RE: Why Europe is so Contrary

Date: Sun 24 Nov 2002 - 05:38:10 GMT

  • Next message: "RE: Islam and Europe"

    > Hi, Grant,
    > Sorry I missed your initial posting on this. Too busy keeping the
    > jibes flowing, I guess <smile>.
    > I think you've described the play accurately. Our own memetic case
    > study.
    > Oddly, though, there is an undertone of seriousness about it, too.
    > Joe is worried that people don't see the threat that he believes
    > surrounds him/us. I, and others, are worried that those who see the
    > world as Joe does will lead the US to doing dangerous things in the
    > world. In the same way that Indian princes (I am told) were
    > instructed in chess as a way to learn war strategy, so we practice our
    > memes here, knowing that there is a world out there in which they may
    > come to operate.
    Therer are ALREADY people doing dangerous things in the world; they're called Radical Islamic terrorists, and you seem to be pissed that the US, after having lost thousands to them in NYC and elsewhere, has committed itself to stopping them before they can do even worse, as they have made it abundantly clear they plan to do. And the threat is quite real, and does not require my belief for it to be so, as there is voluminous evidence of same; if you don't believe me or the non-Muslim news media, just ask a relative of one of those who died in the Twin Towers, or the Pentagon, or the Bali nightclub, or the Tunisian synagogue, or the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, or aboard the USS Cole, or in more than 80 Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel over the past two years, or in the Kurdish villages that were gassed.
    > Cheers,
    > Lawry
    > > > >When Joe and Lawry were trading jibes, each chose particular
    > > > >words and
    > > >ideas
    > > > >to achieve a specific set of goals. Some goals included attempts
    > > > >at dominance, the change of mind set in lurkers, attempts to
    > > > >humiliate the other party (part of dominance), attack and defense
    > > > >with word
    > > play, and a
    > > > >good time was had by all. It was the verbal equivalent of a game
    > > > >of
    > > >chess.
    > > > >It was also a good example of how we use memes, transfer memes,
    > > > >and contribute to the meme pool in general.
    > >
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    =============================================================== This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing) see:

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