Re: Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger

From: Francesca S. Alcorn (
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 01:20:15 GMT

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    Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 20:20:15 -0500
    From: "Francesca S. Alcorn" <>
    Subject: Re: Rogue Males by Lionel Tiger
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    Stephen said:

    > The following website clarifies some of the myths, and touches on
    >the ways in which Taliban women also have their important part to
    >play in the oppression of Afghani men and women:

    I couldn't disagree with the general conclusions reached in this
    paper. We have our own women who participate in "oppressing" women
    here in the US; look at Phyllis Schlaffly. I thought the point about
    women compromising themselves in order to be "cared for" was
    particularly valuable too. But I disagreed with some of his other

    First of all the distinctions which he assigned to the gender roles
    didn't quite work for me. My own impression is that *conservatives*
    tend to be the ones who sustain the known and police behavior, while
    liberals are more involved with new ideas. If one looks here in the
    US at least, conservative thought is more often associated with older
    white males (at least that seems to be the conventional stereotype -
    in spite Bush's attempts to portray a kinder gentler conservative

    Second of all, as I understand it, women in most Muslim and Hindu
    countries have *little to no* choice in whom they marry. Once they
    are married the best they can hope for is a decent husband, barring
    that, to make the best of a bad situation. And in many cultures
    there is no alternative to being cared for, since women are not
    allowed to operate house holds by themselves, run businesses etc.
    There is still a great power disparity there.

    Also as a mother, my responsibility towards my children has a *huge*
    impact on my behavior. I don't take the chances I used to - for my
    children - not for myself. Research has shown over and over again
    that losing your mother before the age of five is probably the most
    traumatic and crippling blow that can befall anyone. In protecting
    their women - and thus their children - a culture is only ensuring
    their own propagation. As men become more and more involved in
    childcare this distinction becomes less clear though.

    I liked his point however that our prejudice against the burka is
    nothing but feminist cultural imperialism. What if an African
    country where women ran around bare-breasted gained world hegemony
    and accused Western countries of oppressing women because they are
    required to wear shirts. How many American women would doff their
    duds in the name of freedom? It is silly to equate civil rights with
    a piece of cloth.

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