what that way is. (Or what
    form of life will do it.) The problem with discerning non-randomness is,
    even a definite repeating pattern _could_ be a statistically rare set of
    events. (Although, yeah, Robin, I did mean just what you figured I

    - Wade

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